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21st Century American Civil War has already started

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Gem of a Thread!!!! LMAO :pdf: :omghaha: :laughcry: :rofl:

Actually not. Maybe you should go to abovetopsecret.com and read their why america will have revolution threads ...A lot of anti-govt paranoia is there in the populations of Texas,Louisiana,North Dakota and the Red States.Also the rural white population and motorhome people(trailer Trash as refered to) are very unhappy with Obama and tend to call him the Kenyan marxist impostor. But this section is 20-25% of american population and also they are paranoid about Obama coming to take their guns.

While revolt is possible ,but I would expect to be ruthlessly crushed by the govt by use of DHS and drones.
American civil war has now become worldwide white community civil war

As the heading says, foreign whites are joining the war in individual capacity. All over the world, whites are taking sides in this conflict. From South Africa to New Zealand, from Canada to Australia, from Bolivia to Serbia, from Cuba to Germany, from Argentina to Ukraine, from Mexico to Denmark, from Falklands to Russia – all are taking active interest. Hence western societies have become divided along ACW lines. Because the choice varies from person to person. Not a single white person is remaining neutral once he has been told of the matter. Same was the case in earlier edition of ACW. Other countries were not really disinterested. By claiming to be neutral, Britain had actually supported the Union in 19th century. Reminds me of a line from the movie No Man’s Land, “Neutrality does not exist in the face of murder. Doing nothing to stop it is, in fact, choosing. It is not being neutral.” Whites from as diverse walk of life as politics and cricket are getting involved. Whatever decision governments take, an opposing cabal is emerging in those states to unofficially help the ‘team’ of their personal preference.
Unionists beat up (probable) Confederate member Jesse Ryder

NZ batsman Ryder in coma after bar bust-up

Last updated on: March 28, 2013 10:45 IST


New Zealand batsman Jesse Ryder is in an induced coma at a Christchurch hospital after suffering serious head injuries in an altercation outside a local bar, police said on Thursday.

New Zealand Police said Ryder, 28, had been rushed to Christchurch Hospital after suffering the injuries early on Thursday morning and remained there in a critical condition.

"It appears that Jesse has been the victim of a serious assault and suffered head injuries as a result," Detective Senior Sergeant Brian Archer told a nationally televised news conference.

"Jesse was taken to hospital where he remains in intensive care in a critical condition in an induced coma after suffering multiple injuries."

Local media reports said Ryder had suffered a fractured skull and a collapsed lung. Archer would not confirm if the injuries were life-threatening.

Ryder, who had been drinking at the bar with teammates from Wellington, had been involved in two incidents, the first outside a bar with three other people.

Two of the three then followed him across the road to a nearby fast food restaurant, where one of them apparently assaulted the cricketer, Archer said. It was unclear whether the assault had been provoked.

Police were examining closed-circuit video footage.

"At this stage we have not identified the people involved in the incident but are following positive lines of inquiry," he added.

"We are asking for witnesses to come forward and to speak to us about it."


Ryder, one of the most gifted batsmen in New Zealand, was in Christchurch playing for Wellington against Canterbury in the semi-final of the domestic one-day competition on Wednesday.

He had been in a self-imposed exile from international cricket after a series of alcohol-related incidents, however.

Despite having publicly sworn off alcohol, Ryder had begun drinking again in recent weeks, New Zealand Cricket Players' Association chief executive Heath Mills told reporters.

"We have been dealing with Jesse for 10 years and there have been numerous issues documented in that time," Mills said.

"Jesse has been fighting some demons over the last few years and he has struggled with them. It will be an ongoing struggle for him but we are doing all that we can to help him.

"It shouldn't be a surprise in the future if we have to deal with isolated issues."

In 2008, Ryder needed stitches in his hand after he punched a window in a Christchurch bar, an injury that kept him out of the game for several months.

He has also been in trouble for turning up to training still affected after a heavy drinking session and was reprimanded by governing body New Zealand Cricket last year after he and fellow New Zealand international Doug Bracewell were involved in a verbal altercation with bar patrons in Napier.


Following the Napier incident, Ryder voluntarily stood down from international selection to address his issues with alcohol.

"There are some alcohol protocols around the (Wellington) team but my understanding was that those protocols were being met so from that point of view the organisation does not have any direct concerns," Wellington chief executive Peter Clinton said.

"Our primary focus is his welfare. We remain very concerned and hope that he will recover."

Archer said he did not think that alcohol was a "contributing factor" in the altercation on Thursday.

Ryder had been expected to travel to India for the Indian Premier League with the Delhi Daredevils on Friday.

He was not expected to return to international cricket until New Zealand's tour of England in May-June, following their 0-0 draw in the recently completed home series.

An aggressive batsman with a superb eye and delicate touch, Ryder has made 1,269 runs in 18 tests at an average of 40.93 with a highest score of 201 and 1,100 runs in 39 one-day internationals at 34.37.

