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3000 reconverted to Hinduism in Odisha

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Wow never got around to reading the Hindu scriptures but had a listen to a couple of hymns with their English translations and by God something that beautiful to the ears and still having some deep, deep content to them must have come from God.
If she wished, she could have easily converted all the inmates of Missionaries of Charity. Dont demean the Mother. You are a thankless man. Tell me, before Mother, which of your so called 'bhadra-purush' (gentleman) ever touched the lepers which were left to die on streets?

The reason for her Social work was to enlighten the common people about Christ. What is wrong in that?

Dont tell me about Kolkata. It was and it still is one of the dirtiest cities of India. Decaying in almost every nook and corner. Go visit Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Pune, Bangalore. Kolkatans will hang their head in shame.

I'm not demeaning the Mother, but telling the fact that missionaries of Charity is a shelter for people in their last days. Missionaries of Charity don't treat people or educate the illiterate so that they can stand on their feet, there are other Christian organisation which do that and I'm grateful for their support.

Regarding the bhadra loks deeds, please google up Ramkrishna mission and their work, they did more for the society than any other charitable organisation.

I have been to other cities, but probably you have never been to kolkata. See how our image is affected by missionaries of Charity and movies like city of joy. There are slums in all megacities, let me put bimaru states and Bangladesh in south india and see how balore remains what it is now.

No disrespect meant for mother, but I'd rather want people trying to eradicate leprosy rather than just giving leapers a shelter where they can die peacefully.
One thing that must be understood is that classical Hinduism considers all kinds of identity, even religious identity, as a form of ego and attachment.

I am a Hindu or any such statement is a false identity and is to be dropped. Shankara in his classic
text Shivoham says that He has neither father nor mother, nor birth nor death, nor religion nor identity....this is idea in Hinduism that all egoistic identities have to be dropped.

In the Bhagwad Gita, Krishna asks Arjuna to drop all dharmas (sarva dharmaan paritajya) and come in refuge of God alone.It is implicit that even religious identity becomes a hindrance to liberation.

In Zen Buddhism, there is saying "If you meet Buddha on the road, kill him". This is to say that ultimately even attachment with Buddha and Buddhist path has to be dropped.All attachements whether
positive or negative are obstacles....
@russelpeters Old Testament is just a History book for Christians which is used as a context on which New Testament is based. I did not want to say this, but you are forcing me to do it. Stories of Gods in Hindu Puranas are a joke on human intelligence. I mean, come on, here you have Gods who carve for sex, madira (Alcohol), power. God Indra, ring any bells?

Dont get me started mate.

1. Indra is a God. Much revered in Upanishads. Later made into Prem Chopra

Indra is not a God, "mate".

2. And all three of them fight over superiority. Tell Vishnu is Super-God to a Shaivite or vice-versa to a Vaishnav... and then somebody will come from behind and say Aadi-Shakti is the Supreme God.

:lol:.. Nothing will happen if some one comes to me (i consider myself more of a shaivite) and says Mahavishnu is the supreme lord..I will say nothing for I pray to Mahavishnu as much as I pray to other Gods too. Shaivite/Vaishnavite divide is practically invisible nowadays.

Dude, seriously, looks like you know sh!t about Hinduism, or is this the stuff the missionaries teach you ? :eek:
@russelpeters Old Testament is just a History book for Christians which is used as a context on which New Testament is based. I did not want to say this, but you are forcing me to do it. Stories of Gods in Hindu Puranas are a joke on human intelligence. I mean, come on, here you have Gods who carve for sex, madira (Alcohol), power. God Indra, ring any bells?

Dont get me started mate.
Oh really is this not a Joke to Ur Human intelligence... Adam & Eve where the First Man & Women On Earth they Had 2 sons Cain and Abel... So How Did the Population of Earth Increase with only 2 men left on earth... another Joke earth is Flat ...

Here Comes the Biggest Joke Men have Lesser Ribs than Women cause God made Eve from one of the Adams Ribs... Lets leave along the Virgin Birth and All...& Didnt Jesus Drink Wine... Now dont tell Wine Doesnt Contain Alcohol ...

Every religion has its part of Myths...Hinduism is a Not a 100% Correct Religion & being a Hindu i accept it... infact No religion is ... If u believe ur religion is 100% Correct plzz bother to Explain me the above things or else Stop pointing Fingers at others Religion...
1. Indra is a God. Much revered in Upanishads. Later made into Prem Chopra
2. And all three of them fight over superiority. Tell Vishnu is Super-God to a Shaivite or vice-versa to a Vaishnav... and then somebody will come from behind and say Aadi-Shakti is the Supreme God.
3. But overall, Kolkata has the image of a dirty city. Rest of the mess created by commies.
SO Next reply on Sects ...

Catholics , Martoma , Baptist , Protestants , Jacobite's ,Syrian & God knows How many 450 Sects of Christians only in Kerala... They Dont go to each others Churches... Some of them r only found in kerala... Each Group Fight the other openly in Media ... Many Cases still pending in Kerala High Court over Which Group will have the Ownership of Church...

Overall there r 3800 different denominations in the world... each of them totally against the other non of them considers Vatican or Pope as the Supreme...

& Gods Knows Let a Hindu be a shaivite , Vaishnav or any other Sect... they all pray at all Hindu temples... Vaishnav doesnt say that Ohh look thats Shiv temple we should not Go there... there is no Such rift in Hinduism ... r u Kidding me... Hell if a Hindu doesnt get a Temple near by He will go to a Chruch or a Masgid & pray there...
I dont like mass conversion. At least the VHP kind.
If people were poor and stupid to convert to christianity for money they wont become intelligent and rich over night now.

We need another reform movement like arya samaj did.
No , they are not hindus anymore so caste wont matter . buddhism doesnt have a caste system . In rural areas otherwise they will face discrimination .

whom are you trying to fool man.are there no castes in christianity?are there no castes in buddhist srilanka?even muslims dont come out openly to give a converted dalit their daughter.no religion allows you to escape the shackles of religion in this country.so,better to remain hindu and enjoy reservations
the reason i am sceptical is because there is no hinduism.. if you know while filling forms there is an option D called others. hinudism is like others. you are out of christianty or islam and converted to 'others' religion.
you are allowed to create your own version of hinduism provided you come up with a solid philosophy like adwaita philpsophy which is recent.
hinduism is the Android of religions. or Linux. completely open source.
1. Indra is a God. Much revered in Upanishads. Later made into Prem Chopra
2. And all three of them fight over superiority. Tell Vishnu is Super-God to a Shaivite or vice-versa to a Vaishnav... and then somebody will come from behind and say Aadi-Shakti is the Supreme God.
3. But overall, Kolkata has the image of a dirty city. Rest of the mess created by commies.

Looks like your 'deep' religious knowledge is from the movie "Dashavatharam" ..........:lol:
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