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27 May Bombing of Lahore Rescue15 Building

I knew many a Talibans when I was in Madrassah..... They were not against us. I donot believe that they are againts us now. They cannot be.
Don't you think there's enough evidence, and by evidence I mean explosions, shootings, suicide bombings, beheadings, hostage taking, crude misogyny and other heinous acts of violence and murder that indicate a reality contradictory to your beliefs?

And why do you think this wouldn't happen if the Pakistani establishment suddenly stopped giving them refuge?
Don't you think there's enough evidence, and by evidence I mean explosions, shootings, suicide bombings, beheadings, hostage taking, crude misogyny and other heinous acts of violence and murder that indicate a reality contradictory to your beliefs?

And why do you think this wouldn't happen if the Pakistani establishment suddenly stopped giving them refuge?

All the explosives, shootings, etc etc are there. But, its not true to that it is done by the same people.

more motivation for the army don't stop until every taliban has a bullet in the head.

Pakistani policemen detain a suspect (C) following a suicide car bomb attack on the police emergency response office building in Lahore.-AFP Photo/Sameed Querishi.

Pakistani security officials secure the area in front of the destroyed police emergency response office building following a suicide car bomb attack in Lahore.-AFP Photo/ Arif Ali.
It was harmless

I don't think so - it was rather denigrating, and ignored similar impulses on the Indian side that were in full flow after Mumbai.

And then there was the nonsensical part about purchasing weapon systems, which would have led into a flame war of its own.

In any case, questions about moderator decisions through PM only please.
The respected govts should be on vigil keeping in mind the current ongoing situation in FATA. That said; how could a van with 100 kg explosives come so close to the ISI building? Thats a total failure of intelligence; what where they doing...?
The respected govts should be on vigil keeping in mind the current ongoing situation in FATA. That said; how could a van with 100 kg explosives come so close to the ISI building? Thats a total failure of intelligence; what where they doing...?

There were multiple offices there, so one can assume that traffic was allowed in the vicinity.

Intelligence may or may not have known that an attack would take place, and even if they did know, it is not necessarily true that they knew exactly where the attack would take place.

Intelligence information does not always offer concrete and specific leads.

Of late, including today, intelligence and law enforcement officials have arrested dozens of suspects with explosives, weapons and suicide vests in major cities and towns, so they are not sleeping at the job.

Close aides of Mehsud and masterminds of various attacks, including Qari Ehsan (bombing of Musharraf's cavalcade and the French engineers at the Sheraton in Karachi), have been arrested.

Take all of the above together and the situation in terms of terrorist attacks could be much worse.

As Rescue Ranger often puts it, 'the LEA's have to succeed a hundred percent of the time while the terrorists just have to succeed once'.

Pakistan's government has blamed Taliban fighters for a bomb attack in Lahore which killed 23 people and left hundreds more injured.

A group of men shot at police officers before detonating a powerful car bomb, damaging buildings belonging to the police and intelligence agency the ISI.

Rescuers are searching the rubble and warn that the death toll could rise.

Officials said the Taliban carried out the attack in revenge for a military offensive against them in Swat valley.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik told reporters: "Enemies of Pakistan who want to destabilise the country are coming here after their defeat in Swat.

"There is a war, and this is a war for our survival."

'Attack on the state'

At least one ISI agent, 12 police officers and one child were reported killed in the attack, at about 1030 local time (0530 GMT).

Local officials have speculated that the military intelligence agency could have been the target.

I ran out of the building and saw a surreal huge ring of white smoke rise into air

'Everything shattered'

The ISI's offices were damaged by the bombing, and a police emergency-response building was flattened.

The BBC's Owen Bennett-Jones, in Lahore, says it is not clear which organisation the perpetrators were attacking - but it is clear that they were attacking the Pakistani state.

A least two arrests were made, but police officials later told the BBC that those detained appear to have been innocent bystanders.

Meanwhile, the military says it expects the main town in the Swat valley, Mingora, to be cleared of Taliban insurgents within two or three days.

The military said two other areas away from Swat which have also seen heavy fighting - Mohmand and Sultanwas - were now safe enough for residents to return home.

Sustained violence

Lahore, in Punjab province near the Indian border, is known as Pakistan's cultural capital and is far from the Swat valley.

But in March militants laid siege to a police compound in the city, killing eight people, and weeks earlier the Sri Lanka cricket team was attacked there.

The BBC's Shoaib Hasan, in Pakistan, says Lahore is facing a sustained campaign of violence unlike any it has seen before.

He says security officials believe the city is under attack because it is seen as a stable home for Pakistan's Punjab-dominated army.

The army is claiming sweeping victories against Taliban insurgents in the Swat valley, near the Afghan border - saying more than 1,000 militants have been killed in the past month.

Militants had threatened revenge attacks in Pakistan's cities after the military stepped up its operations in the Swat valley.

Global condemnation

After the latest attack, television footage showed rescue workers sifting through the debris, pulling half-conscious police officers from the rubble.

Bulldozers and other heavy lifting equipment have been brought in as many people are feared trapped under the debris.

Officials told reporters a car pulled up near the police headquarters and a group of gunmen got out and opened fire.

When police returned fire, the gunmen's car exploded.

BBC News website readers in the city described hearing a huge explosion.

Zubair Bukhari, who was in his office about 500m away from the blast, said it rocked the entire building.

"Glass windows shattered to pieces and the ceiling came down on the floor," he said.

Another reader, Matthias Gattermeier, said: "I ran out of the building and saw a surreal huge ring of white smoke rise into air."

Politicians from around the world have condemned the attack and offered condolences to Pakistan.

US ambassador Anne Patterson said the attacks "show the lengths extremist elements are willing to go to as they attempt to force their agenda on to a people who only wish to go about their daily lives in peace".
All the explosives, shootings, etc etc are there. But, its not true to that it is done by the same people.
Isn't there a never ending cache of findings from numerous investigations by multiple investigators following countless murderous incidences that indicate to the contrary?
They have gotten desperate so they are doing this. Don't worry, Pak Army will kick you out of Swat and other areas soon

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