We need to say it to them straight. Islam came 1400 years ago, Iraq and Syria were reading The Noble Qu'ran and Hadiths for 1400. ISIS came in to the scene in 2003 AFTER the invasion of destabilising the Countries and allowing rogue groups to take control with weaponry that says 'Made in America' - go figure.
To have this belief that there's something wrong in the scriptures, that the foundations of Islam promotes violence is absolutely incorrect.
Islam is targeted easily because it's the ONLY Faith economically functional. Infact era of Caliphate during Abu Bakr - Uthman (R.A) and the way they ran countries in terms of tax/systems/people are copied by the West because their strategies were brilliant.
There wasn't a case of extremism - they were literate for 10yrs plus in The Qu'ran and its interpretations - it was implemented.
Iraq, Syria and Libya weren't attacked because of 'extremists' it's because their governments were no longer prepared to exchange oil for paper money but gold, which ultimately would drop the US dollar, they had no central banks, and were debt free.
Destroy a country's infrastructure/economy and have them in debt is practically enslaving a country and easier to control.
Some of these so-called Islamphobes are ignorant media fed air heads.