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26/11 video: Were arms stored in Taj room?

Finally the truth is coming out same like the 65 Pakistani Peoples were killed in Train in India.........and which India was telling to world that this is Pakistani Groups who killed those peoples and then later it was found Indian Military peoples behind that brutality...........
Even in this case......I want to ask some questions from my India Fellows, please give me answers with a Logic don't be just naive.........

1 - Let's assume if those were Pakistanis who attacked in Bombay.....But who gave them complete map of inside of such big Tajj Hotel.
2 - Who gave them such heavy weapons to take inside the hotel having strong security on gate.
3- How Indian media was know within 30 mins of attack that those were Pakistani's who attached on hotel......who feeded the media...
4 - What Mr. Karkaray was doing there.....why he is killed and what is his background........he was doing investigation on what.....
5 - If those terrorist ware so organized, well trained and brave to launch such operation.......were they so stupid, that according to Indian investigation they were talking to their handlers in Karachi during operation and were taking instructions.....even they were calling each others code names, not with original names......but they were clearly mentioning the names and location of their handlers during operation on phones.
6 - How those terrorist went to Bombay with a Lanch (ship) and Indian navy was don't know...(even they claim themselves super power of future.)

Excellent questions Malik bhai. What to do, Indian media and Indian authorities are not asking such important questions. Only the most concerned Pakistani citizens like your esteemed self know and understand all about this false flag operation done by India to kill Mr Karkare and accuse Pakistan of terrorism.

I want to know why Kasab would ''allow'' himself to get captured alive
You all know why! Didnt Ahmed Qureshi and Zaid Hamid prove that he is a RAW agent and he is actually Amar Singh from Punjab? Thats why he allowed himself to get captured.
who killed Karkaray ???????????

Bhartiyas still have to find that

If they too were caught alive,we might have.

Finally the truth is coming out same like the 65 Pakistani Peoples were killed in Train in India.........and which India was telling to world that this is Pakistani Groups who killed those peoples and then later it was found Indian Military peoples behind that brutality...........
Even in this case......I want to ask some questions from my India Fellows, please give me answers with a Logic don't be just naive.........

1 - Let's assume if those were Pakistanis who attacked in Bombay.....But who gave them complete map of inside of such big Tajj Hotel.
2 - Who gave them such heavy weapons to take inside the hotel having strong security on gate.
3- How Indian media was know within 30 mins of attack that those were Pakistani's who attached on hotel......who feeded the media...
4 - What Mr. Karkaray was doing there.....why he is killed and what is his background........he was doing investigation on what.....
5 - If those terrorist ware so organized, well trained and brave to launch such operation.......were they so stupid, that according to Indian investigation they were talking to their handlers in Karachi during operation and were taking instructions.....even they were calling each others code names, not with original names......but they were clearly mentioning the names and location of their handlers during operation on phones.
6 - How those terrorist went to Bombay with a Lanch (ship) and Indian navy was don't know...(even they claim themselves super power of future.)

Still lot of question............but first need to clarify above things....if somebody can give with LOGIC.....don't tell me stories what Indian media says...(As they have habit to take name of ISI in any case what happened in Indian even a child cry they says ISI is behind this.

You are absolutely right the whole world is out to get Pakistan especially the CIA/RAW/Mossad alliance.Not quite sure for exactly what and why however we are constantly trying to solve that mystery however our destabilisation of Pakistan quest goes on..moreover its of paramount importance for us we will reduce our citizens/ people to beggary however we shall not let up. As Pakistan's leaders made its people eat grass and continues to do so we also have the same aims to destabilize Pakistan no matter what and no matter why we are doing so will figure that when we succeed. We dont care if we dont eat but we need to destabilize Pakistan..dont know why but have to...... thats it
Actually our squadron of F14, F18,Cessna,Piper, 747-400, A340 and the rest are always on standby especially in New Delhi so as bomb even a new factory,road,bridge is planned or about to be built let alone the reactor.

If not for the brave Pakistan Air Force and Army which not only shot up the whole of Israeli's air force but won all the battles till date ( actually the Pak Army won every Israeli Arab war its just anti Pakistan lobby that's not telling the truth) if not for the immoral politicians they had to withdraw but they won. Actually Pakistan Army would have got rid of all the worlds evils if its was not the CIA/RAW/Mossad alliance thats working against them to accomplish this holy quest.
Its an Inside job for sure.. Why was KurKUre mysteriousely murdered.. why did all the eye-witnessess state that the men who were firing seemed to have blonde hair and white skin...

Copy my words.. and google it all the way.. you ll find that your own government did this to themselves to create a war hysteria and pressurize Pakistan.. and also get sympathy in the international community..


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Yes, all the pakistanis terrorists caught and killed, and admission of pakistan and pakistani Govt. that Pakistanis were involved was ploy to defame pakistan by India, how dumb!!

Pakistanis who killed innocent people are themselves innocent, as they were just doing their religious duty by killing innocent women, Children and old!!

Height of Delusion and Dementia with pakistanis, even after ruining and destroying pakistan to the core! Still living in denial!!

Isn't pakistan Epitome of terrorism? and Why? Sometimes I wonder.....then I realize pakistanis accept it as a tool for others when they get implicated they have a tendency to deny their involvement....when they get killed by their own assets they start blaming others.....this is typical of an Insecure, weak and financially unsound states living of false bravado!!
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