Yes I did. You so called PROVED your Fin Min incorrect on basis of assumptions. Congrats.Now thats not how you do proving. Thats why I asked what is the basis of your so called 'proving theory'. You shud understand that in Democracy, YOU CANT LIE IN A PARLIAMENT. COZ EVERYTHING IS RECORDED AND IF FOUND UNTRUE, YOU LIABLE FOR PROSECUTION. I am sure not many Pakistanis know bout it. Tere are certian protocols that Cabinet follows and is binded by Law.So whatever said by a CABINET MINISTER in Parliament is taken by face value coz they say it on basis of facts, figures and research.
You shud be ashamed of accusing ur Cabinet Minister as a Liar coz what he said was not on some newz channel but Parliament.
Request you to come out of madrassa education and learn a little bit of your constitution. To live democracy you first need to understand it.
You sound like a fool while saying all that stuff in ur replies. Better ask a senior member who knows basics of Democratic proceedings. Dont ever accu a minister, for personal satisfaction, of LYING in Parliament. This is not how things are done in real world but maybe in ur Dream World.