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42nd Victory Day observed

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I personally have no hatred towards Pakistan, but we have respect towards our countrymen who suffered and thats why we can't move forward the hand of friendship towards someone who won't agree to apologize to those victims. No need of such friendship. Like it or not, we are prospering more than Pakistan right now.

That equation will only work if one person does the raping, but it wasn't just one person, it was hundreds and thousands. They used to raid villages and kill, rape, loot.

Exactly, how can someone who believe in Muslim brotherhood does something so inhumane and something that goes against our religion and then say that we are traitors to the religion?

That being said, we particularly dislike the flock of Pakistanis who encourage this disgraceful act and remind us of it in a disgusting manner. This will always remain a scar in our heart no doubt but when someone tickles this scar, we can only display hatred towards them. Other than that Bengalis see Pakistanis as good friends, i myself have alot of Pakistani friends in Kuwait, cheers.

There were several military brothels, which was proved by many rape victims.

We should not fall as low as killing them but give them lifetime imprisonment, showing them what being real Muslim is like and how retarded they are.

4.5 lakhs half punjabis, and many many were Hindus too who are in India right now. And there were also rapes done by extremist bengali and bihari bigots who are called razakars now

More easy equation.... There were 30000 soldier and at least 20000 collaborators it requires only one rape by each of 50000 of them each month to get the figure of 450000 in 9 month. In reality the number of collaborators were much higher.

The above article that I posted there the senior lady told from young, married to old none escaped the brutal treatment. It just gives a glimpse how that sort of act was done by these group of people.
That equation will only work if one person does the raping, but it wasn't just one person, it was hundreds and thousands. They used to raid villages and kill, rape, loot.

Exactly, how can someone who believe in Muslim brotherhood does something so inhumane and something that goes against our religion and then say that we are traitors to the religion?

Person who conducted so called "study" based his 4.5 lakh number from only 267 person he interviewed. This 267 interview by no means reflect real numbers but sheer exggeration. In my village my grandfather was mukti bahini commander, not a single case of loot of rape occured there. There are many places nothing like you are eluding to happened. Neither the person who propagating this number has any real proof nor do you.

That being said, we particularly dislike the flock of Pakistanis who encourage this disgraceful act and remind us of it in a disgusting manner. This will always remain a scar in our heart no doubt but when someone tickles this scar, we can only display hatred towards them. Other than that Bengalis see Pakistanis as good friends, i myself have alot of Pakistani friends in Kuwait, cheers.

When you exggerate, you can not expect respect or compassion. If this ws a sad and tragic part of the history but that does not mean that tragedy can be used for political means and lived on even after 42 years.
common yar think a little bit before you comment.
all the army man were there just doing rapes??? few incidents may have happened but not all the army was doing these things from 9 months.

1666 rapes a day, means that out of 100000 army in BD, only 1.6% had to indulge in the heinous crime every day.. Does not seem a long shot at all..
Person who conducted so called "study" based his 4.5 lakh number from only 267 person he interviewed. This 267 interview by no means reflect real numbers but sheer exggeration. In my village my grandfather was mukti bahini commander, not a single case of loot of rape occured there. There are many places nothing like you are eluding to happened. Neither the person who propagating this number has any real proof nor do you.

When you exggerate, you can not expect respect or compassion. If this ws a sad and tragic part of the history but that does not mean that tragedy can be used for political means and lived on even after 42 years.

Interviewed 267 person and? the study inspected lots of places too, read carefully.And the interviewed victims talked alot about military brothel, where dozens of women were kept to pleasure their officers. There were crores of people in Bangladesh, how many people are in your village?Maybe that particular point was protected by mukti Bahinis.

No need of respect, no need of any connection towards someone who already attacked once, have some pride, they didn't respect us then, they don't respect us now. Don't be so desperate, their own businessmen are moving here for more profit. Bangladesh is a land of better opportunity. No gold is waiting for us on the other side of friendship.
Kader Siddiqui one of decorated war hero exposed this so called "study" done by “Dr” MA Hasan who came up with exaggerated number of 4.5 lakh rape during Bangladesh independence.

