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2023 Turkish election

Balkan savaşlarından canını kurtarıp gelen Türklerle Suriyelileri bir mi tutuyorsun orospu evladı seni

Balkanlardan ve Kafkaslardan milyonlarca Arnavut , Boşnak , Cerkez , Abhaz vs Anadoluya ( Türkiyeye doldu ) ...

ayrıca 1927 de 200.000 Yahudi ve 800.000 Ermeni'ye kimsenin ruhu duymadan isim, soy isimleri Türkçe'ye çevrilerek Türk kimliği verildi

Hepsine de Türklerin üzerinde idareci sıfatı verildi. Tiyatro, edebiyat, müzik, sinema, basın, yayın, gazete, TV hep onların tekelinde bulunduruldu.

Bu kriptolar Anıtkabir yollarında sürekli şu cümleyi kullandılar "Biz bu ülkenin aslî unsurlarıyız" kodugumun sebetayist dönmeleri kanser gibi Türkiye'nin her yerini sardılar

azılı Türk , Osmanlı , Islam ve Erdogan düşmanları ....

ve Savaştan canını kurtarıp Suriyeden gelenler Türkmen degilmi orosbu evladı küfür etmeden konuşamıyormusun
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Balkanlardan ve Kafkaslardan milyonlarca Arnavut , Boşnak , Cerkez , Abhaz vs Anadoluya ( Türkiyeye doldu ) ...

ayrıca 1927 de 200.000 Yahudi ve 800.000 Ermeni'ye kimsenin ruhu duymadan isim, soy isimleri Türkçe'ye çevrilerek Türk kimliği verildi

Hepsine de Türklerin üzerinde idareci sıfatı verildi. Tiyatro, edebiyat, müzik, sinema, basın, yayın, gazete, TV hep onların tekelinde bulunduruldu.

Bu kriptolar Anıtkabir yollarında sürekli şu cümleyi kullandılar "Biz bu ülkenin aslî unsurlarıyız" kodugumun sebetayist dönmeleri kanser gibi Türkiye'nin her yerini sardılar

azılı Türk , Osmanlı , Islam ve Erdogan düşmanları ....

ve Savaştan canını kurtarıp Suriyeden gelenler Türkmen degilmi orosbu evladı küfür etmeden konuşamıyormusun
Be amına koydumun yavşağı Arnavut, Boşnak, Çerkeze laf ediyorsun da milyonlarca Suriyeliye Afgan'a neden tek kelimen yok?

Afganlar da mı Türkmen amına kodumun sığırı. Çoluğu çocuğu siken bu piç kurularını nasıl savunuyorsun?

Taksim'de bomba patlatan orospu da mı Türkmen? 3 kuruşluk aklınla gelmiş burada bize algı mı yapıyorsun
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Be amına koydumun yavşağı Arnavut, Boşnak, Çerkeze laf ediyorsun da milyonlarca Suriyeliye Afgan'a neden tek kelimen yok?

Afganlar da mı Türkmen amına kodumun sığırı. Çoluğu çocuğu siken bu piç kurularını nasıl savunuyorsun?

Taksim'de bomba patlatan orospu da mı Türkmen? 3 kuruşluk aklınla gelmiş burada bize algı mı yapıyorsun

Taksim'de bomba patlatan orospu , Kılıcdaroglunun yoldaşı
tıpış tıpış git Kılıcdarogluna oy ver kodugumun yavşagı

Afgan , Suriyeli ne ise Balkan Kafkas göçmenleri de aynısıdır ..
kendileri göçmen oldugu halde cıkmış afgana suriyeliye laf söylüyor

Meral Akşenerden Mansur Yavaşa , Umit Özdaga kadar alayı Balkan Kafkas göçmeni
( Yunanistan , Makedonya , Dagıstan )

kuş kadar beyinleri ile şimdide vatan haini Kılıcdaroglunu kazandırmak için afgana suriyeliye saldırıp algı operasyonu yapıyor göçmen artıkları

