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25-26 February 1992 Hocal Massacre

White House Responded To The Petitions On The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
The White House on Tuesday issued an official response to the petitions on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and Khojaly tragedy, posted on its website.

The White House on Tuesday issued an official response to the petitions on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and Khojaly tragedy, posted on its website.

According to it, the U.S. committed to lasting and peaceful settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

"While we will not be issuing a Presidential Proclamation, United States deeply regrets the tragic losses of life in the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia. It reminds us that there cannot be a military solution to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, and that only a lasting and peaceful settlement can bring stability, prosperity, and reconciliation to the region. As a Co-Chair of the Minsk Group, the United States remains firmly committed to working with all sides to achieve peace",- the document says.

Earlier, two petitions on recognition of Khojaly genocide and occupation of the Azerbaijani territories were posted at a special section of the official website of the White House. Both of them received the required number of signatures (100, 000), for consideration by the U.S. President Barack Obama.

On Feb. 25-26 February, 1992, Armenian occupation forces together with the 366th infantry regiment of Soviet troops stationed in Khankendi (previously Stepanakert) committed an act of genocide towards the population of the Azerbaijani Khojaly town.

Some 613 people were killed including 63 children, 106 women and 70 old men. A total of 1000 civilians were disabled during the genocide. Eight families were killed, 130 children lost one parent and 25 lost both. Additionally, 1275 innocent residents were taken hostage, while the fate of 150 remains unknown.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian armed forces have occupied 20 per cent of Azerbaijan since 1992, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994.The co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, France and the U.S. - are currently holding peace negotiations.

Armenia has not yet implemented four U.N. Security Council resolutions on the liberation of the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding regions.

Azerbaycan Dışişleri Bakanlığı
Azerbaycan Dışişleri Bakanlığı sözcüsü Elman Abdullayev, Beyaz Saray sitesinde Hocalı soykırımı ile ilgili açılan ankette 100 binden fazla kişinin oy kullanmasının ardından yapılan açıklamayı esefle karşıladıklarını ifade etti.

Azerbaycan Dışişleri Bakanlığı sözcüsü Elman Abdullayev, Cihan Haber Ajansı’na yaptığı açıklamada, Beyaz Saray’dan Hocalı soykırımı ile ilgili yapılan “genel bir açıklamanın” çok üzüntü verici olduğunu söyledi.

Açıklamayı esefle karşıladıklarını ifade eden Abdullayev, “Her hangi bir kesin bir görüş veya duruş sergilemiyor.” dedi.

ABD’nin, Dağlık Karabağ sorununun çözümünde aracılık yapması için kurulan Minsk Grubu’nun 3 eş başkanından biri, BM Güvenlik Konseyi’nin üyesi olduğunu hatırlatan Abdullayev, “ABD her zaman açıklamalarında Azerbaycan’ı stratejik ortak olarak gördüğünü vurgulamıştır. Bütün bu hususlara rağmen, ABD’den bugün böyle bir açıklama yapılması, Azerbaycan halkı için bu kadar hassa olan, önemli olan Hocalı soykırımı konusunda genel bir açıklamayla geçiştirmesi, her hangi bir tepkiyi vermemesi çok teessüf duyulan bir olaydır.”

Bu açıklamanın ABD’nin bu konuda bir konumunun olmadığının göstergesi olduğunu söyleyen Elman Abdullayev, “Bence bu bir konumu, bir duruşu olmamayı gösteriyor. İnsanlığa karşı işlenen suça karşı ilgisiz kalmaktır.” ifadelerini kullandı.

26 Şubat 1992′de Azerbaycan’ın Hocalı şehrinde Ermenilerin yaptığı soykırım sonucu 613 kişi ölmüştü. Aralarında 106 kadın, 63 çocuk ve 70′i yaşlı olan kurbanlar, işkence edilmiş ve vahşice öldürülmüştü. Olaylar sırasında bin 275 kişi esir alınırken, binden faza kişi sakat kalmıştı. Hocalı soykırımı sonucu birçok insan ise halen kayıp.

Türkiye Başbakanı Erdoğan
Türkiye Başbakanı Erdoğan, Ermeniler'in Hocalı'da yaptıkları katliamın hesabının sorulmadığını belirterek, "Bu katliamı unutmayacağız, unutturmayacağız" dedi.

AK Parti Genel Başkanı ve Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, partisinin grup toplantısında yaptığı konuşmada, Ermeniler'in Hocalı'da yaptıkları katliamın hesabının sorulmadığını belirterek, "Azeri kardeşlerimiz de biz de yakın tarihimizin bu katliamını unutmayacağız, unutturmayacağız" dedi.

. .
The anniversary of the Khojaly Genocide was commemorated by crowds who gathered in front of the UN headquarters in New York in protest of the atrocious event.

