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32 Chinese ships in shoal, bar Pinoy fishers

well we also have tons of document that prove our ownership over 3 Islands in Persian Gulf ,but we also don't want to go to any international court as its also better to solve these misunderstandings in bilateral talks in a friendly environment while drinking a cup of tea rather than going to the court and solve it in a hostile environment.

correct. if the house is yours why fall into the trap and hassle gifting a chance to the illegal intruders!
I hope not all of those ships are inside the island , it would be disaster for the environment as the water inside these Islands tend to have a very slow turnover .

we will reduce the fleet after we get our baby back. dont worry more than you need to

different era different approach

Listen, just because a map dated thousands of years in the PAST has the land drawn on it doesnt make it yours. Last I checked we live in the present. If every country started just claiming land that used to be theirs, the world would have about 10 large empires and nothing else. China, you need to check yourself...

listen we have been most refrainingt. Otherwise Siberia and Okinawa among others will also be under our radar!

Only idiots could learn something new from those 2 names you just mentioned.

and your cyber name is a message for your own enlightenment?:rofl:
There will be enough megatons for india left, don't worry :azn:

Still waiting for india to ally with Vietnam to fight China in the South China Sea :rofl:

we are already there with your daddy russia. no wonder we haven't heard from the ministry of warning off late :lol:
Remember there are also TONs of Filipina is HK , Macau and in Mainland China...if anything happens to Chinese in the Phillipines then the Pinoys in China, HK and macau will also feel the effect as well.

Well the Philippines has a history of brutalising the Chinese folks there! They do not find the same to them by us!
There will be enough megatons for india left, don't worry :azn:

Still waiting for india to ally with Vietnam to fight China in the South China Sea :rofl:

no need for using megatons Comrade! 10% of our air, land and naval conventional assaults will do the trick.The Russians will be watching the Olympics at home!
Keep deluding yourself :rofl: india is too afraid to deploy its warships in the South China Sea to defend Vietnam against Chinese bullying. So we keep bullying :lol:

our warships are already docking at your (and other) naval ports, we are already in SCS.
and yes we know how to deal with a bully.
Chinese fishermen have fished at Huangyan Island/Scarborough Shoal for time immemorial

Xinhua Insight: True story behind Huangyan Island dispute in South China Sea (Part 1) - Xinhua | English.news.cn

"Xinhua Insight: True story behind Huangyan Island dispute in South China Sea (Part 1)
English.news.cn 2012-05-09 23:51:09

BEIJING, May 9 (Xinhua) -- The controversy over a tiny island in the South China Sea has intensified, making it the most serious standoff between China and the Philippines in the sea in recent years.

In early April, the Philippines sent a warship to harass 12 Chinese fishing vessels which sailed into the waters of Huangyan Island to shelter from bad weather.

According to media reports, the Philippines has also notified China on its readiness to raise the issue of the sovereignty of Huangyan Island to international arbitration. In addition, it tried to rename the island and remove the signs and monuments related to China.


Huangyan Island, a group of reefs and islets about 550 sea miles away from the Hainan Island in south China, has long provided a perfect shelter for fishing ships from nearby islands and the mainland of China.

"For many generations we have fished in this water," said Ke Weixiu, a fisherman and native from the port of Tanmen in Hainan.

However, since the 1990s, Chinese fishermen have repeatedly been harassed by Philippine warships.

According to the fishery department under the Ministry of Agriculture, four Chinese fishing boats were intercepted by the Philippine navy in the waters around the island from January to March in 1998 and 51 fishermen on board were detained for about six months.

In May 1999, a Chinese fishing boat was rammed by a Philippine warship and sunk, according to the ministry.

From 2000 to 2011, at least 32 fishing ships, with 439 fishermen on board, were chased, robbed or detained by the Philippine navy.

The latest event occurred in April. Xu Detan, captain of one of the 12 fishing ships harassed, has not recovered from the shocking encounter with the Philippine navy even three weeks after returning home.

"A Philippine warship blocked our entry to the lagoon where we docked our ships," Xu recalled. "We had no choice but to wait inside as they were armed."

On April 10, nine Philippine soldiers, on a inflatable, boarded Xu's ship with seven of them carrying rifles.

"They turned off the radio and satellite positioning system on my ship, searched the whole ship and took pictures while the 16 members of the crew, including me, were standing on the deck under the hot sun for four hours."

Two Chinese Marine Surveillance ships conducting routine patrols in the area later came to the fishermen's rescue and helped Xu and his colleagues return home safely.

