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43% indians back Modi as next Prime Minister

Any voter, who votes for congress, despite knowing the present, and not thinking about the future, is akin to following phrase:

Aa bail mujhe maar!
You are dishing out yr verbal diareah on BJP scams, without telling us the total value of them. Whereas Congress is involved in 100 billion USD worth of ghotala. And you are selectively silent. You are lopsided.

Save your certificates, not interested. In any case, you are now reduced to arguing (like I said) quantum of corruption. If some in the BJP are able to siphon off less (than congress), it is not because they are more conscientious, just that it was the amount available. Larger sums will not be refused......:lol:

Btw, I'm never silent. No one owns me. I tell it as I see it. You are welcome to disagree & move on.
At the end of the day regardless of however many people want Modi to PM, he will never be PM because of the following reasons:

1. Majority of India lives in Rural areas.

2. Modi has support in Urban areas.

3. The poor of the villages dont understand fiscal deficit and industrialization - they understand that they should be given cheap rice - that Congress would use in its manifesto and BJP would not.

4. The Muslim minorities would not vote for him - some would - those would be the exceptions. Majority of Muslim vote will go to Congress as they understand that only Congress can muster enough numbers to stop BJP and Modi as an entity,

And that friends is the sad and bitter - truth.
exactly the point made by @arp2041.

he has to come out if it.but he cant be forced. he always shied from holding any post in GOI. how can he then expect people to look past his family.??

well he is not shying away now, but no one is willing to give him the chance!
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If you believe that, you are deluding yourself. Modi has no proven ability of winning or influencing even a single state outside Gujarat. The RSS controls everyone else, that is enough. Without RSS workers, the BJP knows that they simply cannot run a campaign. He will stand his grounds certainly on some matters but so will the RSS on other matters. There is no question of regional satraps of the BJP bowing to Modi or anyone else. Some of them will actually assert themselves to vis-a-vis Modi & the fact that they come from states with equal or greater number of LS seats will embolden them. Modi is just the first among equals, no one will treat him with reverence like they did Vajapayee or Advani. 5 years from now (if Modi was PM ) might be different, now isn't.

No I am not deluding myself..I have good contacts with many RSS swayamsevaks and karyakartas in Karnataka and AP and the one word on their lips is Modi for PM. Nothing else. No matter what their own sangsarchalaks says.There is a huge pressure from the Sangh cadre itself to their high command on Modi....that is how he has caught their imagination.

You are just basing your conclusions on assumptions upon assumptions rehashed in the national media like Nitish will fight with Modi, RSS will fight with Modi etc etc..No..reality is different..
Guys, this Italian clan (mother of Sonia Maino, and his two sisters are living in 10 Janapath now) is very sinister for India. They are not Ethnic Indians, nothing in common, they are just here to make quick bucks and ruin the nation. She has preserved mafia culture. So much so that not even single job gets done without her nod. All these servile cabinet minister and other congress MP stooges are at her beck and call. In fact she is a national security risk.

henceforth any Indian voting for such clan is advised to exercise caution for the sake of national interests of India.
I really doubt that Modi will come to Delhi in 2014 with a resounding victory, as some would have us believe.

Other than Karnataka (which has a strong anti-incumbency sentiment), the BJP is non-existent in the south and eastern parts of the country.

Moreover, in the last 24 months, despite all the modi-mania and the anti-congress rhetoric, the BJP has not done particularly well in any of assembly elections, barring the slim margin in Goa.

All signs point towards a fractured verdict - with some loose alliance ruling Delhi with outside support from the Congress. This means more sh!t for us to deal with. As for the economy, the 8% mark looks even more elusive.

May god help India.
I really doubt that Modi will come to Delhi in 2014 with a resounding victory, as some would have us believe.

Other than Karnataka (which has a strong anti-incumbency sentiment), the BJP is non-existent in the south and eastern parts of the country.

Moreover, in the last 24 months, despite all the modi-mania and the anti-congress rhetoric, the BJP has not done particularly well in any of assembly elections, barring the slim margin in Goa.

All signs point towards a fractured verdict - with some loose alliance ruling Delhi with outside support from the Congress. This means more sh!t for us to deal with. As for the economy, the 8% mark looks even more elusive.

May god help India.

I agree with this..

