In this Modern technological world the word Cannibalism itself is very much disturbing to hear. But there are some group of people in India called Agori sadhus who still practice cannibalism eating meat rotten dead and meditating on human corpse.
Welcome to 21st century India, introducing: the Agori sahus.
For them, nothing and everything is sacred. That is to say, excrement and corpses are as sacred as flowers. They see all things as a divine expression and the idea of matter as being impure, an illusion. They follow a principle called "I am god" and they think themselves as children of lord Shiva. They like to do yoga because it gives strength to their mind and body.
Cannibalism In India
Welcome to 21st century India, introducing: the Agori sahus.
For them, nothing and everything is sacred. That is to say, excrement and corpses are as sacred as flowers. They see all things as a divine expression and the idea of matter as being impure, an illusion. They follow a principle called "I am god" and they think themselves as children of lord Shiva. They like to do yoga because it gives strength to their mind and body.
Cannibalism In India