In his book “Dr” MA Hasan claimed that in 1988 he treated and cured woman who was raped during 1971. Kader Siddiqui asked the question - treating a rape case after 17-18 years does not even arise, then how this “Dr” MA Hasan made such claim?

This “Dr” MA Hasan also claimed in Bhuapur area (in greater Mymansing area) Pakistani troops raped woman in jute field. As a leader of freedom fighting group Kader Siddiqui described there arson and killing of 37 man and woman but no incident of rape.

Those who can read Bangla, this is exactly the detail from most decorated war hero basically identifying this “Dr” MA Hasan as foreign funded lier.

আন্তর্জাতিক যুদ্ধাপরাধ ট্রাইব্যুনালের কর্মকাণ্ড সম্পর্কে সামান্য কয়েকটি প্রশ্ন ছাড়া তেমন কি ছিল? বিদেশি টাকায় পরিচালিত ফ্যাক্টস ফাইন্ডিং কমিটির ডা. এমএ হাসান ট্রাইব্যুনালে সাক্ষী সরবরাহের ঠিকা পেয়েছেন কিনা? হ্যাঁ, কথাটায় কিছুটা তাচ্ছিল্য তো ছিলই। তাচ্ছিল্য করেই শব্দটি ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে। কারণ ট্রাইব্যুনালে তার তত্পরতা নিয়ে বহু লোকের নানা অভিযোগ আছে। ‘ছাল নাই কুত্তার বাঘা নাম’ পচা কাঞ্জির মধু নামের মতো না লিখে উপায় কি? তিনি তার গবেষণায় গর্ব করে বলেছেন, ’৭১-এর ধর্ষিতা নারীর ’৮৮ সালে চিকিত্সা করে নিরাময় করেছেন—কী অবাক কাণ্ড! ১৬-১৭ বছর পর একজন ধর্ষিতার ধর্ষণের চিকিত্সার প্রশ্ন আসে? বাহাদুরি করতে কিছু মানুষ কতই না কারসাজি করে! তেমন হলে তো তার গিনেস বুকে নাম ওঠার কথা। কিন্তু কই ডা. এমএ হাসানের নাম তো গিনেস বুকে দেখা যাচ্ছে না। নিশ্চয় ’৮৮ সালে কারও চিকিত্সা করতেই পারেন, কিন্তু সেটা ’৭১ সালের ধর্ষণের চিকিত্সা হতে পারে না। কথাটা খুব গর্ব করে অনেক লোকজনের সামনে একদিন আমাকেও বলেছিলেন। তার গবেষণায় দেখা যায়, ‘ভুয়াপুরের ছাব্বিশায় পাকিস্তানিরা পাটক্ষেতে নারী ধর্ষণ করেছে।’ প্রশ্ন করেছিলাম, খবরটা পেলেন কী করে? স্বাধীনতার এত বছর পর বিদেশি টাকায় একটা দোকান খুলে মুক্তিযুদ্ধ নিয়ে এমন তামাশা করতে তাকে কে বলেছে? ছাব্বিশায় একটা বিরাট ধ্বংসযজ্ঞ হয়। হানাদাররা মুহূর্তে বহু বাড়িঘর জ্বালিয়ে পুড়িয়ে ৩৭ জন নর-নারীকে হত্যা করে। খবর পেয়ে কদ্দুসনগর থেকে মুক্তিযোদ্ধারা ছুটে গিয়ে তাদের ওপর ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়লে পালিয়ে লঞ্চে উঠতে গিয়ে পাঁচটা লাশ, তিনটা আহত ফেলে যায়। ভদ্রলোক তো যুদ্ধ দেখেননি, শুনেছেন। উভয় পক্ষের গোলাগুলির সময় কোনো বীর পুরুষ ধর্ষণ করার ক্ষমতা রাখে না। ভদ্রলোক যদি পরীক্ষা করে দেখতে চান একবার আসুন না, আমরা গুলি চালাই তিনি কর্মটি করে পরখ করুন। এই বয়সে এসব লোকের কথার জবাব দিতে ভীষণ বিরক্তি লাগে। শুধু যুদ্ধাপরাধী কেন, মুক্তিযুদ্ধ নিয়ে এসব অতিকথকদেরও বিচার হওয়া উচিত। তা না হলে এরা মুক্তিযুদ্ধের মহিমা ধ্বংস করে দেবে। ছাব্বিশায় হানাদাররা আকস্মিক আক্রমণ করেছিল ১৭ নভেম্বর। নভেম্বর মাসে বাংলাদেশের কোথাও পাটক্ষেত থাকে না। পৃথিবীর অন্য কোথাও থাকতে পারে, কিন্তু বাংলাদেশে পাটের মৌসুম জুলাই-আগস্ট-সেপ্টেম্বর। দু’কলম লিখতে পারলেই যার যেমন ইচ্ছা ইতিহাস বানাবে, তা চলতে পারে না। মুক্তিযুদ্ধের এসব ঠিকাদারদের থেকে দেশবাসীকে সাবধান থাকতে বিনীত অনুরোধ জানাচ্ছি।
????? ?? ?????-?
Highly exaggerated number that doesn't make any sense other than to keep the whole country in the past for some twisted agenda. Atrocities were committed by both sides otherwise it can't be called a war. Ek hate to r tali baje na. None in my extended family suffered any losses in 71. To have 4.5 lacs rape and 3 million death, every family should have had victims of war crimes. Many were raped but lets keep it at logical levels and not just bash one side alone. How many people died and got raped in Syria over the last 2 years by butcher asad regime? Syria is a contiguous country unlike pre-71 PAK, its military fire power is naturally more than 71 PAK army, its a 21st century war with naturally more destructive firepower than 71 war & fully backed by Iran and Russia. Did 1 lac mark crossed yet?