NZ batsman Ryder in coma after bar bust-up - Rediff Cricket
Actually not. Maybe you should go to abovetopsecret.com and read their why america will have revolution threads ...A lot of anti-govt paranoia is there in the populations of Texas,Louisiana,North Dakota and the Red States.Also the rural white population and motorhome people(trailer Trash as refered to) are very unhappy with Obama and tend to call him the Kenyan marxist impostor. But this section is 20-25% of american population and also they are paranoid about Obama coming to take their guns.

While revolt is possible ,but I would expect to be ruthlessly crushed by the govt by use of DHS and drones.

Obama is out in 3 years...and the gun thing isn't going to happen. I agree doing such a move in blatant violation of the second amendment on the federal level would lead to huge domestic unrest, but its the same hypotheticals as any other.
Obama is out in 3 years...and the gun thing isn't going to happen. I agree doing such a move in blatant violation of the second amendment on the federal level would lead to huge domestic unrest, but its the same hypotheticals as any other.

Obama should disarm the most violent country on earth. Only thing the guy has done right.
21st Century American Civil War has already started.

Many incidents which general public thinks to be usual occurrences are actually part of this new US civil war. Hurricane Sandy in 2012 was not natural. It was man-made and is part of latest American Civil War. The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut (by Adam Lanza) is part of ACW. The New York Ferry Crash (in January 2013), blast at Texas fertilizer plant, radioactive leakage at nuclear power plants, the recent stabbing of many people in Texas, Connecticut train crash, Oklahoma tornado, killing of Aaron Swartz, the New Orleans shooting spree, the famous hacking of Twitter website in 2013 etc are all acts of war. World-famous personalities like John Kerry and Chuck Hagel will vouch for the fact that unknown to many, some Americans are waging a new civil war.

I thought since the attackers in these skirmishes were civilians, every American must have become aware of the civil war by now. But surprisingly, leave alone civilians, even FBI doesn’t have a whiff of it. When I made phone calls to FBI, I found that I have to first acquaint them with this conflict. I wonder why those Americans who are in the loop have not taken rest of America into confidence.

Do you actually believe that americans are gonna rebel against the government? Even if they try they don't stand a chance.

Obama should disarm the most violent country on earth. Only thing the guy has done right.

I disagree! I bet even with all the guns gone the U.S will still remain violent. Atleast with a gun you can feel safe walking around in brooklyn and central park at night.
American civil war has now become worldwide white community civil war

As the heading says, foreign whites are joining the war in individual capacity. All over the world, whites are taking sides in this conflict. From South Africa to New Zealand, from Canada to Australia, from Bolivia to Serbia, from Cuba to Germany, from Argentina to Ukraine, from Mexico to Denmark, from Falklands to Russia – all are taking active interest. Hence western societies have become divided along ACW lines. Because the choice varies from person to person. Not a single white person is remaining neutral once he has been told of the matter. Same was the case in earlier edition of ACW. Other countries were not really disinterested. By claiming to be neutral, Britain had actually supported the Union in 19th century. Reminds me of a line from the movie No Man’s Land, “Neutrality does not exist in the face of murder. Doing nothing to stop it is, in fact, choosing. It is not being neutral.” Whites from as diverse walk of life as politics and cricket are getting involved. Whatever decision governments take, an opposing cabal is emerging in those states to unofficially help the ‘team’ of their personal preference.
Confederates: If we go down, we will go down fighting

Copperhead newspaper Daily Mail invokes the spirit of Wallace Hartley

Wallace Henry Hartley (2 June 1878 – 15 April 1912) was an English violinist and bandleader on the RMS Titanic on its maiden voyage. He became famous for leading the eight member band as the ship sank on 15 April 1912. He died in the sinking. In April 1912, Hartley was assigned to be the bandmaster for the White Star Line ship RMS Titanic.

After the Titanic hit an iceberg and began to sink, ship authorities asked Hartley and his fellow band members to start playing music to help keep the passengers calm as the crew loaded the lifeboats. Many of the survivors said that he and the band continued to play until the very end. None of the band members survived the sinking and the story of them playing to the end became a popular legend. One survivor who clambered aboard 'Collapsible A' claimed to have seen Hartley and his band standing just behind the first funnel, by the Grand Staircase. He went on to say that he saw three of them washed off while the other five held on to the railing on top the Grand Staircase's deckhouse, only to be dragged down with the bow, just before Hartley exclaimed, "Gentlemen, I bid you farewell!" A newspaper at the time reported "the part played by the orchestra on board the Titanic in her last dreadful moments will rank among the noblest in the annals of heroism at sea."

Though the final song played by the band is unknown, "Nearer, My God, to Thee" has gained popular acceptance. Former bandmates claimed that Hartley had said he would play either "Nearer, My God, to Thee" or "O God, Our Help in Ages Past" if he was ever on a sinking ship, but Walter Lord's book A Night to Remember popularised wireless officer Harold Bride's account of hearing the song "Autumn".


