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5,0000 Pakistanis go to India to practice their religion freely !

Have you not seen Churches, Temples, Gurdwaras etc where thousands of your minority citizens practice their religion publicly? Yes there have been incidents of terrorist attacks on places of worship, but have those attacks been only to minorities or sunni/shia mosques were also targeted?
So please dont interpret things in your perspective rather see them in broader context. Also you should know all the history and story behind Qadiyanis and why every now and then some member start a new thread quoting "Ahmmediya times" as its like New York Times or CNN??

So it's a sin for ahmadis to have an organ of media to communicate news? ok maulvi sahib, don't let those qadianis brain wash you by publishing their own newspapers.

All those posters here saying ahmadis are not muslims can go take a hike in the hills of margala. Ahmadis ARE muslims, there I said it. Sue me.
They were riots and not systematic ethnic cleansing of Minority like Kishmir and Pakistan and Bangladesh in a systematic and sustained manner.
Don't know where Kishmir is...but it is kinda difficult for us Bangladeshis to conduct an ethnic cleansing...the first step of which is to find a person of a different ethnicity to cleanse....not the easiest thing to do in BD!
Don't know where Kishmir is...but it is kinda difficult for us Bangladeshis to conduct an ethnic cleansing...the first step of which is to find a person of a different ethnicity to cleanse....not the easiest thing to do in BD!

My Mistake.

Please read religious cleansing in place of Ethnic Cleansing.
bas k dushwar hai har kam ka asan hona
admi ko bhi mayassar nahi insan hona

Our founding fathers would be weeping at such injustice. I really don't give a hoot what anyone says about "Muslim" or not "Muslim". They are humans are they not? Yes they belief system does differ from us, but are "we" perfect in the eyes of GOD? have YOU or I not sinned, can we put our hands on our hearts and testify that we are pure, chaste and free from sin...?

WHO are any of US to judge?

Verily, your Lord knows better, who (among men) has gone astray from His Path, and He knows better those who are guided. (Surah Qalam:7)

Who are any of US "muslims to certify who will goto heaven and who will be condemned to hell fire..?

Any person who calls his brother: O Unbeliever! (then the truth of this label) would return to one of them. If it is true, (then it is) as he asserted, (but if it is not true), then it returns to him (and thus the person who made the accusation is an Unbeliever). [Sahih Muslim Book 001, Number 0117:]

Do you not remember the kindness of the Prostitute and how she was admitted into heaven?

The Prophet PBUH said, “I have not been ordered (by Allāh) to search the hearts of the people or cut open their bellies.” (Reported by Bukhāri and Muslim) In another incident when Usama ibn Zayd radi Allahu anhuma killed a man though he had confessed that there is no deity worthy of being worshiped but Allāh, claiming that the man had said so out of fear of weapon, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him observed: “Did you tear his heart in order to find out whether it had professed that or not?” (Reported by Muslim)

Leave judgement upto GOD, and focus on your own repentance, your own salvation. Deep down, we are all SINNERS!
It is a shame that our minority citizens cannot practice their faith Publicly. As a Sunni Pakistani it bothers me that any Pakistanis life and liberty and property is threatened.

You have not got the point, they are crossing border to attend their event. So whats wrong, we used to cross our border and goto Saudia for annual hajj and does not even mean k we are not allowed to practice our religion in Pakistan.
You have not got the point, they are crossing border to attend their event. So whats wrong, we used to cross our border and goto Saudia for annual hajj and does not even mean k we are not allowed to practice our religion in Pakistan.

Indian forces already allow Bangladeshis to come to India for purchase and many other reasons and production of proper identity. She should have take that way. Currently about 5000 Pakistanis are comming to India to attand the function.
I don't care about rest of India ... We in Punjab and Harayana don't like such people and I don't want such filth to spread in our area, not that I am insecure, but the repercussion would be huge

Are you full of hatred or what, ahmadis have been living in Punjab even after 1947. Don't let your ignorance of history blind you.

Ahmadis +qaidyanis both are non-muslims.
You are not a human, I and all my friends at the nursery agree. Hence from now on you cannot refer to yourself as a human.

