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3000 reconverted to Hinduism in Odisha

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Does any member here desperately feels the need of converting himself into another religion ??
whats on ground??please enlighten me..did govt of india discriminate anybody on the basis of religion??

On paper India is a secular land of honey and milk. On ground Muslims are getting butchered by the hour. They are discriminated in education, employment and all opportunities / services / facilities provided by the state. If you don't believe me ask the shadow PM, Mody.
This is all my club is bigger/better/richer/chosen one than yours.

From just the edge of our solar system, our home is just 1 pixel of blue. Our creator, who from the edge of the universe and with trillions upon trillions of star system. planets, black holes, multi dimensions, space-time-gravity, atoms/sub-particles and quarks is going to give 2 figs about which club you did not have a choice to be born into or chose out of your own volition during your 1 pico second of life compared to the vastness of God's domain. My hindu doctor gives me medicines and makes me better, I pray for him, my Sikh co-workers buy me a coffee and feed me, I pray for them. my Muslim friend beats me in squash, I pray for him too, my christian neighbour mows my lawn, I pray for him too. So who is bigger/better/chosen in this vast amazing beautiful span of the creators imagination? Not me, maybe not even you.
Caste Hindus (in case off Tamil Nadu the OBCs) must stop discriminating against the Dalits and make them feel welcome in the Hindu fold and treat them as their equals. This is the only way we stop the conversions and more importantly rejuvenate the Hindu faith.

VHP is doing a good job raising awareness about the caste issue and the good thing is many of the cadres are Dalits themselves. Even in the Uthapuram temple issue the VHP took a very positive stand and helped in the negotiations.

Avtually reconversion is not a problem at all. Indian constitution guarantees 'propogation' of faith. Only problem is VHP. If arya samaj had been the sponsor, there probably would have been no questions- theirs is largely faith based propogation only. VHP, on the other hand, has been a problematic entity all throughout.

On paper India is a secular land of honey and milk. On ground Muslims are getting butchered by the hour. They are discriminated in education, employment and all opportunities / services / facilities provided by the state. If you don't believe me ask the shadow PM, Mody.

Right, coming from the beacon of social justice I guess.

This is all my club is bigger/better/richer/chosen one than yours.

From just the edge of our solar system, our home is just 1 pixel of blue. Our creator, who from the edge of the universe and with trillions upon trillions of star system. planets, black holes, multi dimensions, space-time-gravity, atoms/sub-particles and quarks is going to give 2 figs about which club you did not have a choice to be born into or chose out of your own volition during your 1 pico second of life compared to the vastness of God's domain. My hindu doctor gives me medicines and makes me better, I pray for him, my Sikh co-workers buy me a coffee and feed me, I pray for them. my Muslim friend beats me in squash, I pray for him too, my christian neighbour mows my lawn, I pray for him too. So who is bigger/better/chosen in this vast amazing beautiful span of the creators imagination? Not me, maybe not even you.

Excellent post dude. Just pure poetry.
Avtually reconversion is not a problem at all. Indian constitution guarantees 'propogation' of faith. Only problem is VHP. If arya samaj had been the sponsor, there probably would have been no questions- theirs is largely faith based propogation only. VHP, on the other hand, has been a problematic entity all throughout.

That is your opinion which may/may not be shared by all.

And if you did not know, Arya Samaj did run into problems in Punjab.

On this issue, I will repeat the VHP are doing a very positive job and their cadres themselves comprise many from the downtrodden parts of the society and hence can empathize with the people they are working amongst.

VHP forcefully convert 150 Dalits in Andhra Pradesh | Christian Persecution Update
There are incidents of forceful re conversion just like the conversions to Christianity happens, but you are blind to see that part.

The website name is Christian Persecution..for the love of jeebus !! What else they are gonna say ?
Sanatan Dharm, as it is called, never advocates conversion since there is no such concept in the religion.

On the other hand, process of conversion goes against the basic principle of the Hindu religion, which specifically states that any means or path, as long as it does not harm others, acquired to reach out to God, is the right path.

I beg to differ.

The principle of Sanatan Dharm that you are quoting would work fine if there were no Abrahamic religions around with their supreme regard to numbers and ultimate scorn and hate for idol worshippers. With them around, unfortunately numbers have become important. So what you are saying is not practical now.

Adapt and improvise - sanatam Dharm says that too.
That is your opinion which may/may not be shared by all.

And if you did not know, Arya Samaj did run into problems in Punjab.

On this issue, I will repeat the VHP are doing a very positive job and their cadres themselves comprise many from the downtrodden parts of the society and hence can empathize with the people they are working amongst.

The website name is Christian Persecution..for the love of jeebus !! What else they are gonna say ?

dude, any relegious entity that has an explicit interest in political power is bad news. Forget about what I said, but wrt to quoted posts- what AI is quoting is nothing new. VHP has always courted such controversy.
dude, any relegious entity that has an explicit interest in political power is bad news. Forget about what I said, but wrt to quoted posts- what AI is quoting is nothing new. VHP has always courted such controversy.

I dont agree to what AI quoted. The source is not credible.

That being said I want this country to remain Hindu majority, as it is. So lets agree to disagree and move on.
On paper India is a secular land of honey and milk. On ground Muslims are getting butchered by the hour. They are discriminated in education, employment and all opportunities / services / facilities provided by the state. If you don't believe me ask the shadow PM, Mody.
u just know a couple of incidents where ppl killed each other but dont know number of incidents where ppl pray for each other eat with each other share with each other come to india and u'll know the ground realities dont blabber a couple of incidents from media.for every massacre u say i can say a dozen other examples where ppl live together not from news papers but from my locality itself.if at all muslims and others are facing discrimination.india would have been broken by now..on the contrary india is flourishing day by day.our muslim population unlike urs is getting better in standards and quality of life.and we're proud of them.iff any body gets discriminated against the law its deemed as a violation of fundamental right they can get justice directly from the the supreme court of india who's chief justice is again a muslim.
we have many other communities apart from muslims and muslims in our country are enjoyinig far better religios freedoms than in any other country .we have the second largest muslim population in the world so stop lecturing as if ur the becon of islam..we can take care of our citizens
I dont agree to what AI quoted. The source is not credible.