Even I dont believe that there is even 70% chance of NDA winning..

the odds are still in favor of congress say 55-45.. that is the bitter reality part..many reasons for that starting from the massive doles being given out to straight out electoral manipulations..

its just the optimist in me that hopes somehow they are defeated and NDA under Modi comes to power..the nation can ill-afford another 5 year term under the Gandhis..
At the end of the day regardless of however many people want Modi to PM, he will never be PM because of the following reasons:

1. Majority of India lives in Rural areas.

2. Modi has support in Urban areas.

3. The poor of the villages dont understand fiscal deficit and industrialization - they understand that they should be given cheap rice - that Congress would use in its manifesto and BJP would not.

4. The Muslim minorities would not vote for him - some would - those would be the exceptions. Majority of Muslim vote will go to Congress as they understand that only Congress can muster enough numbers to stop BJP and Modi as an entity,

And that friends is the sad and bitter - truth.

If only yr equation is such simple!

Rural area will be swayed. The way AAP has done around Delhi.
Sheela dixit said in retort to A Kejriwal, there are no villages in Delhi. Lol
And now the situation is such that AK forces have campaigned all these villages, they are swayed, and you see the rallies that these villagers participate in. It has worked like charm.
Similarly, BJP would replicate this model, they also know this village matrix.
And as for the muslims, what happened when Atal n Advani ruled India in the form of NDA?
Muslims did not vote for them either. Nine percent muslims live in Gujarat, and pretty much all would vote for Modi.

To say that only congress can lure the poor with rice bait and BJP can not, is very silly statement without any logic involved therein.
I really doubt that Modi will come to Delhi in 2014 with a resounding victory, as some would have us believe.

Other than Karnataka (which has a strong anti-incumbency sentiment), the BJP is non-existent in the south and eastern parts of the country.

Moreover, in the last 24 months, despite all the modi-mania and the anti-congress rhetoric, the BJP has not done particularly well in any of assembly elections, barring the slim margin in Goa.

All signs point towards a fractured verdict - with some loose alliance ruling Delhi with outside support from the Congress. This means more sh!t for us to deal with. As for the economy, the 8% mark looks even more elusive.

May god help India.

Not only South.............BJP will have to strengthen themselves in UP and North East.........WB, Assam etc.
If MMS can be absolved of all sin just because he was personally honest (?) and it was only his ministers who indulged in corruption, then why blame Modi for the 2002 riots when he was personally not involved in it..after all it was only some ruffians on the street..

My point exactly. Not absolving MMS, won't absolve Modi (though the allegations against Modi is not only about omission)

St.Anthony..who has blacklisted almost every defence manufacturer in the world and almost the defence tenders are stuck in an endless tender-retender cycle..

Mamata & he are proof that it is not enough just to be personally honest. As Arun Shourie said, he is not a good minister, he is a "good-for-nothing" minister :lol:.

How can you be sure ? I find this cynicism unsettling..Its almost like giving a free pass to the mega corruption of UPA by extrapolating KA as the model of a BJP govt which is simply not true..

The backbone, or more precisely lack of, was of the central leadership. I have made this point before. If you have no guts to take tough decisions when it involved losing a government, then you are unlikely to suddenly develop it at the centre.

And the only fault of BJP in KA is its dilly-dallying on the issue of Yeddy..they need to have done what they ultimately did a bit earlier..

My point as made above. However you err when you think it was only Yeddy, it is not. With the exception of maybe a couple, the cabinet in Karnataka is full of corrupt ministers. They are a nasty bunch. I also remember Promod Mahajan in the earlier NDA government, Vajapayee removed him from telecom & put Shourie in because he was concerned about his actions. Also I remember that Vajapayee was put in the unenviable position of having to remove a minster because he was honest (Suresh Prabhu of the SS) Add Ananth Kumar etc who stymied the Tata's entry into airports and you realise the genesis was already there.

The present leadership of the BJP are the very same people who had no compunctions taking the tainted money of the Bellary brothers, both for the centre as well as to create a majority in Karnataka. They are the very same who showed no guts in standing up to Yeddy & who removed a fairly decent CM; Sadanand Gowda because they didn't follow through on the support that they promised him. I don't know about you but they don't inspire much confidence in me that they will suddenly be a principled bunch.
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