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5,000 Hindus migrating to India every year, NA told

It started after Babri. We learn from you.

I hope that they will find a better home in India than Pakistan. No one is safe in here right now, just like any country at war.
Babri started with the religious terrorism of Babur. Going by your logic, Turko-Mongols are responsible for every religious conflict in Indian subcontinent. Really such a stupid logic you are giving. So you learn only bad things from others? If you like to learn from us, why don't you learn liberal democracy and secularism from us? It will be more beneficial for Pakistan than learning about Babri.

And war is one thing. If only present war was responsible, we would have seen Sunni Muslims leaving Pak as well like many Pathans have left Afghanistan. Such excuses only make sure that discrimination against Hindus and other minorities get ignored by general Pakistani populace.
Babri started with the religious terrorism of Babur. Going by your logic, Turko-Mongols are responsible for every religious conflict in Indian subcontinent. Really such a stupid logic you are giving. So you learn only bad things from others? If you like to learn from us, why don't you learn liberal democracy and secularism from us? It will be more beneficial for Pakistan than learning about Babri.

And war is one thing. If only present war was responsible, we would have seen Sunni Muslims leaving Pak as well like many Pathans have left Afghanistan. Such excuses only make sure that discrimination against Hindus and other minorities get ignored by general Pakistani populace.

Fact is Bengalis are more welcome in India then these bhils/dalits from Sindh...
We cannot restrict them if they choose to move out of Pakistan. In Pakistan everyone is free to move or stay.
Yes, ignore the issue and do victim blaming. Will work wonders for peace loving and civilized society of Pakistan.

Fact is Bengalis are more welcome in India then these bhils/dalits from Sindh...
Nope. East Bengalis get thrown by to BD every now and then and live under constant fear of deportation. But Pak Hindus do not. The fact is East Bengalis did not flee any religious discrimination in BD, most are economic migrants but Pak Hindus face extreme persecution at home, so deporting them back will be inhuman.

Any Indian at any time will prefer such refugees of persecution but will not welcome illegals from BD.
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Yes, ignore the issue and do victim blaming. Will work wonders for peace loving and civilized society of Pakistan.

Nope. East Bengalis get thrown by to BD every now and then and live under constant fear of deportation. But Pak Hindus do not. The fact is East Bengalis did not flee any religious discrimination in BD, most are economic migrants but Pak Hindus face extreme persecution at home, so deporting them back will be inhuman.

Any Indian at any time will prefer such refugees of persecution but will not welcome illegals from BD.

Im not talking about internet hindutvas but average folk in India. 5000/year is piss poor number, thats how many bengalis enter India every hour.
Im not talking about internet hindutvas but average folk in India. 5000/year is piss poor number, thats how many bengalis enter India every hour.
Don't make assumptions. I am talking about the average folks.
People are migrating from Pakistan on religious/economic grounds all across religious and sectarian grounds.
But Non-Muslims should be helped by the Govt. to go to a safer place like US and Canada.
Had the govt cared so much for the citizens this problem wouldnt have presented itself in the first place.
Few weeks ago they attacked a Hindu temple in Sind and destroyed the statues so what can we expect? Hindus are treated like animals in Pakistan they should be allowed to come to Hindustan and live in peace, if it were up to me I would give them money to return also they are our family bichara can not do nothing in Pakistan but live in fear.

hindus are treated like crap from fellow hindus in india....these hindus are MUCH better off in Pakistan than they would be there, where they'd be labelled "untouchables" and surrender decent accommodation to go live in slums and be forced to sweep streets

so kindly fix your own house first

Woman sets herself on fire to protest atrocities against dalits - The Times of India

Dalits stopped from performing Holi puja in Haryana village - The Times of India

Dalit minor raped, force fed pesticide - The Times of India

It started after Babri. We learn from you.

I hope that they will find a better home in India than Pakistan. No one is safe in here right now, just like any country at war.

Who's stopping you?

Caste system is a man made system my friend I even made a thread on this very topic it is the same as racism, the word caste does not exist in any Hindu religious book and it has been corrupted by mankind.

There will always be a form of discrimination in every society does not matter if it's in the west or in east it is human nature.
There will always be a form of discrimination in every society does not matter if it's in the west or in east it is human nature.

but if or when it happens in Pakistan you log on to a PAKISTANI forum to talk about it?

quite a cherry picking lot you bhartis are today
Aeronaut you say it started with Babri but there have been several Hindu temples attacked in Pakistan so how many Babris will it take before revenge is complete?

but if or when it happens in Pakistan you log on to a PAKISTANI forum to talk about it?

quite a cherry picking lot you bhartis are today

Being a Hindu of course it would be personal for me, just like Pakstanis feel the same when Muslims are being attacked or discriminated in Burma, or elsewhere.

It seemed the PPP govt however disliked did more for minority rights in my view but I was hoping NS would be better but it seems he only cares about Punjab not Sind.
It seemed the PPP govt however disliked did more for minority rights in my view but I was hoping NS would be better but it seems he only cares about Punjab not Sind.

PPP feudal lords keep poor Sindhis Hindus and Muslims alike like slaves. As for NS, hes a racist prick and only cares about Punjab.
PPP feudal lords keep poor Sindhis Hindus and Muslims alike like slaves. As for NS, hes a racist prick and only cares about Punjab.

Rich landowners I presume need cheap labour I am guessing, people who work for a pittance
Sar Sapaty pa Gay hain.....Garmi lagay gi wapis ajay gay....
Aeronaut you say it started with Babri but there have been several Hindu temples attacked in Pakistan so how many Babris will it take before revenge is complete?

Being a Hindu of course it would be personal for me, just like Pakstanis feel the same when Muslims are being attacked or discriminated in Burma, or elsewhere.

It seemed the PPP govt however disliked did more for minority rights in my view but I was hoping NS would be better but it seems he only cares about Punjab not Sind.

Yeti. Theyre Pakistani citizens. Not indians
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