Titanic: Violin from 'the band that played on' as ship sank is discovered | Mail Online

Violin from band who played as the Titanic sank to be auctioned for record-breaking price | Mail Online

Water-stained violin proven to be the one played by brave bandmaster as the Titanic sank | Mail Online
Obama is out in 3 years...and the gun thing isn't going to happen. I agree doing such a move in blatant violation of the second amendment on the federal level would lead to huge domestic unrest, but its the same hypotheticals as any other.
This thread has serious competition from any thread posted by @abcxyz0000
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

- Mahatma Gandhi
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A Copperhead was a member of a vocal group of Democrats located in the Northern United States of the Union who opposed the American Civil War, wanting an immediate peace settlement with the Confederates. Republicans started calling antiwar Democrats "Copperheads", likening them to the venomous snake. The Peace Democrats accepted the label, reinterpreting the copper "head" as the likeness of Liberty, which they cut from copper pennies and proudly wore as badges.

They comprised the more extreme wing of the "Peace Democrats" and were often informally called "Butternuts" (for the color of the Confederate uniforms). The most famous Copperhead was Ohio's Clement L. Vallandigham, a Congressman and leader of the Democratic Party. Republican prosecutors accused some leaders of treason in a series of trials in 1864.

Copperheadism was a highly contentious, grassroots movement, strongest in the area just north of the Ohio River, as well as some urban ethnic wards. Some historians have argued it represented a traditionalistic element alarmed at the rapid modernization of society sponsored by the Republican Party, and looked back to Jacksonian Democracy for inspiration. Weber (2006) argues that the Copperheads damaged the Union war effort by fighting the draft, encouraging desertion, and forming conspiracies, but other historians say the draft was in disrepute and that the Republicans greatly exaggerated the conspiracies for partisan reasons. Some historians argue the Copperheads' goal of negotiating a peace and restoring the Union with slavery was naive and impractical, for the Confederates refused to consider giving up their independence. Copperheadism was a major issue in the 1864 presidential election; its strength increased when Union armies were doing poorly, and decreased when they won great victories. After the fall of Atlanta in September 1864, military success seemed assured, and Copperheadism collapsed.

Copperhead (politics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A species of snake with hands!

Neo-Unionists seem to be all hype no substance. They have been trying so hard for so long yet nothing has come off it. But they won’t stop bragging, bluffing and targeting sitting duck civilians of no consequence. These cast serious doubts on their caliber. They should understand that their victory is uncertain.
It's turning out to be a long long haul. We are back in the 90's and very unsure of what lies ahead!
21st Century American Civil War has already started.

Many incidents which general public thinks to be usual occurrences are actually part of this new US civil war. Hurricane Sandy in 2012 was not natural. It was man-made and is part of latest American Civil War. The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut (by Adam Lanza) is part of ACW. The New York Ferry Crash (in January 2013), blast at Texas fertilizer plant, radioactive leakage at nuclear power plants, the recent stabbing of many people in Texas, Connecticut train crash, Oklahoma tornado, killing of Aaron Swartz, the New Orleans shooting spree, the famous hacking of Twitter website in 2013 etc are all acts of war. World-famous personalities like John Kerry and Chuck Hagel will vouch for the fact that unknown to many, some Americans are waging a new civil war.

I thought since the attackers in these skirmishes were civilians, every American must have become aware of the civil war by now. But surprisingly, leave alone civilians, even FBI doesn’t have a whiff of it. When I made phone calls to FBI, I found that I have to first acquaint them with this conflict. I wonder why those Americans who are in the loop have not taken rest of America into confidence.
Hey man! Iran is also deeply connected to this conflict. In 19th century version, the issue was slavery. In this era’s version, the issue is the plans of racist white Americans to colonize various nations around the world WHICH INCLUDES IRAN. Previous American Civil War seems to be about internal affairs of that country. This time, the civil war is about matters external to America. When post-1947 India’s hitherto greatest Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh saw through the racist conspiracy to divide and destabilize regions in order to take over our own Bharat, the intelligence officials or/and diplomats were told to take the non-racist white community into confidence and apprise them of the situation OR he himself did it. Manmohan knew that not all Westerners could be painted with same brush. Many Westerners are genuinely nice to Asians. Non-racists are opposed to the policy of neo-colonialism. They took it upon themselves to prevent this international treachery.
awesome man.....keep going.....:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

The citizen-soldiers who fought for the Confederacy personified the best qualities of America. The preservation of liberty and freedom was the motivating factor in the South's decision to fight the Second American Revolution. The tenacity with which Confederate soldiers fought underscored their belief in the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. These attributes are the underpinning of our democratic society and represent the foundation on which this nation was built.

Today, the Sons of Confederate Veterans is preserving the history and legacy of these heroes so that future generations can understand the motives that animated the Southern Cause.

The SCV is the direct heir of the United Confederate Veterans, and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendents of Confederate soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Virginia in 1896, the SCV continues to serve as a historical, patriotic, and non-political organization dedicated to ensuring that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preserved.

Membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans is open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces.

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