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5 lakh for Muslim, 2 lakh for Christian family to switch to Hinduism: Dharm Jagran Manch details cos

You are entitled to your opinion. :tup:
Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but not to their own facts. The sentence you quoted is a factual claim, not an opinion. If I say "Brahmins are people who believe in Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour", it would be a factually incorrect statement. I cannot claim that it is an opinion - no, it is a factual claim, and it is wrong.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but not to their own facts. The sentence you quoted is a factual claim, not an opinion. If I say "Brahmins are people who believe in Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour", it would be a factually incorrect statement. I cannot claim that it is an opinion - no, it is a factual claim, and it is wrong.
Still, your opinion. A strong one, but an opinion nonetheless.
Religion for sale. 10% discount
It has been so for ages. Missionaries used to (and still do) go to people suffering from extreme poverty, with a bible in one hand and food in the other. Guess what the result would be? And that's true for many other religions as well.

Still, your opinion. A strong one, but an opinion nonetheless.
Nope - the definition or meaning of a word is not a matter of personal opinion. You can check any english dictionary to confirm that the definition of atheist is not what Viv said.
Nope - the definition or meaning of a word is not a matter of personal opinion. You can check any english dictionary to confirm that the definition of atheist is not what Viv said.
That was Vivekananda's opinion. This is yours. The matter ends for me there. :)
It's pitty that Christan Missionaries and Muslims convert people to their Religion, but when Hindus dose it. It becomes Problem for Secularism. :tdown:

If you actually saw videos & pictures of the "conversions" of the Muslims, you would see something odd in them. All of them were wearing the muslim caps on their head while being converted. Why do you think that was? The conversion was never the main idea here, the message was. The idea was to inflame opinion.

I agree that your point on Muslim & especially Christian conversions will always be a sticking point, allowing for these sorts of retaliatory actions. I have long been a supporter of a ban against these sorts of conversions. If an individual wished to convert, he or she should do so in some sort of civil court setting. It will put an immediate stop to bogus & mass conversions & will allow the administration to get an idea of any potential trouble rather than just react after the event.
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@Bang Galore :

That is a problematic proposal, because then religion becomes the state's business, rather that a personal affair. There may be practical benefits to that, but in principle (both from a religious as well as a secular POV), the state should not interfere in affairs of personal religious faiths. Why should a govt have the authority to issue religion compliance certificates? The last thing we want is letting the govt define who is a "real hindu" or "real whatever" - we know the path that leads to. Govt should neither convert anybody, or prevent anybody from converting voluntarily. (Monetary inducement is also voluntary.)
Are they offering any amount for sikhs too??
I am a sikh by birth,,i would like some money too........no harm in re converting if u don't even believe in any god:lol::lol::lol:

I need money:devil:

@Sidak is he really a Sikh ? :o:

Ainuuu Punjabi teiii aaandiii nahin; tei kethaa da Sikh ehhh ? :what:

@jaibi - Thanks dei kar waaapis nahin liyaa jaataaa ! :mad:
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