Truth always prevails over falsehood and inshallah this won't be an exception. In the future awami propaganda $hit will be buried for ever.
Interviewed 267 person and? the study inspected lots of places too, read carefully.And the interviewed victims talked alot about military brothel, where dozens of women were kept to pleasure their officers. There were crores of people in Bangladesh, how many people are in your village?Maybe that particular point was protected by mukti Bahinis.

No need of respect, no need of any connection towards someone who already attacked once, have some pride, they didn't respect us then, they don't respect us now. Don't be so desperate, their own businessmen are moving here for more profit. Bangladesh is a land of better opportunity. No gold is waiting for us on the other side of friendship.

Kader Siddiqui one of decorated war hero who faught the war in the area exposed this “Dr” MA Hasan and his so called "study". Along with your, indians and captain lie has been exposed.
Highly exaggerated number that doesn't make any sense other than to keep the whole country in the past for some twisted agenda. Atrocities were committed by both sides otherwise it can't be called a war. Ek hate to r tali baje na. None in my extended family suffered any losses in 71. To have 4.5 lacs rape and 3 million death, every family should have had victims of war crimes. Many were raped but lets keep it at logical levels and not just bash one side alone. How many people died and got raped in Syria over the last 2 years by butcher asad regime. Syria is a contiguous country unlike pre-71 PAK, its military fire power is naturally more than 71 PAK army, its a 21st century war with naturally more destructive firepower than 71 war & fully backed by Iran and Russia. Did 1 lac mark crossed yet?

Truth always prevails over falsehood and inshallah this won't be an exception. In the future awami propaganda $hit will be buried for ever.

This is 21st century and there is Internet and 1000s of media on the ground. Assad regime knows it well if it goes for mass murdering its own people it's day will be numbered. But still they killed a big chunk of people and finally about to be toppled.
I personally have no hatred towards Pakistan, but we have respect towards our countrymen who suffered and thats why we can't move forward the hand of friendship towards someone who won't agree to apologize to those victims. No need of such friendship. Like it or not, we are prospering more than Pakistan right now.

