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4 more Army Brigades being deployed in Ladakh to effectively counter China

Attacks on civilian infrastructure will just invite more of the same on your own cities.

I don't want to poke my nose in here, but he does have a point.

Most of the important urban centers in northern India are in very close firing range of the Chinese troops. Whereas, the part of China that Borders India is very sparse. Most of their might is concentrated on the eastern seaboard.
The most stupid thing is to deploy human resource against advanced technology like China. Especially when these mountain troops are severely under armed. You can't produce a decent rifle and artillery and you wanna face China, are you serious? it's just another void action Indian politician cheating ballots.

Really pathetic.
I don't want to poke my nose in here, but he does have a point.

Most of the important urban centers in northern India are in very close firing range of the Chinese troops. Whereas, the part of China that Borders India is very sparse. Most of their might is concentrated on the eastern seaboard.

When I said attack Indian cities didn't mean to kill Indians population but to knock out the bridges, roads, governement structures, communication center, powe plant and any valuable targets which indirectly will affected the population, imagine if the bridges and road are down and people can't get foods, water supply on time, this will create a great panick and Chaos. When Indians think knock out chinese road and railway you can temporaly halt the supply by land but we still have air supply by Y-20 but India will be more exposed and more vunerables from China counter-attack.
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The most stupid thing is to deploy human resource against advanced technology like China. Especially when these mountain troops are severely under armed. You can't produce a decent rifle and artillery and you wanna face China, are you serious? it's just another void action Indian politician cheating ballots.

Really pathetic.

It could be politics,i will take that but rest of the post rants from someone who dsnt understand mountain warfare.
When I said attack Indian cities didn't mean to kill Indians population but to knock out the bridges, roads, governement structures, communication center, powe plant and any valuable targets which indirectly will affected the population, imagine if the bridges and road are down and people can't get foods, water supply on time, this will create a great panick and Chaos. When Indians think knock out chinese road and railway you can temporaly halt the supply by land but we still have air supply by Y-20 but India will be more exposed and more vunerables from China counter-attack.

And we don't have military transport aircraft?
And we don't have military transport aircraft?

I didn't denied that, are you trying to say that after bombing your city's infrastructure such bridges, roads & rails, you are going to use C-17 as public transport for these people? :sarcastic:

I didn't denied that, are you trying to say that after bombing your city's infrastructure such bridges, roads & rails, you are going to use C-17 as public transport for these people? :sarcastic:


Since the sole purpose of your reply is to troll, all I have to say is that 1st get your Y-20 ready before talking big.
And if anything the recent disaster management by IAF has proved that it is more than capable of undertaking such a task.

IAF sets a world record with Uttarakhand rescue that saved 20,000 civilians in an astonishing 2,140 missions | Mail Online

Uttarakhand Floods: 1,04,095 people rescued, 'Operation Rahat' biggest in the world - daily.bhaskar.com

ENJOY denial.
Since the sole purpose of your reply is to troll, all I have to say is that 1st get your Y-20 ready before talking big.
And if anything the recent disaster management by IAF has proved that it is more than capable of undertaking such a task.

IAF sets a world record with Uttarakhand rescue that saved 20,000 civilians in an astonishing 2,140 missions | Mail Online

Uttarakhand Floods: 1,04,095 people rescued, 'Operation Rahat' biggest in the world - daily.bhaskar.com

ENJOY denial.

If you care to read my posts..i have never claim that Indian don't have military transport, I'm fully aware that you guys have C-17 and other military transports, you were trying to test my ignorance...so you got the proportional reply.
If you care to read my posts..i have never claim that Indian don't have military transport, I'm fully aware that you guys have C-17 and other military transports, you were trying to test my ignorance...so you got the proportional reply.

The question was merely rhetorical in nature.
Your ignorance showed the moment you replied with a flame bait.
300 people dead, more people died in 9/11, is that a terrorist victory?

Sino Indian was a full fledged war, close to 10,000 casualties including both sides.

But let's not talk about that 1962 Indian army hasn't started to modernize yet, while we were hot off a lengthy civil war, and our troops are battle hardened.

Chola? It's not a conclusive proof of anything, too limited in scale, and it happened in 1967, our weakest years.
IF you follow baseball, you will know sample size is the most important.

Let's look at present.

