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26/11-like attack in Kenya, Indians among 39 killed

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Muslims are free to hate non-believers as directed by Allah, but non-believers are not allowed to point their finger at the cruelty and inhumanity of Islam.
Muslims are extremely sensitive to any notion that may relate to Islam.
Let’s see what Dr. Allah, the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the Islamic Corporation, says about Kafirs. He affirmed in verses 2:10 and 16:39 that all Kafirs are liars. Imagine, famous Time magazine publishing an article with a cover story of ‘All Muslims are liars’. We can expect that another man-made Katrina storm would swipe through the whole world, but it is OK for Allah to call non-Muslims liars. Allah even called non-believers of Islam wicked people in verse 80:42. Should we call Muslims wicked people too? Allah has cursed non-believers in verse 2:89. Can we curse Muslims? Allah declared in verse 2:98 that all non-believers of Islam are his enemy. So, slaves of Allah, known as Muslims, automatically become the enemy of non-Muslims.
am sure Allah used to work for the fire department before he became the god of Muhammad, since it is eminent from all those threats that he made with fire. He has prepared a huge campfire for the disbelievers, whose fuel is men and stones (Q2:24). It baffles me to think how stones can be fuel for fire. Most likely, Allah did not know that oil would be found around his neighborhood. He talked about this fire business in verses 3:131, 4:14 , 4:55 , 5:37 , 7:36 , 8:14 , 9:63, 10:8, 11:17 , 13:5 and in many other verses.

How is that plan going? Any update?
I hope seize ends soon and they catch few of these scumb@gs alive.
Well, that is something on the lines of what your esteemed Pakistani defence analyst believes ;)


Who the hell is zaid hamid? You indians sure love to talk about him. I maybe be pakistani but I was born and raised in the usa and could care less about pakistan and indian defence analysts. I smell some ********, isnt it true that's what your prophecies say. I guess the creator of kalki didn't know that modern warfare would be so extremely diffrent to swords and horses. But he was only human. P.s i barely understand the language so i don't know who the hell he is or what he is saying. Mind telling me.
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Who the hell do you think you are. You know nothing about islam. I have memorized every word of the quran and nothing says to do this kind of thing. Of course I condemn this attack just like most muslims would. Alot of islamic orginizations condemn this attack yet you think no one does. I was ignoring your posts but that last line really pissed me off. Go look for the islamic organizations which condemened 911 to boston. Your just spewing that bs most islamohaters do. Before you go spewing bs atleast confirm what you are saying.

I think I am me, do you have a problem with that?

I know quite a bit about Islam, and yet not everything. And thank you sir, I am absolutely not interested in knowing anymore. And why should I have to know your religion before condemning an act? Or are you going to go full Islamic on me and force it down my throat? Trying to doing it to the Talibs and al Qaeda members, they will show you the true picture of Islam.

And of course you condemn this attack - only after all loathing that took place in here, but before that - everything was hunky dory.

And I couldn't care less that you memorized every word of Kuran, for me, it is just another useless book, I don't care what you do with it. And the condemnation, oh yes, I have seen that coming, but only from those statesmen and those clerics whose funds depends heavily on the western nations. There is no bigger truth than that.
Wow man! I cannot believe you. Do you seriously mean that?

You mean to say that the death of unarmed civilians at the hands of those who commit this crime in the name your own God - Allah, is a trivial matter when compared to someone coming only and being reactionary and just calls name at Islam?

This is amazing! You are going even a step further.

Quite clearly, for you, someone calling names at Islam is a much grave a crime than for someone to make use of Islam and maligning its name all over the world.

Do you even know what conclusion any sane man would draw from your post?

This is what I am forced to conclude now: "It seems those terrorists did not malign the name of Islam, and are doing what Islam actually teaches, may be that is why Muslims would rather condemn someone calling names at Islam, and not someone taking lives indiscriminately in the name of Allah"

And I am not the only one who is going to arrive at that conclusion. Remember that.

Mean what? The condemnation of terrorists yes! Who said it was trivial matter, that’s your own words, and to think you are the same person telling me that your words were twisted…

If I thought it was a graver crime for someone to hurl abuse at Islam I wouldn’t have commented on the thread first, clearly showing my hate for these killers. I then talked about why people had lost their cool. You clearly have an issue with understanding that the first thing said is usually highest on their list of priorities.