Oh yeah and how should I feel about your conclusion of all Pakistanis pretending to be Indian based on the same media which you claim to be biased when it comes to India? The Pakistani media was just quoting American media so if all Pakistanis claim to be Indian out west then all Indians are slum dogs, Mr. Jamal Malik.

You Indians obviously do not know history, Sunnis never had a problems with Qadianis until Qadianis declared all non Qadiani as kaffir and then Muslims followed suit and every sect declared them kaffir. That is why there was no problem between Muslims and Qadianis during partition because Qadiani leaders who were in support of partition waited till after the fact to declare others kaffir lol and it bit them in the ***. It is a different story that they go around crying about it now.

The statement you gave fits more with Maulana Maudidis and his jamaat thn Ahmadis.
Although I disagree with your history, can you tell me when have "qadianis" stopped Sunnis from building mosques? or preaching? or digging up their graves? or killing them?
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I have no problem in this, you pen the pamphlets I will distribute it to them during their meet. The ultimate goal is to extend the support to them.
What exactly will you distribute at our jalsa? I'm just curious..
Islam kisi ek admi ki jageer bhi nahi hay. For you it can be anything but Islam is what written in Quran and Hadees and What Hazrat Muhammad SAW practiced. Are you qualified religion person to tell us what is your opinion?

Yes your Free Land where Gujrat riots and Sikh Genocides occurred and where Muslims are so discriminated that they cant even buy a flat in hindu communities area, where Muslim women have to portray themselves as Hindu to get a job.
I am aware of it, my question was relevant, what Pakistani Muslims believe today, they believe it 100 years ago. But that time they had no issue with presence of Ahmedis in Muslim League and even claimed Gurdaspur as Muslim majority by adding Ahmedi population as Muslims.
May be they thought 'we will deal with them later'. May be Jinnah's talk on Pakistan is for all minorities is meant to be a candy for the religious. The Ahmedis were thinking they are fighting for Pakistan where they will be equals. The champion muslims were thinking Ahmedis were fighting for them because they want to be minorities in Pakistan rather than in India. I was not criticising you, was just adding to what you said.

To be fair, Gurdaspur might have had 'real muslims' in majority then. We don't know the numbers. In any case, if people who had the gall to ask for whole of Bengal, Punjab and Assam and then ask for Delhi as common capital asked for Gurdaspur, it is not surprising.

I don't care about rest of India ... We in Punjab and Harayana don't like such people and I don't want such filth to spread in our area, not that I am insecure, but the repercussion would be huge
Sadly Punjab did have similar sectarian clashes.
Sectarian clashes flare up in India's Punjab| Reuters
Sadly Punjab did have similar sectarian clashes.
Sectarian clashes flare up in India's Punjab| Reuters
Dera sacha sauda is a scam man. A cong puppet who tried some fishy things during Punjab assembly elections.

Are you full of hatred or what, ahmadis have been living in Punjab even after 1947. Don't let your ignorance of history blind you.
Nah I just want to keep the things how they are, no propagation of any faith to harvest souls. thats it. Be nice to people who live around you no need to shout out loud how one god is better than others.
May be they thought 'we will deal with them later'. May be Jinnah's talk on Pakistan is for all minorities is meant to be a candy for the religious. The Ahmedis were thinking they are fighting for Pakistan where they will be equals. The champion muslims were thinking Ahmedis were fighting for them because they want to be minorities in Pakistan rather than in India. I was not criticising you, was just adding to what you said.

To be fair, Gurdaspur might have had 'real muslims' in majority then. We don't know the numbers. In any case, if people who had the gall to ask for whole of Bengal, Punjab and Assam and then ask for Delhi as common capital asked for Gurdaspur, it is not surprising.

Gurdaspur was 50.6% Muslim after counting Ahmedis as Muslims, their main town Qadian is also in Gurdaspur. So, it seems quite clear without adding Ahmedis as Muslims, Gurdaspur couldn't have been claimed as Muslim majority.
Indian forces already allow Bangladeshis to come to India for purchase and many other reasons and production of proper identity. She should have take that way. Currently about 5000 Pakistanis are comming to India to attand the function.

Yes this is what I said, people used to cross border for various reasons like trade or even to attend some functions and so on.
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