"Usually a fishing trip will take 50 days but this time we were forced to cut it short to 25 days," he said.


Until 1997, the Philippines never disputed China's jurisdiction and development of the island. But recently the Philippines has played tricks and triggered disturbances, as well as claiming the island as theirs.

The Philippines says it is the nearest country to Huangyan Island, so it claims the island belongs to it on this premise.

"This theory based on geographic distance for territorial sovereignty has absolutely no basis in international law and judicial practice," according to Zhang Haiwen, deputy director of China Institute for Marine Affairs under State Oceanic Administration.

"There is no such principle in international law that determines territorial ownership by geographic distance," Zhang said, noting that many countries around the world have territories which are far away from their mainland and much closer to other countries.

"For example, the British Channel Islands are less than 12 nautical miles off the French coastline at their closest proximity. Some French territorial islands stretch across the Atlantic, lie close to the Canadian coastline in north America and even in the Pacific. But none of these islands have territorial disputes due to geographic distance," said Zhang.

"The world map would be totally redrawn if the Philippines' theory was upheld," Zhang said.

The Philippines claims that Huangyan Island is in the country's 200-nautical miles-wide Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and says its claim is in line with the United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Liu Feng, a researcher with National Institute for South China Sea Studies, said that the UNCLOS has neither the articles to change a country's land territory, nor does it have the authority to allow a country to take another country's territory by the right of the EEZ and the continental shelf.

The Philippines claims that the United States controlled Huangyan Island, thus it has inherited the island's sovereignty and jurisdiction from the U.S. military.

"U.S. forces in the Philippines used Huangyan Island as a shooting range, but the U.S. has never claimed sovereignty over the island. How could the Philippines inherit it? It's ridiculous," said Zhang Haiwen.

"All the Philippine rhetoric is untenable in terms of international law," said Liu Feng. 'So the Philippines wants to take the initiative to stir things up by sending warships to harass Chinese fishermen in Huangyan Island waters and escalate tensions.'"
MANILA, May 9, 2012 (AFP) - The Philippines said Wednesday the United States had pledged to protect it from attacks in the South China Sea, a day after China issued a warning over a territorial row in the waters.
Defence Secretary Voltaire Gazmin said he had received the assurances during talks in Washington last week in which the Philippines' increasingly tense dispute with China over rival claims to a shoal in the sea were discussed.
Gazmin said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defence Secretary Leon Panetta stressed they were not taking sides in the dispute, but they assured the Philippines the United States would honour a 1951 mutual defence treaty.


They were Vietnamese citizens born and raised in Vietnam, sorry. That just makes you like Hitler who killed millions of German Jews. Vietnam = Nazi.

China supported Chinese in native in Vietnam to make violates and unrests, they fleed back to China. They have been paid for ungrat mentality of Chinese to the country, where we have been given them chance to living in Vietnam. Stupid chinazi.
In answer to a question about the dispute with China over Scarborough Shoal, Gazmin said he had interpreted remarks by Clinton to mean the United States would protect the Philippines from any attack in the South China Sea.

Aquino already committed many mistakes in this standoff already so it doesn't matter to make another one. But then this one could be fatal.
They were Vietnamese citizens born and raised in Vietnam, sorry. That just makes you like Hitler who killed millions of German Jews. Vietnam = Nazi.
But they supported China against VN, and there are still have 7-8 million Chinese around ASEAN, if you do some stupid like killing VNese again, then, we will just simply do the same thing to them like in 1979 :coffee:
ChineseTiger1986 said:
Supreme Leader Xi Jinping has authorized the military strike on Philippines. Guangdong military region is fully mobilized.

Shortly, PLAN will announce military exercises at Scarborough Shoal. Any Philippines ships in the area will be destroyed immediately!
Don't let Phillipino hate Chinese, or they may do the same thing like what Indonesian did to Chinese in 1998
But they support Chinese, and there are still have 7-8 million Chinese around ASEAN, if you do some stupid like killing VNese again, then, we will just simply do the same thing to them like in 1979 :coffee:
Don't let Phillipino hate Chinese, or they may do the same thing like what Indonesian did to Chinese in 1998

Stupid Childish and Weak.
Too bad Hoa now controls 70% of their economy, and Vietnam's economy will soon collapse if their citizens of Hoa descent were all expelled.
Mind telling me the top 10 largest companies in Viet Nam before you make that bullsh1t statement? I don't mind telling you one company in Viet Nam alone is already contributed to 30% of our GDP and no its not ethnic Chinese:lol:
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