As for any conclusions being drawn, they are quite obvious and I post on plenty of other forums and haven’t had this reaction where someone is clearly condemning the terrorists first.

As for your “conclusion”, by all means you’re entitled to it, as I haven’t any such thing.

This is what I am forced to conclude now: "It seems those terrorists did not malign the name of Islam, and are doing what Islam actually teaches, may be that is why Muslims would rather condemn someone calling names at Islam, and not someone taking lives indiscriminately in the name of Allah"

That’s my last post to you. This comment of yours is plain nuts.

Muslims believe that people of other faiths (or non-Faith) are out there to get them and take them away from Islam.
Other people envy them on such a blessed religion as Islam. This is a lie.
No one envies Muslims on a religion that had its early days as a band of thugs killing other human beings and stealing the fortunes of others. Muhammad himself beheaded many people.
Is this a prophet that civil people want to be associated with?
The stories of Billy the kid and Jesse James look like a walk in the park compared to the crimes perpetrated by Muhammad and his early band of killers and thieves. If you are a Muslim, don’t fool yourself.
No one envies you on your religion and belief system.
It is barbaric and inhuman. Don’t be fooled by billy goat bearded men who think they represent God and Muhammad on earth and go to a primitive building that does not even have chairs. They call it a mosque
. To be honest, no one would want to wish “Islam” on his/her worst enemies.

Moderators action please.
These guys will get caught dead or alive. The seize will end.
Our rage is against false and fabricated titles, our rage is against those who have used the name of our nation without any proof, the operation is going but Indians have come to conclusion that it was a Pakistani.

We condemn such acts wether they are against Muslim or none Muslims, but with out any evidence we will not tolerate the name of our nation being maligned.

Indians were claiming involvement of Pakistan when operation was still going, because we intercepted calls originating from Karachi......because listened to the instructions passed on by ISI officier guiding attackers how to kill Indian & Israeli civilians by sooting back of their head......and because we know where is head of the snake.........It was confirmed by your own FIA after investigation .........why your rage was not against killers of 75 christians......why your rage is not against the killers of 39 Kenyans........why your rage is not against killers of 8 foreigners killed in Gilgit-Balistan.........why your rage is not against the preprators who bombed school children's bus.........Name of you nationed is maligned by who?? India.......the whole world knows the truth......do I need to show footages and documentries from different countries or high ranking officials telling the truth on videos?? Lies & denials are not going to help you anymore.........!!!!!!!
I think I am me, do you have a problem with that?

I know quite a bit about Islam, and yet not everything. And thank you sir, I am absolutely not interested in knowing anymore. And why should I have to know your religion before condemning an act? Or are you going to go full Islamic on me and force it down my throat? Trying to doing it to the Talibs and al Qaeda members, they will show you the true picture of Islam.

And of course you condemn this attack - only after all loathing that took place in here, but before that - everything was hunky dory.

And I couldn't care less that you memorized every word of Kuran, for me, it is just another useless book, I don't care what you do with it. And the condemnation, oh yes, I have seen that coming, but only from those statesmen and those clerics whose funds depends heavily on the western nations. There is no bigger truth than that.

Now I see the islamohater you are. I was ignoring your posts for a reason. Don't quote me anymore, you are a waste of time.
Big ups to whoever carried out that awful attack... I believe justice being served...you fucked up there country...they phucked you up ...The most prosperous African nation...turn into a **** hole..Thanks cia, thanks obama...reap the fruits of your labor....
Guys like that are the few exception (psychopath). Poverty, lack of education & healthcare. You take care of this you can cut terrorists numbers more than a half. I'm saying this because I'm an advocate of the prosperity approach. Remember Al-Shabab is created out of a political vacuum that was once Somalia.

You maybe an advocate but sadly you and your kind are out voiced in the sickening din that has transformed millions of young lives of your faith into extremism. Major reforms are needed in your religion - it's become a cesspool - not for moderates who number in the millions but for the millions who get mislead into violence. The problem arises in the fact that Islamic moderates become targets of extremists and get named kafirs and get hammered down by the more vocal preachers of the right wing kind.

