Agreed Najam Sethi, Asma Jehangir, Pervez Hoodhboy, Marvi Sirmed all are vehement critics of army and active of media. Indians think Pakistan is akin to North Korea.
When I was in Canada, an old Indian dude told me don't go to Pakistan, the government there bombs its own people in hospitals and schools its a terrorist country. This is the level of brainwashing being done, which is good for us, not only will it neutralize Aman Ki tamasha brigade but increase internal religious cleavages within India, since hatred for Pakistan is naturally translated into hatred for Indian muslims. Tarek Fatah has done a tremendous job doing this for us, he is always at the forefront of keeping the ante up against Indian muslims and Indian right wing , high on hypernationalism, gets further and further poisoned, especially the younger ones active on social media.
Pakistan's response has been swift , calm and reciprocal. Every aggressive action from the adversary has been countered by a more overwhelming counter reaction.