The protest, organized by the Azerbaijani community in New York drew out a number of Azeri and Turkish nationals who came out waving Azerbaijani and Turkish flags to condemn the tragic page in history on the day of its 20th anniversary. The demonstrators carried signs stating, "Armenians, You are Guilty of Genocide", "The Khojaly Tragedy Committed by the Armenians is One of the Worst Crimes of Humanity in the 20th Century", "Armenians are Child Murderers" and "The Victims from Khojaly Will Live on Forever". During the demonstrations, slogans such as, "We Want Justice for Khojaly" and "Long Live the Turkish World" were chanted by the protesters. The demonstrators also distributed brochures that explained the tragic incident to passers-by in the park across from the UN building.
During the demonstration, in which both the American and Azerbaijani national anthems were played, Ercan Yerdelenli, the head of the Azerbaijani Association of New York, addressed the crowd in English to and stated that this incident was a genocide staged by Armenians against Azeri Turks, in which civilians were brutally killed regardless of whether they were women, children or elderly.
Ali Çınar, the chairman of the Turkish-American Associations Federation (TADF) also addressed the crowd, stating that the TADF supports the demonstration. "Azerbaijan and Turkey is one, we have set out together on all national cases and therefore we also condemn the Khojaly genocide staged by Armenia."
What happened?
On February 26th, 1992 the Armenian army committed genocide by using the worst forms of torture to kill 613 civilians, including women, children and the elderly in Azerbaijan's Khojaly village, located in the higher Karabakh region.
Out of those killed in the massacre, 83 were children, 106 were women and 70 were elderly. A total of eight families were completely eradicated. There were 487 people who survived heavily wounded and 1,275 people were taken hostage, with 150 still missing. Inspection of the bodies showed evidence of burning, a number of people's skulls were skinned, eyes were carved out and body parts, such as noses, ears and heads dismembered. Women and children were also subjected to the same savagery.
This tragic incident which transpired in Khojaly completely fits the criteria for both genocide and human rights crimes, as dictated by international law. What the Armenians did to Azerbaijanis falls into the category of criminal acts, human rights infringements and even genocide on a number of counts according to the Geneva Convention, the Human Rights Declaration, the International Agreement on Citizenship and Political Rights, the Proclamation for the Protection of Women and Children in Times of Ceasefire and Military Conflict and completely applies to the definition of genocide as dictated by the second item in the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which defines genocide as being "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group."According to the facts of history surrounding this tragic massacre it's evidence is undeniable that the incident qualifies as being genocide and completely complies with the definition put forth by the UN Genocide Convention.

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Fransa'da Azeri gençlere 'Hocalı' saldırısı

Fransa'da yaşayan Ermeniler, Fransız Ulusal Meclisi'nde Sumget olayları ve Dağlık Karabağ sorunu ile ilgili yaptıkları bir toplantıda soru soran ve "Bugün Hocalı katliamının yıldönümü" diyen iki Azeri'yi darp etti.

Ermeni partisi Federation Revolutionnaire Armenienne Dasnaksutyun üyesi 40 kadar Ermeni, konuşmayı dinlemeye gelen ve 26 Şubat'ın Hocalı katliamının yıldönümü olduğunu söyleyen Paris'teki Azerbaycan Evi'nin idarecisi Mirvari Fataliyeva ile öğrenci Vüsal Hüseyinov'a saldırdı.

Azeri haber ajansı APA, Hüseyinov'un darp edildiği sırada kadın gösterici Fataliyeva'nın kaçmayı başararak diğer salonda toplantı yapanlardan yardım istediğini, bu sayede ölümden döndüklerini yazdı.

Ajans Ermenilerin yaptığı toplantıya sözde Yukarı Karabağ devleti Fransa temsilcisi Hovhannes Kevorkian, Ermenistan'ın Paris Büyükelçisi Viken Tchitetchian, sözde Yukarı Karabağ devleti eski dışişleri bakanı Georgi Petrossyan, Fransa Val de Marne bölgesi milletvekili René Rouquet, Fransa Loire bölgesi milletvekili François Rochebloine, Dasnaksutyun'un Batı Avrupa temsilcisi Mourad Papazian ve 40 kadar aktivist ve Daşnak sempatizanın katıldığını yazdı.

Yaşadığı olaya dair Fransız milletvekillerinin sadece seyirci kaldıklarını söyleyen Fataliyeva, adli tıptan rapor alıp olayı Fransız mahkemelerine taşıyacaklarını belirtti.

DHA muhabirinin telefon ile ulaştığı Azerbaycan'ın Paris Büyükelçisi Elçin Amirbayov, olayı duyar duymaz meclise gittiğini, güvenlik görevlilerinin Fataliyeva ve Hüseyinov'u linçten kurtardıklarını gördüğünü, darp edilmiş gençlere ilk sağlık müdahalesinin mecliste yapılığını ardından kendisinin iki genci en yakındaki hastaneye götürdüğünü söyledi.