Try as hard as you can but you will come short in your efforts both to convince the non Muslims about the ills that's compounded Islam nor are you in a position to reform in any major way people who are going astray.
You then talk of how when a Hindu does something the entire population comes out, or in your own words “all Hindus”. Now I can show you posts on here celebrating communal attacks on Muslims and Christians in India from Hindu posters. They usually come in the guise of “they started it we will end it”. So your claims fall flat on their face, and I’m only looking through the small spectrum of this website. You also seem to confuse nationality with faith with your American soldiers example. They are not proponents of Christianity or claim to represent it. If their people do come out to condemn them it is because they soil the name of their nation. Again I have seen many who refuse to condemn the actions of the infamous kill squad team, either saying they were traumatized because of stress, the government was to blame and some even cheering them on. However I will say that many Muslims do have a greater tendency to stick their head in the sands.

See, I do not care that you are Sufi, Shia, Ahmadi, or Sunni. For me, all are same.

But your contention is that a lot of Hindu members on here have celebrated attacks on Muslims. I bet they must have, there are such people everywhere with their respective reasons.

Did I even once criticize any Muslim for celebrating the death of Kuffars? No!

My problem is, "why are the Muslims NOT condemning this act?"

Those two statements are mutually exclusive! But you were pretty quick to assume I meant the former one. Your assumption, and then the allegations that followed, clearly prove my statement that it doesn't take long for Pakistanis to twist the words for their own convenience.

Now I see the islamohater you are. I was ignoring your posts for a reason. Don't quote me anymore, you are a waste of time.

Of course, you go the George W Bush way - either a Muslim, or a hater of Muslims.

Whatever floats your boat dude.

Just because I don't want to know about Islam, you brand me a hater. Well then, I am. Dance away.
See, I do not care that you are Sufi, Shia, Ahmadi, or Sunni. For me, all are same.

But your contention is that a lot of Hindu members on here have celebrated attacks on Muslims. I bet they must have, there are such people everywhere with their respective reasons.

Did I even once criticize any Muslim for celebrating the death of Kuffars? No!

My problem is, "why are the Muslims NOT condemning this act?"

Those two statements are mutually exclusive! But you were pretty quick to assume I meant the former one. Your assumption, and then the allegations that followed, clearly prove my statement that it doesn't take long for Pakistanis to twist the words for their own convenience.

Buddy I am a Muslim and proud to be one and I not only condemn any attacks on civilians but also want the attackers to face the full might of punishment and justice. Dont tar everyone by the same brush in your comments and don't think you know what each and every Muslim among 1.5 billion+ says or thinks.

No one should have a right to criticize each others religion period and if you do that it doesn't make you any different from those you hate.
See, I do not care that you are Sufi, Shia, Ahmadi, or Sunni. For me, all are same.

But your contention is that a lot of Hindu members on here have celebrated attacks on Muslims. I bet they must have, there are such people everywhere with their respective reasons.

Did I even once criticize any Muslim for celebrating the death of Kuffars? No!

My problem is, "why are the Muslims NOT condemning this act?"

Those two statements are mutually exclusive! But you were pretty quick to assume I meant the former one. Your assumption, and then the allegations that followed, clearly prove my statement that it doesn't take long for Pakistanis to twist the words for their own convenience.

Of course, you go the George W Bush way - either a Muslim, or a hater of Muslims.

Whatever floats your boat dude.

Just because I don't want to know about Islam, you brand me a hater. Well then, I am. Dance away.

Lol and you talk about twisting words. Don't you live in a country where 60% of the population is muslim? Anyway I really don't car what you know or think about islam. As long as i know what islam is I'm good. You can believe whatever you want about islam.
Indians were claiming involvement of Pakistan when operation was still going, because we intercepted calls originating from Karachi......because listened to the instructions passed on by ISI officier guiding attackers how to kill Indian & Israeli civilians by sooting back of their head......and because we know where is head of the snake.........It was confirmed by your own FIA after investigation .........why your rage was not against killers of 75 christians......why your rage is not against the killers of 39 Kenyans........why your rage is not against killers of 8 foreigners killed in Gilgit-Balistan.........why your rage is not against the preprators who bombed school children's bus.........Name of you nationed is maligned by who?? India.......the whole world knows the truth......do I need to show footages and documentries from different countries or high ranking officials telling the truth on videos?? Lies & denials are not going to help you anymore.........!!!!!!!

Ok so you intercepted calls from Karachi to Kenya?, ha ha ha oh mate you sare can write a bHollywood script.

We condemn all acts of violence against Muslims and none Muslims, what would you like us to issue certificates condemning it?.
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