That being said I want this country to remain Hindu majority, as it is. So lets agree to disagree and move on.

fine with me
I dont agree to what AI quoted. The source is not credible.

That being said I want this country to remain Hindu majority, as it is. So lets agree to disagree and move on.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Christians convert back to Hinduism
one more link and read the last sentence.

I don't have any problem with the numbers/proportion of Christians and Hindus of our country. I just don't want conversions either by monetary benefits or or by force or threat..be it Hindu or Christian.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Christians convert back to Hinduism
one more link and read the last sentence.

I don't have any problem with the numbers/proportion of Christians and Hindus of our country. I just don't want conversions either by monetary benefits or or by force or threat..be it Hindu or Christian.

Dude BBC have their own agenda in this whole thing. Where do you think the funds for these evangelist organizations come from ? The same west where BBC is operating.

I have made by position abundantly clear. India must remain a Hindu majority country. Rest are all technicalities.
I beg to differ.

The principle of Sanatan Dharm that you are quoting would work fine if there were no Abrahamic religions around with their supreme regard to numbers and ultimate scorn and hate for idol worshippers. With them around, unfortunately numbers have become important. So what you are saying is not practical now.

Adapt and improvise - sanatam Dharm says that too.

And I respect your differing view.

However, what I have found is that per the tenets of Hinduism, as long as someone is trying to reach out to God (and not someone who is trying to increase the count) that person is the one on the right path.

This definition is a bit too narrow to include those who do it for numbers, or those who try to impose it on others. When Sanatan Dharm evolved, there was no competition, nor was the religion taken as a means to spread a certain culture or lifestyle, as happened in the propagation of Abrahmic religions.

So per those criteria, those who approach someone uninvited, and lay down specific rules on how to begin and follow their own spiritual journey, are on the wrong path.

For example, Gautam Siddhartha taught a completely different philosophy on how to attain nirvana, but never imposed it on others. He is considered the 9th avatar of Vishnu, because he showed a way that people voluntarily followed.

However, we (VHP et al) have ended up becoming reactionary to the invasion by the Abrahmic religions. To counter this invasion, we have begun to use the same tactics applied by the adversaries, and that puts us on same level as theirs. In doing so, we have forgotten our own values and learned to define ourselves on their scale.

And what do we see? Females getting criticized for the way they dress. Entire honor of the family is thrown down upon the female members as we curtail their freedom by questioning their character. Homosexuality has turned into such a taboo. And well, this entire thread is about nudity, as if everyone has got something too unique inside their clothes. All such needless values came from those followers of Abraham who decided to use Islam and Christianity to rule over the adherents.

We are different from them, and as any other group, we are unique. Just as we should not criticize others for the way they follow their path to spirituality, we should not give in to the cultural pressure either. That uniqueness is integral to our identity, and no one can take it away from us, only we can, when we decide to define ourselves on their terms.
However, we (VHP et al) have ended up becoming reactionary to the invasion by the Abrahmic religions. To counter this invasion, we have begun to use the same tactics applied by the adversaries, and that puts us on same level as theirs. In doing so, we have forgotten our own values and learned to define ourselves on their scale. ....

It's simple mate -

the highest sin according to Abrahmic is polytheism and idol worshipping.

History bears witness how they have persecuted people who do the above with utmost brutality.

So there are two choices before me - either I do nothing, wait for the numbers to fall below a certain point and then start living as dhimmi or I push back now.

The choice is really really simple.

Every civilization has an innate right to self-preserve. Those who forsake it, simply perished from the face of earth.

I agree with your core point that forced conversion, if they happen, dont gel with the tenets of Hinduism..but as they say, desperate times call for desperate measures. When dealing with the Abrahmic religions hell bent on increasing their numbers by hook or by crook, there is no choice except getting to the lowest common denominator. And all this under the assumption that VHP *does*indulge in coerced conversions as is alleged.

We are different from them, and as any other group, we are unique. Just as we should not criticize others for the way they follow their path to spirituality, we should not give in to the cultural pressure either. That uniqueness is integral to our identity, and no one can take it away from us, only we can, when we decide to define ourselves on their terms.

To flourish, you need to survive. Without the latter there is no former. That is my point.

I'm a right winger but I dont share homophobia or cultural repression either. We need to move on with times and at the same times not loose in touch with our roots.
This is all my club is bigger/better/richer/chosen one than yours.

From just the edge of our solar system, our home is just 1 pixel of blue. Our creator, who from the edge of the universe and with trillions upon trillions of star system. planets, black holes, multi dimensions, space-time-gravity, atoms/sub-particles and quarks is going to give 2 figs about which club you did not have a choice to be born into or chose out of your own volition during your 1 pico second of life compared to the vastness of God's domain. My hindu doctor gives me medicines and makes me better, I pray for him, my Sikh co-workers buy me a coffee and feed me, I pray for them. my Muslim friend beats me in squash, I pray for him too, my christian neighbour mows my lawn, I pray for him too. So who is bigger/better/chosen in this vast amazing beautiful span of the creators imagination? Not me, maybe not even you.

respect sir.:police:
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