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27 of 44 Congress MPs suspended from Lok Sab

wht about the money and time tht got wasted during tht time, isnt tht right decision by speaker

the most important bills tht all the investors and business man eye on id GST and LAND BILL , both bill provided bt congress and they know hw much important both of them are for economy but shamefull act still going on, they dont care about people or country , also all indian are waiting for this
this was not first time opposition did it. parliament is not school, opposition has right to stop proceedings if they feel they are not listened to
this was not first time opposition did it. parliament is not school, opposition has right to stop proceedings if they feel they are not listened to
thts why its not school alteast they can behave maturally ,also enjoying this living on our tax money. also doing this in retaliation bcos they did the same in previous govt thts not mature, even aunty ji didnt stop here she told the reporters tht she dosnt accept the peace treaty of nagaland, whts this shit
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