India's infantry is severely under equipped, both in transportation, artillery support, weapons, daily supplies, and communication also much more.

Also India cannot achieve air superiority, though at this point we may not be able to do it either. At present, India has access to a lot of Western equipments, so there may even be an Indian advantage, though not much. But look for us in 2020, that's when our indigenous industry really go into full force. Then we get into techs Europe doesn't have, Americans don't want to share, Russians don't have in numbers.

Would anybody argue against these? The difference in air is negligible at this point, the difference on the ground is not. I won't go into sea at this point, we both kinda suck, wait a decade before we go into it.
Well I was merely replying to the Idiot who brought 1962 war in which our 90% troops were equipped with WW2 era .303 rifles and Nehru was talking to disband army.
I never said that Our army is as per Chinese army in infrastructure and supplies as of now but you will be highly mistaken if you say that Chinese army can come and win like it did in 1962 now. And lack of infrastructure(which is improving now) is only reason we have deployed 200000 troops permanently in NE alone as we could have not moblise them from mainland in short time unlike China which can do mobisise similar number of troops in just 1 week or so during any misadventure. Our border infrastructure is not comparable to that of China but not that bad too especially now(not talking about 5 years back when it was very inadequate). In last 5 our border infrastructure has been improved impressively and more than what we did in last 50 years and modernisation program will constantly going on(27 under construction railway lines in NE, 8 planned railway lines too).

But at last I believe that both China and India can live peacefully and in long term as friends. Believe me both China and India will only be strong if they join hands.
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300 people dead, more people died in 9/11, is that a terrorist victory?

Sino Indian was a full fledged war, close to 10,000 casualties including both sides.

But let's not talk about that 1962 Indian army hasn't started to modernize yet, while we were hot off a lengthy civil war, and our troops are battle hardened.

Chola? It's not a conclusive proof of anything, too limited in scale, and it happened in 1967, our weakest years.
IF you follow baseball, you will know sample size is the most important.

Let's look at present.

India's infantry is severely under equipped, both in transportation, artillery support, weapons, daily supplies, and communication also much more.

Also India cannot achieve air superiority, though at this point we may not be able to do it either. At present, India has access to a lot of Western equipments, so there may even be an Indian advantage, though not much. But look for us in 2020, that's when our indigenous industry really go into full force. Then we get into techs Europe doesn't have, Americans don't want to share, Russians don't have in numbers.

Would anybody argue against these? The difference in air is negligible at this point, the difference on the ground is not. I won't go into sea at this point, we both kinda suck, wait a decade before we go into it.

I'll not try to argue against your mindless gibberish and baseless claims.I just only hope that your PLA generals are as idiotic and ignorant like you,then our job will become a lot easier.
The most stupid thing is to deploy human resource against advanced technology like China. Especially when these mountain troops are severely under armed. You can't produce a decent rifle and artillery and you wanna face China, are you serious? it's just another void action Indian politician cheating ballots.

Really pathetic.

In mountains manpower matters.Tech is the one severely constrained.Its up to good old infantry.

I'll not try to argue against your mindless gibberish and baseless claims.I just only hope that your PLA generals are as idiotic and ignorant like you,then our job will become a lot easier.

Leave him.He's a troll.In 1962 PLA assembled 80,000 men to take 10,000 of ours by complete surprise.We had bolt action rifles to their automatic ones.Only a foll would try it again.No surprise in age of satellites in a treeless exposed region like tibet.And our air force can easily sever their supply lines through the mountains.Against a prepared enemy requirement is 7:1 superiority in mountain warfare.PLA won't even be able to gather 3:1 without detection.Its a fantasy and chinese genrals know it.Which is why all attention is on japan.They pinch us sometimes to gauge the response.
India most advanced indeginous convertable canon fire power

look like something produced in world war 2.

China PLZ-05 cannon

The problem is not we Chinese don' take you Indians seriously, the truth is you guys really lagging behind too much to be respected.
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The problem is not we Chinese don' take you Indians seriously, the truth is you guys really lagging behind too much to be respected.

Bhim self-proppelled howitzer



Who needs your respect . Not a single Indian gives a flying fu*k to whether the chinese respect or not .
How many Bhim IA had inducted?

This artillery system is fitted with a complete T6 turret, developed by Denel of South Africa. Overall, it's not produced by India.

Wish is good, reality is brutal.
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