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4 more Army Brigades being deployed in Ladakh to effectively counter China

Those low caste soldiers were always exploited by the high caste offciers, this shows the reason why they are so vulnerable during war. They only can feed their stomach when turns captured, we kindly liberate them and returned them safe and sound to their family. Indian people show appreciate PLA's mercy instead of conceving hatred. The PLA very well treated the captured when attacked. I remembered some Indian soldiers thanked PLA in some way, especially China helped to rescue some wounded IA soilders back in 1962.

No picture, no saying. you try to get me boring man?

This is why your goverment doesn't geive IN priority, the top notch amateur performance:

Indian Navy's submarine INS Sindhughosh grounded inside Mumbai harbour, salvage operation begins R

Instead of rent some nuclear sub from Russia, IN shall lease some clever sailors as well.
chillax sir!
wat was the reaction of your government or media to india raising mountain divisions...for matter of fact that pla provoked ia...or atleast made ia apprehensive.
chillax sir!
wat was the reaction of your government or media to india raising mountain divisions...for matter of fact that pla provoked ia...or atleast made ia apprehensive.
Very few report from the Media, CCP never take India's potential threat seriously. Sorry but ture.Why always open this kind of flme bait thread in Indian section? You rarely sees this kinds of thread in CHina section, very few.
Very few report from the Media, CCP never take India's potential threat seriously. Sorry but ture.Why always open this kind of flme bait thread in Indian section? You rarely sees this kinds of thread in CHina section, very few.
india media is tad irresponsible particularly when it comes to covering foreign policies and defense news...
This is why your goverment doesn't geive IN priority, the top notch amateur performance:

Indian Navy's submarine INS Sindhughosh grounded inside Mumbai harbour, salvage operation begins R

Instead of rent some nuclear sub from Russia, IN shall lease some clever sailors as well.

China doesn't have to worry IN, it just will destory themselves at very face pace.

View attachment 13814

Google Chinese submarine 361 .

India will not have to worry about PLAN , it will destroy at very fast pace .

No picture, no saying. you try to get me boring man?

There are no picture of chinese sub sinking .

According to chinese logic , no picture , did not happened .

Please don't whine with stupid logic .
I know some of your 'safe than sorry' policy', it only waste your taxpayers' money. Do you think 4 more brigades gonna stop China if we launch attack? i think it is meaningless.

Google Chinese submarine 361 .

India will not have to worry about PLAN , it will destroy at very fast pace .

There are no picture of chinese sub sinking .

According to chinese logic , no picture , did not happened .

Please don't whine with stupid logic .
i will rest my case, i have showed what i want. period. You will keep what you have in mind, i'm tired to challenge you on the picture matter.
Very few report from the Media, CCP never take India's potential threat seriously. Sorry but ture.Why always open this kind of flme bait thread in Indian section? You rarely sees this kinds of thread in CHina section, very few.

They posted an article on their own forum. No need for Chinese to be here is there?

We democracies have this thing called freedom of the press, anyone is free to report what he/she wants. Unfortunately Chinese don't have this basic right. Everything that comes out of your media is either sugar-coated or a flat out fallacy.
its only to defend ourselves sir
it is china showing its assertiveness and aggressiveness... border has been largely peaceful until the latest incursions...which made ia take such a decision!

its only to defend ourselves sir
it is china showing its assertiveness and aggressiveness... border has been largely peaceful until the latest incursions...which made ia take such a decision!

It is strike corps for strike and not for defense. There are other corps which are for defense.
I know some of your 'safe than sorry' policy', it only waste your taxpayers' money. Do you think 4 more brigades gonna stop China if we launch attack? i think it is meaningless.

Yes , last time I checked chinese soldiers were no super humans . They will also die if a bullet it hit them .

i will rest my case, i have showed what i want. period. You will keep what you have in mind, i'm tired to challenge you on the picture matter.

Good , adios !!!!
Do you think 4 more brigades gonna stop China if we launch attack? i think it is meaningless.

As one of the other posters pointed out here, the reason the Chinese didn't involve itself in the 1971 India-Pakistan war was because the Indians were well prepared for that eventuality so Chinese sat idle.

Seems to me like India is making a wise choice.

1962 unprepared = Chinese win. 1967 & 1987 prepared = China loss.

Go ahead and beef up your borders India.
China can easily transport 1000,000 troop to the border with India, wasn't last yr China exercised war game in Tibet region and transported over 50 thousands troop in 3 days?

Advantage of spending money build up infrastructure, road, railway and not wasted money to feed the troop station out in the middle of nowhere and enclosed by the mountain. India probably need up to 10 millions dollars to feed Indian soldiers station in the mountain.
As one of the other posters pointed out here, the reason the Chinese didn't involve itself in the 1971 India-Pakistan war was because the Indians were well prepared for that eventuality so Chinese sat idle.

Seems to me like India is making a wise choice.

1962 unprepared = Chinese win. 1967 & 1987 prepared = China loss.

Go ahead and beef up your borders India.
Do you try to ask China join the war when you engage with Pakistan? that's weird.

We are not interested to have a war with India, why you always time and time to opern this kind of unfriendly thread to provoke Chinese members?

why you always only obssessed with CHina? have you got anything else to do in your life?

India shall learn to accept the defeat caused by Nehru's ambition. Is it that difficult for you guys?

Zhou en lai suggest Nehru that China has Aksai Chin and India has Arunachal, Nehru denied it. Am i clear?
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India want to show their alliance with Japan by aggressive posture toward Chinese border and increase troop to pressure China on all front along with Japan on the eastern front, this move had nothing relate to defend their border area, India want to ally with Japan to attack China.
China faced the huge pressure from both Soviet and USA back to 1962, who the hell want a big country like India to be new born China's enemy as well if you guys were leaders of PRC? If you failed to expand, you accept the defeat.

I mean it's Nehru's personal mistake, not Indians.

If you guys insist China was the invader, then i can't help but to spare myself a little bit.

If war like 1962 happens again, then we will be enemy forever. Do you guys ever consider the harmness behind the potential conflict between China and India????? The misjudge from both sides will be very dangerous if tension along the border keep escalating.
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Do you try to ask China join the war when you engage with Pakistan? that's weird.

No not weird... just a different time in history. Btw Nixon was a moron, i'm pretty sure 99% of Americans would agree with me here. But none the less, Chinese still wussed out because they didn't want to face an army that was ready for them. Validates what the Indian members are saying, when they are prepared you guys either lose or bow out. Hence the article. Sounds like you are suffering from youmadbroitis, might want to get that checked.

We are not interested to have a war with India,

Then why do you insist on posting on the Indian forum? No need for dick measuring if you're not interested. Sounds to me like you are.

why you always time and time to opern this kind of unfriendly thread to provoke Chinese members?

I already explained this one... Freedom of the Press. Democratic Media's tend to do this sort of thing.

why you always only obssessed with CHina? have you got anything else to do in your life?

I could ask you the same question seeing as how you frequently post here as well.

India shall learn to accept the defeat caused by Nehru's ambition. Is it that difficult for you guys?

Likewise... 67, 71, 87.

Zhou en lai suggest Nehru that China has Aksai Chin and India has Arunachal, Nehru denied it. Am i clear?

Would be nice if you typed in English.
India want to show their alliance with Japan by aggressive posture toward Chinese border and increase troop to pressure China on all front along with Japan on the eastern front, this move had nothing relate to defend their border area, India want to ally with Japan to attack China.
Try to take chance at CHina's weak and revenge for its own mistake.
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