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May 21, 2009
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Akhbar-e-jehan Political Diaries-Badban
Akhbar-e-jehan Political Diaries-Badban

Hamid Mir himself wrote in one of his articles that it was Lal Masjid refugees who fled to Swat after the operation and it was them who introduced Fazlullah to Baitullah Mahsood. Muslim Khan may have his family members staying in USA as are hundreds of thousands of other Pakistanis including half of my family; it doesn’t necessarily mean that US support Mulsim Khan. They would probably be closely watched but USA will not arrest you unless you are suspected of a crime. Belonging to the family of Muslim Khan is an accident of birth and doesn’t imply that you are guilty of the crimes committed by your father. Besides, what does capture of Punjab has to do with USA? Taliban have declared that their aim is to take over all of Pakistan, isn’t Punjab a part of Pakistan?

This article has no other purpose except to confuse the issue by bringing in USA somehow. Another Geo TV reporter Ansar Abbasi had previously tried to lessen the impact of Islamabad bombing by referring to some blue light on 4thh Floor where US marines were staying when covering Marriott incident. Where do you expect foreigners to stay when visiting Islamabad except in the hotels? Hamid Mir is a well-known Taliban lover; he is trying to do the same. Nothing new for the stalwarts of Pak Dushman TV (Geo TV).

The article is not worth the paper it is written on.
Its very complex situation, but the basic proble, in my opinion, is that we dont have the intelligentia necessary to diagnose, giude and cope with such a situation with a combined effort.

Look at the personalities we have at political, religious and literary front, all of them are dwarfs. Not a single person is worth following. This "Qahtur Rujaal" is going to prevail untill we, as a nation, dont determine what should be the scale to judge right from wrong or true from false.

The scale is the Holy Quran and we have left it for centuries, so our decline will continue untill we embrace Quran as the only guide to live.

A question: Why we expect RAW, CIA and/or MOSAD to stop working against us.

A quotaion from Luqman Hakeem: An axe can never cut a forest untill the forest wood dosn't become the axe's handle.

Think about it.
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