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35 Turkish soldiers killed in battle for ISIS-held town

What are Turkish troops doing in Syria and Iraq in the first place? Nobody wants you there. I say to hell with them and their troops until they get out of places they are not wanted. And as someone mentioned earlier they have killed dozens of innocent Syrians in reprisal airstrikes. Funny how innocent lives don't matter when they are killed by Turkish or Saudi military.

Turkey is fighting the western imperialistic ambition of dividing middle east on ethnic fault lines, It will never allow a Kurdish autonomous state in Northern Syria, that is the sole aim and its a pretty smart move, Turkey pre-empted and moved in before YPG could establish a stronghold there. At the same time it is neutralizing the threat of Daesh which attacked Turkey numerous times, so it is indeed their concern.

The militants were regularly provoking Turkey with regular attacks not only along the border but deep within Turkish territory. Turkey is assertive militarily and sends its army to the place where there is tension or border is used against it. An example is Iraqi Kurdistan. Turkey tolerates no nonsense and there is a voluble call for action from the Turkish populace to arrest the rise of attacks against Turkey which is increasing.

Personally I want Pakistan to take a similar stand against terrorism emanating from Afghanistan like Turkey is responding to Syria. Regardless who takes action against pigs like ISIS I am glad, whether done by Iran, Russia or Turkey.

Pakistan should do this in East and South Afghanistan, just artillery strikes won't be enough. We need to conduct special ops to eliminate wanted people.
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