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5 Pakistani Soldiers Martyred in Attack by Terrorists from Afghanistan in Kurram District

IEA claim that their territory won‘t be used is just a bluff.
Now these are not TTP but actually Talibans who are attacking on our soldiers
How many more men needed to die before the top brass decides to use drones in real instead of exhibiting them
Let the Indian proxies hit you from the west now. Meanwhile keep harping about the peace on the LOC.. What was that news again then ?
Keep trying to blow on the fading embers of your crippling economy while giving time to your nme to strengthen.

""Pakistan is a big sore looser in terms of PR management. Both internally and externally. We have no control over any narrative. We have no international channel. We have no English news channels with overseas viewership. Result is extreme weakness. ISI could arrange similar attacks inside India as well. But ISI is absolutely incapable of media management. When their 200 channels start barking against Pakistan at full speed, ISI and the state of Pakistan would run with its tail tucked in the hind legs! We are just too incapable of counter insurgency inside India because of Indian media strength. If ISI was to kill their 10 people in 1 attack, Indian RAW would publish news and blame it for 10 attacks with 100 kills. They will take this up to all the countries on the globe and will keep the topic alive for years not months. Here in Pakistan however, even APS attack coverage wouldn't have lasted more than a few weeks. Pakistan has severe fault lines in its defence strategy. It seems that the generals think we will always be taking "some" beating. They are ready for a somewhat red bum. As long as their bum is intact. It maybe red and sore. No problem. They perhaps think its the cost we have to pay for having a larger enemy. As I have said before. aim low, achieve even lower... this sums up Pakistan's defence policy."" <--- THIS.THIS THIS as posted by @ Big_bud. PERIOD !
Once US intelligence analyst mentioned in his report. “Pakistan is at rest”. Qom so Rahi hy.

Sony do in ko.
We are surrounded by bastards and anyone in the position of power thinking that we have friends at any one place is digging grave of his own people.

The hard earned gains that we paid with blood and sweat are being lost by this hybrid regime. Fanbois can call critiques as patwari, trolls and traitors but have a look at the stats of last three years and let the numbers do the talking.

Our top brass & elites use the deaths of poor soldiers and civilians to cover their own incompetence.
Already stated a few days ago to wait for the next attack and there you go. There is no end in sight to this. Western border is very hostile we need to stop this nonsense of 'they are our brothers'. Our brothers are the ones that are being killed daily. Hit back hard Mr Bajwa.
we are kittens

We need to attack those area hard even if it results in civilian death. They need to feel the heat across the border for killing our soldiers.
Lahore Bomb blast, Attack in Baluchistan, Granade attacks in Islamabad, more Attacks in Baluchistan, Clashes with TTP and Afghan Taliban, more Attacks in Tribal Areas, more attacks on soldiers securing our borders... Ab to criticize bhi kerne ka dil nai chah raha, one after another attacks are happening but still no major Operations has been launched or even ordered.

Can someone tell me, why can't we use a single Armed drone and let it fly over the soldiers who are fencing the border ? A drone has a decent flight time and can stay up in air for few hours right ? That armed drone can keep an eye on soldiers while remain hidden from Terrorists as it fly's so high, as soon as soldiers come under fire or attack they can quickly launch a couple of missile at them to give soldiers chance to fight back, or QRF to come for rescue...
Need to move into Afghanistan with actionable intel and clean the Indian mess. The sooner we do this the better.

Why there is no drone surveillance when fences are being erecte?

I said this at least 2 decades ago. The problem starts from the very top. The decision makers just don't seem to have a clue.

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