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25-26 February 1992 Hocal Massacre

Stop spreading lies out of your *** : Those petitions can be signed by anyone and as long as it reaches required number it will answered no matter what.

How stupid can you possibly get??? Of course Syrian Lion is right, it has to be signed by Americans. Why would the White House be dictated by the petitions of foreigners. Think about it:wave:

Besides, the only American politicians that support this view on Xocali are those who are bankrolled by Azeri/Turkish lobby. By stark contrast, the Armenian lobby has no money to pay any Congressman, yet MANY (actually most, 43/50 US states support Genocide resolution) American politicians recognize Armenian Genocide.

And by the way, for those of you interested in the truth and not blindly following the Muslim side: http://xocali.net/
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Beyaz Saray’ın internet sitesindeki ‘We The People’ sayfasında Hocalı Katliamı’nın ABD tarafından tanınması için açılan dilekçeye atılan imza sayısının dün öğle itibariyle 115.566’ı aşması Ermeniler’i endişelendirdi.

‘We The People’ sayfasında ziyaretçilere hükümetten yapılmasını bekledikleri hizmetler ve çözülmesini istedikleri problemleri dile getirmeleri için dilekçe açma ve imza atma imkanı tanınıyor. Uygulamaya göre 30 gün içinde imza sayısının 100 bini aşması halinde ABD Yönetimi’nin bu konuda açıklama yapması bekleniyor. 26 Ocak’ta açılan, 26 Şubat’a kadar devam eden imza sayfasında “26 Şubat’ta Azeriler-Amerikalılar ve ABD’deki Azerbaycanlılar Ağı’nın (USAN) tüm dostları, 90’lı yılların en korkunç olaylarından biri olan Hocalı katliamının 21. yıldönümünü anacak” denilerek, katliamın tanınması çağrısı yapılıyor.


26 Şubat’tan günler önce imza sayısının belirtilen sayıyı aşması Ermenileri endişelendirirken, Amerika Ermeni Ulusal Komitesi (ANCA)’nın Başkanı Aram Hamparian, ABD Başkanı Barack Obama’nın üst düzey danışmanlarından Valerie Jarrett’e geçen çarşamba günü mektup yolladı. Mektupta, ‘We The People’ sayfasında açılan Azerbeycan’ın Ermenistan’a karşı nefretini gösteren imza dilekçelerinin İlham Aliyev’in eşi First Lady Mihriban Aliyeva’nın başkanlığındaki Haydar Aliyev Vakfı tarafından organize edildiği belirtildi. Mektupta, şu sorular yer alıyor: “ABD’de ikamet etmeyenler Beyaz Saray dilekçelerine nasıl imza atabiliyor. Beyaz Saray dilekçesine katılmak için vatandaşlık, ikametgah ya da diğer kuralların yerine getirilmesi için ne gibi önlemler uygulanıyor. Beyaz Saray, imza sisteminde hilenin engellenmesi için ve hükümetimizle diyalog için önemli olan bu alanı düşman kuruluşlar tarafından yapılan tacizlerden korumak için hangi sistemler uyguluyor.” Mektup, “Endişelerimize gösterdiğiniz ilginiz için teşekkürler” denilerek bitirildi.


şaka gibi daha iki gün oldu durun bi :woot: birde yukardaki arkadaş ciddeye almaz kimse diyordu değil mi? :toast_sign: varya nasıl keyfim yerine geldi şu an :smitten:

Ahahahahahahahahaha , Nasil bir Ücube bir Devlet olduklari Ortaya cikti !!!

358px-Resolution_of_the_State_of_Texas_to_commemorate_20  th_anniversary_of_the_Khojaly_Massacre.jpg
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Bügün Trt 1 de Haberlerde Gördüm.

O.C bakin 13 Yasindaki Kizi Derisini Yüzmüsler ,tek bir Tane bile degil ,cogunu ve cok Mutlu ettmis Ermeniyi .

Yakinda Türkiye + Azerbecyan girince Ermenistana görücez kim kimin Derisini Yüzüyor !
it has to be signed by Americans. [/URL]

White House! You do not need to be a US citizen. Anyone aged 13 or older is eligible.

source: guardian.co.uk

And you must read Guenter Lewy's History Books. And I bet 43/50 US states and France support it(armenian lie) for armenians' votes.
Bügün Trt 1 de Haberlerde Gördüm.

O.C bakin 13 Yasindaki Kizi Derisini Yüzmüsler ,tek bir Tane bile degil ,cogunu ve cok Mutlu ettmis Ermeniyi .

Yakinda Türkiye + Azerbecyan girince Ermenistana görücez kim kimin Derisini Yüzüyor !

Ankara'da durum. Ermenistan'a gidene kadar önce meclisten başlamak gerek.

Ankara'da durum. Ermenistan'a gidene kadar önce meclisten başlamak gerek.


Zihniyete baksana ,Resmen Roman Yazmiş Adam , bide Mutlu oluyormuş Derileri Yüzerken. (Canli Canli).
White House! You do not need to be a US citizen. Anyone aged 13 or older is eligible.

source: guardian.co.uk

And you must read Guenter Lewy's History Books. And I bet 43/50 US states and France support it(armenian lie) for armenians' votes.

And thus, I repeat myself: Why would the United States allow itself to be influenced by the petition of foreigners?

Why don't 100,000 IRGC just create a petition demanding end of sanctions, then?

