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3 million Afghans to be expelled by Dec

Next time please dont cry Bhartis are stealing from Afghanistan :P
Take what ever you want from Afghanistan but also take a million afghan refugees...:no: You indians care for afghan's dont you..You invest in afghanistan..So also please take a million refugees ..:D
Take what ever you want from Afghanistan but also take a million afghan refugees...:no: You indians care for afghan's dont you..You invest in afghanistan..So also please take a million refugees ..:D

What we sow is what we get. You sent mujaheddin with guns into Afghanistan and supporting Taliban. You got back millions of refugees with guns and drugs. Unlike Pakistan, India is investing in development projects and training Afghan Army and Police. We will get something in good return in future.
Probably because the 3 million people dint jump from joy and moved to your country ... they were forced to move out due to the situation that you and uncle Sam created for them years ago ..... Now you feel they are a burden on you right ???
What we sow is what we get. You sent mujaheddin with guns into Afghanistan and supporting Taliban. You got back millions of refugees with guns and drugs. Unlike Pakistan, India is investing in development projects and training Afghan Army and Police. We will get something in good return in future.
The bold red part of your post, Dont expect anything from afghans. Dont you see us after carrying millions afghans for more than three decades what in return we have got from them...If ever they were capable of handling their country,,,there would have been no war... no taliban and no US and NATO here.
Probably because the 3 million people dint jump from joy and moved to your country ... they were forced to move out due to the situation that you and uncle Sam created for them years ago ..... Now you feel they are a burden on you right ???

Really we invited Russians Into Afghanistan

Drugs i can understand , but i guess you guys have introduced your share of guns to Afghanistan too in the past ! Support to Taliban comes to mind !

And i guess Indians were sending flowers to northern alliance when we were helping Pashtuns or was peace the Motivation for opening up 100s of consulate near Pakistan Borders in Afghanistan.
Take what ever you want from Afghanistan but also take a million afghan refugees...:no: You indians care for afghan's dont you..You invest in afghanistan..So also please take a million refugees ..:D
They are welcome , we have history of hosting refugees from Afganisthan . We already donated our land as Pakistan . :D Last time we separated Bangladesh just because Bangladeshi refugees were burdening us . You dont want Balochistan right ? :woot: :D We would love to help our Afghan brothers if they are really in need .
They are welcome , we have history of hosting refugees from Afganisthan . We already donated our land as Pakistan . :D Last time we separated Bangladesh just because Bangladeshi refugees were burdening us . You dont want Balochistan right ? :woot: :D We would love to help our Afghan brothers if they are really in need .

How about you help your Indian Brothers who cant afford a meal a day before you help others.:angel:
They are welcome , we have history of hosting refugees from Afganisthan . We already donated our land as Pakistan . :D Last time we separated Bangladesh just because Bangladeshi refugees were burdening us . You dont want Balochistan right ? :woot: :D We would love to help our Afghan brothers if they are really in need .

Here you go when an indian doesn't have any thing concrete to say they bring in off topic discussions...Now where did baluchistan came from...Now dont you start me talking on khalistan and assam and many many other more topics. Dont act like an idiot..if you have nothing else to say their are many other topics where you can easily spew your venom..If not than be on topic which is pakistan kicking afghans out,,OK
Take what ever you want from Afghanistan but also take a million afghan refugees...:no: You indians care for afghan's dont you..You invest in afghanistan..So also please take a million refugees ..:D
I think India will focus on current resident of Afghanistan and help them develop so that we can have pro India Afghanistan if we have to spend billions. Its a good strategic move India is making, it may destabilize the region as Pakistan will surely oppose growing India's presence but I think India won't care as long as we manage to keep Pakistan on its toes on western front too.

The Foreign policy of India is showings its planned and aggressive behavior. To avoid increasing India's influence, Pakistan also offered about $500 million for Afghanistan with infrastructure development and Afghanistan will take it from anyone, NATO, India, Pakistan, China and every timbaktu type country and its good they are thinking of their national interest.

Its time for Afghanistan to develop and prosper on basis of its resources. Hope we can get connected to them by roads and railways via Iran.

3 million Afghanistan's can't be deported so easily. International lobby especially those who have vested interest in stable Afghanistan, won't allow it. Its the bitter and harsh truth.
How about you help your Indian Brothers who cant afford a meal a day before you help others.:angel:
You do know that the Indian govt spends a $100 billion dollars for various poverty and hunger alleviation schemes such as PDS and MNREGA??? And that you can have a square meal a day in India for just $0.53 due to the various policies of the goernment??
How is Pakistan affording to feed 3 million refugees for so many years? :woot: What a drain on the economy. But sending all of them back to Afghanistan is going to be a Herculean task. It may take not months but years.

One question...
I dont think the govt of Pakistan is literally feeding those 3million refugees or are they?? :what:
I guess most of them might be working and earning and supporting themselves one way or the other, regardless how petty that job might be..!! So where does the question of GOP feeding the refugees arise??
Or all these 3 million refugees stay at a particular refugee camp with their movement restricted.. And thus the GOP has to feed them because they cannot work in Pakistan?? :undecided:
I am a little confused here...!!! :blink:

Can anyone clarify?? :meeting:
They are welcome , we have history of hosting refugees from Afganisthan . We already donated our land as Pakistan . :D Last time we separated Bangladesh just because Bangladeshi refugees were burdening us . You dont want Balochistan right ? :woot: :D We would love to help our Afghan brothers if they are really in need .

Wao! Thats the spirit.. Finally India would host more than 3 million Afghan refugees.

In impending talks India and Pakistan must sort out a way pertaining sheltering Afghans in India.
How about you help your Indian Brothers who cant afford a meal a day before you help others.:angel:
I think you are new to International Politics, Foreign Policy and Strategic Maneuvers. Look at the broader prospect.

As I said, even $500 million is offered by Pakistan whereas it is struggling to pay its debt/interest.

Nations have to take this steps to raise or counter, front against a nation.
One question...
I dont think the govt of Pakistan is literally feeding those 3million refugees or are they?? :what:
I guess most of them might be working and earning and supporting themselves one way or the other, regardless how petty that job might be..!! So where does the question of GOP feeding the refugees arise??
Or all these 3 million refugees stay at a particular refugee camp with their movement restricted.. And thus the GOP has to feed them because they cannot work in Pakistan?? :undecided:
I am a little confused here...!!! :blink:

Can anyone clarify?? :meeting:
In a way GoP is supporting them by allowing doing business ranging from a small road side stall to big restaurants,car showrooms,industries etc etc..These people are also provide employments in private firms such as hospitals and educational institute ets...but are not alloweded in governement jobs(why btw is hard to get for us also:D)Its like if these people leave their will be opportunity for our people to start business.. the consumption of basic products would decrease which would in return also bring down the prices a bit..

Many of these people in refugee camps are responsible for many crimes ranging from theft robbery to murders kidnappings and may also be involved in terrorist activities.These are our main concerns. If they had been living like humans and not involved in crimes than the situation would had been different now.
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