In point of fact that's a trait for every one, inhabitants of other parts do express the same, only difference is the version. What you have referred to is your version, not necessarily accepted by everyone. 71 was the result of events which simmered for more than 2 decades, people of both the halves made mistakes, may be today's Pakistan was bit more wicked. Now does the notion, us wholly responsible for the miseries, justified? Unless Bahinis were not from heavens I am not ready to regard woes genuine.

For the friendship part, mate no one is asking you for the friendship in fact we both can live even without diplomatic relations as neither we share boundaries nor we have some extraordinary conflicts that can lead to a possible war. Visit of our FM to BD lately was meant to invite PM in person to attend a summit in Islamabad. You didn't attend that summit, our health is unaffected. In fact if there's any loss that loss is yours because the other delegations in particular Turkey might have noticed the whole development.
Frustration for..?

Traitor nation is getting what is deserved by them.

The irony is awesomeness. :lol:

They seem to be doing pretty well. Much better than you.

Congratulations Bangladesh.
Let there be peace between our two countries for a long time to come.
Small irritants should not spoil our relationship. Bade Bade deshoon mein choti choti cheezein hoti rehti hain.
Kader Siddiqui one of decorated war hero who faught the war in the area exposed this “Dr” MA Hasan so called "study". Along with your, indians and captain lie has been exposed.

So tell me, this kader siddiqui, did he fight all over the country or just in a few fronts? Do you know the Pakistan army camp area had military brothels? When a rape victim clarifies the number of women in the brothels, she doesn't lie, when over 200 victims clarify it, its not a lie. We all know that pakistanis used to raid villages, kill the men, children, and then rape the women. Many of those women were Hindu who then went to India so its not possible to find them currently. No point in arguing with someone who sees awami league and Indian crimes in everything. Cleanse your eyes first.
Person who conducted so called "study" based his 4.5 lakh number from only 267 person he interviewed. This 267 interview by no means reflect real numbers but sheer exggeration. In my village my grandfather was mukti bahini commander, not a single case of loot of rape occured there. There are many places nothing like you are eluding to happened. Neither the person who propagating this number has any real proof nor do you.
When you exggerate, you can not expect respect or compassion. If this ws a sad and tragic part of the history but that does not mean that tragedy can be used for political means and lived on even after 42 years.
At one place you reject 267 cases but at the same time you give instance of your village.

How can you generalize entire Bangladesh condition from your village story while you don't accept these 267 cases registered ?

How is it rational ?
So tell me, this kader siddiqui, did he fight all over the country or just in a few fronts? .

You are a pathological liar its been proven now by none other than most decorated living war hero. "This" Kader Siddiqui done more and know more about war, what happened than you or any of Awami thugs know or did.

At one place you reject 267 cases but at the same time you give instance of your village.

How can you generalize entire Bangladesh condition from your village story while you don't accept these 267 cases registered ?

How is it rational ?

You don't know what are you talking about.
In point of fact that's a trait for every one, inhabitants of other parts do express the same, only difference is the version. What you have referred to is your version, not necessarily accepted by everyone. 71 was the result of events which simmered for more than 2 decades, people of both the halves made mistakes, may be today's Pakistan was bit more wicked. Now does the notion, us wholly responsible for the miseries, justified? Unless Bahinis were not from heavens I am not ready to regard woes genuine.

For the friendship part, mate no one is asking you for the friendship in fact we both can live even without diplomatic relations as neither we share boundaries nor we have some extraordinary conflicts that can lead to a possible war. Visit of our FM to BD lately was meant to invite PM in person to attend a summit in Islamabad. You didn't attend that summit, our health is unaffected. In fact if there's any loss that loss is yours because the other delegations in particular Turkey might have noticed the whole development.

Lets agree to disagree, don't feel like arguing on this day. Cheers :cheers:
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