Büyükelçi, Vüsal Hüseyinov'un iç organlarının zarar gördüğünü, kaburga kemiğinin kırıldığının, Fataliyeva'nın ise yüzünde darp sonucu ezilmeler olduğunun tespit edildiğini söyledi.

Looks like so-called civilized armenians couldn't handle the truth when it comes from so-called barbarian Turks and cunt French police as always nowhere to be found when Turks assaulted.






Fransa'da Azeri genlere 'Hocal' saldrs - Hrriyet PLANET
French police will cover up, like German NSU. Because anti-islam is there!
OIC summit recognizes Khojaly tragedy as genocide

Posted on: February 8th, 2013 by Caucasus News - Russia News Cloud
The Khojaly massacre committed by Armenian armed forces against Azerbaijani civilians during the 1990s war was recognized as an act of genocide and crime against humanity at the 12th session of the Islamic Summit Conference, the highest body of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, held with the participation of OIC leaders in Cairo on February 2-7.

Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
A statement made by the Azerbaicani embassy in Paris says that Azerbaican has sent a note to the French Foreign Ministry in connection with the incident in the French parliament in which two Azerbaicani nationals were beaten by Armenians.

The statement says that a similar note is going to be sent to the French National Assembly and French MPs will be requested to express their views on the incident.

Among the Armenians to have beaten two Azerbaicani nationals in the French parliament for saying that February 26 is the anniversary of the Khojali massacre was also French parliamentarian Françoise Rochebloine.

Azerbaijan sends protest note to France/TRT-English


Today.Az - National Assembly of France starts collection of signatures to condemn beating of Azerbaijanis
Azerbaycan Fransa'ya nota verdi - ABHaber

Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry condemns violence against Azerbaijani citizens in France
Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry condemns violence against Azerbaijani citizens in France - Trend.Az
Lmao at these azeri losers who got beaten. They come to Sumgayit massacre memorial, disrespect the victims, and interrupt with Xocali BS. What the f do any of you expect.

"This race of people" shaped history through ages while your race of people wept through ages.

Sure. They shaped history. After all, the term "genocide" was coined specifically to describe the actions of Ottoman Turks against Armenians. They also steal ancient Christian land and call it their own. honestly, who the f is going to believe that the ancient churches of Van and Mushek are "ancient Turkish heritage." Your nation has definitely done a lot of history shaping, I agree with you.
The criminal organisation, Armenian armed forces, is nothing but a coward, corrupt, ravaged, group.

The Armenian army has inherited all the vices of the soviet army, including hazing, corruption, methodology of combat readiness. However, while the Soviet army had sufficient human and material resource, Armenia lacks it. - See more at:
Armenian Army: Meat for Cannons or History? - Country - Lragir.am - Armenia Online

The Armenian Army has a history of corruption and both violence and abuse towards its own soldiers.

Corruption in the Defense Ministry are also among the shortcomings and problems identified in the report.
Eye on Army: Ombudsman

Child Recruitment
Recruitment of children under 18 has been reported to occur in practice. The Committee on the Rights of the Child, at its January 2000 session, raised questions regarding reports of refugee children from Azerbaijan being forced to join the Armenian army.
"Christian" Armenians, with approval of their one and only state church, massacred unarmed Muslim women, elderly, and children in their selfish land grab of a neighbour’s lands.
Samuel A. Weems
Armenian atrocities in Azerbaijan

A genocide occurred against Azeris at Karabakh. This was nothing but ethic cleansing. And someone denying it and then two retards thanking that comment will NOT change the FACT that a ethic cleansing occurred against Azeris



There are more photo's, but it would not be appropiate for this page.
here is the link:

Armenian atrocities in Azerbaijan
HAHAHAHA recruitment of those under 18?!?!? That's how you make Armenia try to look bad? My friend, Armenian SF are composed of those who were designated for the army as young as 6 years old. They are trained day and night since then to protect our homeland from animals like you.

Armenian Army is the army of heaven compared to Azerbaijan. There is an active organ trade within your countries ranks, don't even try to deny it. Such animals. No respect for even your own brothers life.

Long live Armenian Army.

Look at the photo!

Her baktığımda çok kötü etkiliyor beni :(

Look at the photo!

Her baktığımda çok kötü etkiliyor beni :(

There are many more, and our local ravaged Armenian here is only pointing out the children soldiers. But it is true. They are no different than that the beasts who use children in war at Africa.

Armenia is a 'plastic' so called country. It cannot even secure flights without russia.
Peacekeepers for Airport?: Armenia may be looking to Russia for security of Karabakh flights - Karabakh | ArmeniaNow.com
Armenia may be looking to Russia for security of Karabakh flights

They also adapt their savageness everywhere; Armenian Power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They are involved in drug trafficking, murder, assault, fraud, identity theft, illegal gambling, kidnapping, racketeering, robbery and extortion.[1] They are believed to have over 500 members.[1]

There are many more...

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