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3 million Afghans to be expelled by Dec


May 3, 2009
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Three million Afghans to be expelled by December

By Zia Khan
Published: July 18, 2012


Authorities have declared that they are unwilling to extend the stay of almost three million Afghans residing in Pakistan beyond December 2012.

In an exclusive interview with The Express Tribune on Monday, Habibullah Khan, the secretary for the Ministry of States and Frontier Regions (Safron), a body that deals with Afghan refugees, said that Pakistani and Afghan agencies are negotiating among each other on the repatriation of 2.7 million refugees.

Official statistics show that 1.7 million Afghans residing in Pakistan hold legal documents issued by local authorities. While around one million are residing here without any legal documentation.

It is reported that authorities are planning to launch a crackdown to expel all illegal refugees that the country hosted for over three decades.

“One million illegal refugees would be treated under the Foreign Act of 1946,” he said. “We plan to expel all the illegal refugees from the start of next year…there is no way that we can extend their stay here.”

Pakistan and Iran have been hosting refugees since the 1979 Russian invasion. The countries prepared a roadmap for the repatriation at a conference held in Geneva in May this year.

The three countries have been running the repatriation programme for Afghan refugees with the financial and technical assistance of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).
Statistics show there had been a consistent decline in the number of individuals returning to Afghanistan under a programme of voluntary repatriation assisted by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR). As many as 4.6 million Afghan refugees have been repatriated under the programme since it started in 2002.

The registered population living in Pakistan comprises 52.6% males and 47.4% females. Eighty-five per cent Afghans are Pakhtuns hailing from Nangarhar, Kabul, Kunduz, Logar, Paktia, Kandahar and Baghlan areas while the rest are Uzbeks and Tajiks.

Khyber-Pukhtunkhwa (K-P) hosts the largest of the refugee populace estimated at around 62.1%, followed by 20.3% in Balochistan, 11% in Punjab, 4.2% in Sindh, 2% in the federal capital and 0.4% in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).

The official figures revealed only 40.6% Afghans live in the villages or camps set up for the refugees while 59.4% are settled across Pakistan in both the rural and urban areas and earn livelihood through means other than funding by the United Nations.

In a survey conducted, 56% of the returnees are reported to be Pakhtuns. 26% of the refugees prefer Kabul as their most favoured destination followed by 20% who opted for Nangarhar.

According to Khan, Pakistan would allow students, vulnerable persons like unattended widows and orphans and some businessmen to stay here on their visa until they finish their pressing assignments.

Khan added that the Afghan authorities have expressed willingness to receive as many refugees from Pakistan as they can and hoped most would be leaving the country within the given deadline.
Published in The Express Tribune, July 18th, 2012.

personally I am a bit conflicted about this.
On the on hand, who on earth would want to live in Afghanistan right now? And these people's prospect are pretty bad there.
But on the other hand, it was these people who introduced guns and drugs to Pakistan, So we need to clean them out.
How is Pakistan affording to feed 3 million refugees for so many years? :woot: What a drain on the economy. But sending all of them back to Afghanistan is going to be a Herculean task. It may take not months but years.
this will NEVER be accomplished! they have rooted themselves so much into the nation for last 20 to 30 years it will be impossble to get them sent back!

But atleast its a start i hope it succedes!

I think we should give these Afghan's Pakistan citizenship. But I would suggest we include a filtering process. Why not add a qualifier to the citizenship papers. Should they be charged for any criminal offence more then three times or are found guilty in a criminal offence their citizenship is revoked and they are sent back.

I guess I would try to devise a elaborate system which motivates the Afghans to merge within Pakistan, be loyal to Pakistan and be upright citizens. Also I think we need to shift many of them out of K-P to other provinces so that the load is spread equally throughout Pak.

I don't think we can throw them all out. They have been here for almost 30 years now and if kicked out will just walk back over the long porous border. Why not there document them, tag them and then legalize them. We need to instead concentrate on the trouble causers, identify them and boot them back to Afgh.
i personally dont know how to feel on this topic
personally I am a bit conflicted about this.
On the on hand, who on earth would want to live in Afghanistan right now? And these people's prospect are pretty bad there.
But on the other hand, it was these people who introduced guns and drugs to Pakistan, So we need to clean them out.

Drugs i can understand , but i guess you guys have introduced your share of guns to Afghanistan too in the past ! Support to taliban comes to mind !
Please kick these ungrateful people out...if not 3 million please try at least half of this.

Indians you also have brotherly relations with afghans and care for them so why don't you take a million or so Afghans from us.???:no:
Please kick these ungrateful people out...if not 3 million please try at least half of this.

Indians you also have brotherly relations with afghans and care for them so why don't you take a million or so Afghans from us.???:no:

Probably because the 3 million people dint jump from joy and moved to your country ... they were forced to move out due to the situation that you and uncle Sam created for them years ago ..... Now you feel they are a burden on you right ???
Probably because the 3 million people dint jump from joy and moved to your country ... they were forced to move out due to the situation that you and uncle Sam created for them years ago ..... Now you feel they are a burden on you right ???
OK..Either You didnt get my point or you are stupid!!
Afghan's were incompetent and useless that is why soviet attacked Afghanistan which led to involvement of US and Pakistan( both country having different Objectives)..So you stupid person go and read history.Dont come here if you have no knowledge at all..
Sir, what about the kids that were born in Pakistan, aren't they Pakistani citizen so would they also be sent back or will they be allowed to reamin. Plus how are they going to track down the immigrants, specially if they are settled in the tribal areas.
OK..Either You didnt get my point or you are stupid!!
Afghan's were incompetent and useless that is why soviet attacked Afghanistan which led to involvement of US and Pakistan( both country having different Objectives)..So you stupid person go and read history.Dont come here if you have no knowledge at all..

Oops i guess someone has read only half of the history lessons here . what you say about the Russian part is right and You helped them along with USA in 80s.... but what happened after that in the 2000s ?

You were in the fore front of WOT and helped USA destroy Afghan thus displacing the 3 million civilians of Afghan who are now homeless and thus as refugee status in Pak .
Oops i guess someone has read only half of the history lessons here . what you say about the Russian part is right and You helped them along with USA in 80s.... but what happened after that in the 2000s ?

You were in the fore front of WOT and helped USA destroy Afghan thus displacing the 3 million civilians of Afghan who are now homeless and thus as refugee status in Pak .
My ignorant brother plz read your post 10 and don't change your question..
These 3 million afghan came in 80's and 90's not in 2000...they were already here before 9/11...And for your question Pakistan helped US destroy Afghanistan... Afghanistan was already a rubble after war with soviet union..I think your sleeping in elephants ear as there are many in India :D
Read the topic it says
''It is reported that authorities are planning to launch a crackdown to expel all illegal refugees that the country hosted for over three decades''.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...llion-afghans-expelled-dec.html#ixzz212V66jfh
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