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30 Filipino police commandos killed in clash with rebels

I advise to supply weapons to MILF. They are very pitiful. They have no weapons while killed by Filipinos.

Whatchu talkin about. The MILF has plenty of weapons:

The PAF on the other hand...
I do it everyday in every Chinese forums. The Filippines is Asian's not European's. Sooner or later, kick all Filipinos out of Asia.
I do it everyday in every Chinese forums. The Filippines is Asian's not European's. Sooner or later, kick all Filipinos out of Asia.

All 106 Million?

You're funny.
Some said PH is South American in South East Asia :jester:

I do it everyday in every Chinese forums. The Filippines is Asian's not European's. Sooner or later, kick all Filipinos out of Asia.
Japan is vested in the Philippines, and we will make the Philippine the #1 Industrial Hub in ASEAN. Japan loves the Philippines, and Filipino people.

The Philippines is close to the heart of Japan. :)

Japan, Philippines Boost Defense Ties | The Diplomat

Japan making PH its manufacturing hub in Southeast Asia | Ang Malaya Net

Another sign Japan loves the Philippines | Investvine

You sounds like a diplomat. It's ridiculous you take yourselves too seriously.

Even Japanese killed hundreds of thousands of Filipinos in 1940's, nowadays it doesnt impact at all relations between the Filippines and Japan. You know, this point is important.
Some said PH is South American in South East Asia :jester:

Of course not. The Philippines is uniquely Southeast Asian, with some western cultural traits. Just as much as Malaysia is Southeast Asian, but with some western and islamic traits. I think the issue with the Philippines is that most of their people have very western surnames, Spanish, to be specific.

But should that be placed against them? It was a reality that was placed during the conversion of the Philippines into Christendom when they were under the Spanish Empire. The adoption of the Spanish surname was necessary as a means to tax and also as a sign of conversion, also a necessary conduit for taxation.

In regards to adoption of foreign surnames or names, can we not make the same argumentation for say some Muslim Malays who converted to Islam and adopted Islamic names? So, in context , its rather similar.

We have to be comprehensive and historically sensitive.
Back to topic come on

Military action only be a short-term solution when dealing with separatist. The only way is to boost economic progress in the affected areas.

So far there are no Separatist achieve their goals in Indonesia. Papuan rebels are having a hard time dealing to our armed forces and no support from locals.
You sounds like a diplomat. It's ridiculous you take yourselves too seriously.

Even Japanese killed hundreds of thousands of Filipinos in 1940's, nowadays it doesnt impact at all relations between the Filippines and Japan. You know, this point is important.

And i would caution you, and counsel you on making provocative statements to cause ire amongst members here. Clearly you're trying to bait the Filipino members here. And I will say this, if you continue to post un-intellectual, conflagrative postings again, I will place you in my ignore list , indefinitely.
And i would caution you, and counsel you on making provocative statements to cause ire amongst members here. Clearly you're trying to bait the Filipino members here. And I will say this, if you continue to post un-intellectual, conflagrative postings again, I will place you in my ignore list , indefinitely.

You take yourselves too seriously, loser. We are ordinary persons. Cut off the diplomatic poke face, follow your heart. There is a "great Japan" in your heart, I know that.
Back to topic come on

Military action only be a short-term solution when dealing with separatist. The only way is to boost economic progress in the affected areas.

So far there are no Separatist achieve their goals in Indonesia. Papuan rebels are having a hard time dealing to our armed forces and no support from locals.

The way Indonesia has handled the separatist activities in Bandah Aceh and Irian Jaya (West Papua) is actually a model for new and intrepid states. The Philippines and Thailand can learn a lot from Jakarta's policies in Sumatra and Papua. Completely agree with you 100% !
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum.

Oh wait, that is Latin, and China sees her culture superior to some Western culture.

Yes, that's Latin. When will Filipinos construct an independent soul? Your country was Luzon, Sulu, not named after a Spain prince.
Yes, that's Latin. When will Filipinos construct an independent soul? Your country was Luzon, Sulu, not named after a Spain prince.

We already have a culture, and why bother about our country's name? Is China going to dictate us on changing our name?

Oh wait, are you trying to bait me on getting banned again? :cheesy::cheesy:
Actually no. The quote I posted is quite well known to pop-culture.

Anyways, I really doubt that some Chinese members are aware that what they are saying, like giving arms to rebel groups, actually makes them a sponsor of terrorism.

Of course not, the Chinese Government generally has an antagonistic view towards separatists forces , especially religious radicals. There are plenty of responsible and objective Chinese posters here , and I encourage you to converse with them as there are plenty of potential high calibre conversations to be had, afterall, there are a lot of mutually inclusive cooperation the Philippines has with China. Some members that I would encourage you to interact are: @Shotgunner51 @Pangu @Yizhi @AndrewJin @hans @Genesis @TaiShang and many , many more. These individuals who I tagged are ones who I enjoy a positive rapport with and exchange ideas and opinions, even when we disagree with some issues. Yet there has never been a time where I ever was disrespected or where i tried to injure them in debates. So do reach out.

Take care!
We already have a culture, and why bother about our country's name? Is China going to dictate us on changing our name?

Oh wait, are you trying to bait me on getting banned again? :cheesy::cheesy:

No, come on. I always help you guys, you know. Construct your own culture, develop your own culture, surpass the Spain as a long-term goal, forget the colonial history, forget the hatred. Chinese didn't kill even one Sulu or Luzon people in history, you guys hate China because you don't have independent culture.
No, come on. I always help you guys, you know. Construct your own culture, develop your own culture, surpass the Spain as a long-term goal, forget the colonial history, forget the hatred. Chinese didn't kill even one Sulu or Luzon people in history, you guys hate China because you don't have independent culture.

Do I have to quote what kind of "HELP" you suggested earlier?

I advise to supply weapons to MILF. They are very pitiful. They have no weapons while killed by Filipinos.

I do it everyday in every Chinese forums. The Filippines is Asian's not European's. Sooner or later, kick all Filipinos out of Asia.

Help on destroying our country so that China can enslave us and kill the rest?

What kind of help is that? :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
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