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26/11 evidence of no use to Pak, India told

Sympathy my as.s, you have money now and they want to sell
if you go back to 1980 level i will see how much sympathy you get, or if Pakistan gets more money than you...lol
so right now you can sing any song and they will follow you, they dont give a damn about how many funny looking indians die

US got Ramond Davis and only put Hafiz Saeed on their wanted list just to make you feel important, if they wanted so bad they could have it
What raymond davis episode has to do with india?:rolleyes:
Delusional Indian government still thinks pakistan will act on 26/11 plotters, safely living in state protection there let alone closing the terror tap of state sponsored terrorism !!

Even the educated masses openly support terrorism and terrorist against India and this forum is perfect example of this!!
Till this day this videos continues to maky me EL O EL :DDDDD
Indians are so proud of their media, at least train the guy properly if you want to do propoganda :P

last time a ****** will ever say a word will be bhagwaan, i wouldnt even bet on a common indian saying the bhagwaan as he might not be so religious, unless he is very kattar hindu
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After his Hindi accent, they still believe he is from Okara Punjab. :rofl::rofl: :rofl:

the one doing interview and Kasab sound like brothers. same accent, someitme Kasab try to get a pathan accent lol

Its same good old story Pak claims.

Its same old story India Claims too, we wont give you any evidance, wont let you meet anyone but give us Hafiz.
US can bully a country like this, Indian cant
Delusional Indian government still thinks pakistan will act on 26/11 plotters, safely living in state protection there let alone closing the terror tap of state sponsored terrorism !!

Even the educated masses openly support terrorism and terrorist against India and this forum is perfect example of this!!
Its not that the GOI is delusional.Its the people of both countries who are delusional.Reason bieng is that these people of lutney of delhi and green red zones of ISB for them it doesnt matter who are killed among general public coz these live in most secured zone and security.hence they enjoy their lives.only thing is help maoist to remove these elites from their lutney and red green zones not through vote but through force.
Its not that the GOI is delusional.Its the people of both countries who are delusional.Reason bieng is that these people of lutney of delhi and green red zones of ISB for them it doesnt matter who are killed among general public coz these live in most secured zone and security.hence they enjoy their lives.only thing is help maoist to remove these elites from their lutney and red green zones not through vote but through force.

Yeah right, all the people are delusional except you, only you got the divine power of deciphering the evil people in Lutyens.

If you are so pissed off at the government why dont you join the maoists too instead of whining like a *****.
Who, except perhaps the delusionists atop the power centers in Delhi, was saying anything to the contrary ? :rolleyes:

India tried its best and failed. If they are not letting us cross examine, they have something to hide. And its only a media stunt to keep pressure and play the victim card. After all, this has always been India's modus operandi to keep the issues between two countries at bay. They call this success of their diplomacy. So let them be happy.

Pakistan could have turned the tables regarding its image as the global epicenter of terror and even won praise from all over the world had they cracked hard on the 26/11 accused and they could have leveraged it to exit from War on terror on their terms.

But then, when was Pakistan known for smart diplomacy ?
Who, except perhaps the delusionists atop the power centers in Delhi, was saying anything to the contrary ? :rolleyes:

Pakistan could have turned the tables regarding its image as the global epicenter of terror and even won praise from all over the world had they cracked hard on the 26/11 accused and they could have leveraged it to exit from War on terror on their terms.

But then, when was Pakistan known for smart diplomacy ?

I think we are getting comfortable with this lofty 'global epicentre of terrorism' label. Many of us dont even bother. the world will never be happy. Losing 40,000 people and billions in economy hasn't made the world praise us. So its better to stop playing for the galleries.

Good luck Indians. Try another one to snare us. Your 'smart' diplomacy has paid off. You are back to talking to us. You have started playing cricket with us. You want to do trade with us too. Your PM also wants to visit Pakistan. Thats why the invitation just went out. All this while Pakistan has shown you the middle finger for Mumbai.
so...........according to Indian logic, despite what anyone in a Pakistani Court thinks, lawyer or judge, because India says it has provided enough evidence and information then a conviction should follow because India believes that to be the case,.............WTF kind of mentality is that......... if that is what Indian justice is about then God help everyone.

A very valid legal point was raised by the Defence as to why they were not allowed to cross examine the officials who are the ones making the accusations against their clients on trial. Clearly without their cross examination the accusations are bogus and null and void, hence the correct decision to class their evidence as such.......... the Indians need to stop being so emotional and think with their brains and logically, the accusers are not being allowed to be spoken to by the defendants and their legal representatives........
Till this day this videos continues to maky me EL O EL :DDDDD
Indians are so proud of their media, at least train the guy properly if you want to do propoganda :P

Lmao this guy sounds like a Nepali guy trying to speak Urdu/Hindi.
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I have never in my life heard a Pakistani speak like this. All this time I gave the Indians the benefit of the doubt, but after hearing this guy speak, this bullshit is a hoax.
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