And you must read the 1000 other books written on the Armenian Genocide.

Lewy is one of the most active members of a network of American scholars, influence peddlers and website operators, financed by hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from the government of Turkey, who promote the denial of the Armenian genocide — a network so influential that it was able last fall to defy both historical truth and enormous political pressure to convince America's lawmakers and even its president to reverse long-held policy positions. But it's not only Armenians calling the slaughter a genocide, and there is no real debate about its essential details, according to the vast majority of credible historians. Although Lewy's brand of genocide denial is subtler than that of Holocaust deniers who declare there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz, it's no less an attempt to rewrite history.

Lewy has been amply rewarded by Turkish authorities in Ankara and abroad through the launching of a massive campaign to distribute his book free of charge to libraries and to select groups of diplomats. Equally noteworthy, Lewy has been decorated at a special ceremony in Ankara with, ironically, the İnsanlığa Karşı İşlenen Suçlar Yüksek Ödülü (High Award for Fighting in Opposition to Crimes Against Humanity)... [by] a well-known organization whose mission includes the systematic denial of the Armenian genocide through propagandistic and partisan research and publications; the organization is sponsored and underwritten by the Turkish government.

This does not change that fact that a genocide occurred against Azeri's at Karabakh. This was nothing but ethic cleansing.

This petition, signed or not, does not change the fact that your ravaged *'army' killed all these people.

*its a so called army. It is more like a mafia, or an illegal organisation.
And thus, I repeat myself: Why would the United States allow itself to be influenced by the petition of foreigners?
First, Rule is rule!(White House! You do not need to be a US citizen. Anyone aged 13 or older is eligible.)
This petition, signed or not, does not change the fact a genocide occured against Azeri's at Karabakh. Thanks MrTopal27.

Lewy is one of the most active members of a network of American scholars, influence peddlers and website operators, financed by hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from the government of Turkey, who promote the denial of the Armenian genocide — a network so influential that it was able last fall to defy both historical truth and enormous political pressure to convince America's lawmakers and even its president to reverse long-held policy positions. But it's not only Armenians calling the slaughter a genocide, and there is no real debate about its essential details, according to the vast majority of credible historians. Although Lewy's brand of genocide denial is subtler than that of Holocaust deniers who declare there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz, it's no less an attempt to rewrite history.

Lewy has been amply rewarded by Turkish authorities in Ankara and abroad through the launching of a massive campaign to distribute his book free of charge to libraries and to select groups of diplomats. Equally noteworthy, Lewy has been decorated at a special ceremony in Ankara with, ironically, the İnsanlığa Karşı İşlenen Suçlar Yüksek Ödülü (High Award for Fighting in Opposition to Crimes Against Humanity)... [by] a well-known organization whose mission includes the systematic denial of the Armenian genocide through propagandistic and partisan research and publications; the organization is sponsored and underwritten by the Turkish government.

September 30, 2010, Washington, DC - In the summer 2008 issue of its Intelligence Report magazine and companion website, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), one of America’s most venerable civil rights organizations, accused Professor Guenter Lewy of being part of a network of academicians financed by the Turkish government to dispute the Armenian allegation of genocide. The magazine even attempted to draw a crude parallel between Professor Lewy and Neo-Nazis, even though Professor Lewy had been roughed up by Nazi thugs on Kristallnacht in 1938 and later fought against the Nazis in the British Army’s Jewish Brigade in World War II. Lewy, emeritus Professor of Political Science at the University of Massachusetts, was taken to task by SPLC also for concluding in his 2005 book, The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey, A Disputed Genocide, that the historic record as presently known does not substantiate the charge of genocide against the Ottoman government of 1915.

Represented by the Turkish American Legal Defense Fund (TALDF), Professor Lewy sued to restore his good name and freedom of inquiry. Yesterday SPLC published a retraction and apology admitting that they, "misunderstood Professor Lewy's scholarship, were wrong to assert that he was part of a network financed by the Turkish Government, and were wrong to assume that any scholar who challenges the Armenian genocide narrative necessarily has been financially compromised by the Government of Turkey.” Professor Lewy commented, "The SPLC has made important contributions to the rule of law and the struggle against bigotry. Thus I took no pleasure in commencing legal action against it. But the stakes, both for my reputation as a scholar and for the free and unhindered discussion of controversial topics, were compelling. It must be possible to defend views that contradict conventional wisdom without being called the agent of a foreign government.” David Saltzman, one of Lewy’s co-counsel from the TALDF added, "Academic freedom requires that scholars not work under a cloud of suspicion of their motives. Professor Lewy has been transparent and objective in his work.” "SPLC did the right thing,” said Bruce Fein, Lewy’s other co-counsel, "By admitting and correcting their errors they not only rescued Professor Lewy’s reputation, but advanced a common goal of free inquiry as the best method of discovering truths.”

The TALDF is generously supported by the Turkish Coalition of America. Lincoln McCurdy, the organization’s President, observed, "Reconciliation between the Turkish and Armenian peoples will require a full accounting of history. TCA supports an open dialogue and unfettered academic inquiry into this controversial period of Ottoman-Armenian history and tragedy. We are proud of TALDF’s hard work which hopefully will contribute to this open debate and offer our congratulations to Professor Lewy."
SPLC will also provide Professor Lewy, whose lawsuit had sought damages of $8 million, a monetary settlement.

source: taldf.org/Retraction_and_Apology_Lewy_v._SPLC.pdf


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