2.7 Milyon Düzensiz Göçmenin Türkiyeye Girişi Engellendi
Yılbaşından Bu Yana 119.817 Düzensiz Göçmen Sınır Dışı Edildi
2022 de Afganistan ve Pakistan’a 78.919 Düzensiz Göçmen Sınır Dışı Edildi

Göç idaresi başkanlıgı web sayfası

İş Bankasınıda Afgan Pakistanlı müslümanların kurtuluş savaşında gönderdikleri para ve altınlar ile kurdunuz. .... Chp li soytarılar Afgana Pakistanlıya laf söylüyor

Afganlarında cogu Türk kodugumun cahil sıgırı ..Afganistanın 4 te 1 i Türk asıllı
hiç yoksa cobanlık yapıp acıgı kapatıyorlar bir faydaları var

Sizlerin ne faydası var göçmen artıgı vatan hainleri
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Afganlarında cogu Türk kodugumun cahil sıgırı ..Afganistanın 4 te 1 i Türk asıllı
hiç yoksa cobanlık yapıp acıgı kapatıyorlar bir faydaları var

Sizlerin ne faydası var göçmen artıgı vatan hainleri
Afgan = Türk
Türk = göçmen

akıl hastası orospu çocuğu.

MHP liyim diye geziyor, bu forumda 1. numaralı Türk düşmanı sensin
Erdogan hepinizden Türk .. Türk devleti son 250 yılda ki en güclü döneminde şu an
Because you've fought a few Kurds and jihadis in Syria,some small and underequipped armies in Libya and Armenia (and again,through proxy) you think that you're a superpower?

Do you understand it's going to be a very different game if you get blockaded and attacked by normal countries?

Your economy is bad,you had 100 billion dollars in damage from the earthquake,you have hundreds of thousands of displaced people and you also have the refugees and illegal immigrants on top of that.

You think you're stronger than 250 years ago? If the Americans gather an alliance around you just like they did with Saddam,what are you going to do?
Because you've fought a few Kurds and jihadis in Syria,some small and underequipped armies in Libya and Armenia (and again,through proxy) you think that you're a superpower?

Do you understand it's going to be a very different game if you get blockaded and attacked by normal countries?

Your economy is bad,you had 100 billion dollars in damage from the earthquake,you have hundreds of thousands of displaced people and you also have the refugees and illegal immigrants on top of that.

You think you're stronger than 250 years ago? If the Americans gather an alliance around you just like they did with Saddam,what are you going to do?
We were in a much worse situation in 1919 and turned it around although back then we had Atatürk and we had a professional army going back to Nizam-ı Cedid.

Now, I think we're still militarily untouchable due to the advancements in defense industries. But a strong military means nothing when the borders are wide open for anybody wanting to get in.

Unfortunately braindead piece of shit Kılıçtaroğlu stole the elections and is forcing everyone back towards Erdo.


Seçimden önce faşist diyorlardı şimdi ayağımıza geliyorlar. :lol:

Now, I think we're still militarily untouchable due to the advancements in defense industries. But a strong military means nothing when the borders are wide open for anybody wanting to get in.
He said the last 250 years.

Untouchable? Saddam thought he was untouchable too in 1991. And so many others. You can't survive a full scale war by a serious country now. Especially if it's a big power supported by an alliance.

Seçimden önce faşist diyorlardı şimdi ayağımıza geliyorlar. :lol:

Kılıçdaroğlu will enter the 2nd tour election with a crescent moustache lol. Weeks ago, he was talking about the reinstatement of those with emergency decrees and the release of Demirtaş. It is really disgraceful days, Kanas Canan has been pretending to be Asena all morning. I want these days to pass quickly. No matter who wins the election... The rise of the nationalist movement scares everyone.
Beyaz Atletli Kemal Kilicdaroglu...

Does he have a chance? He just might...


He said the last 250 years.

Untouchable? Saddam thought he was untouchable too in 1991. And so many others. You can't survive a full scale war by a serious country now. Especially if it's a big power supported by an alliance.
Saddam only had an army, though one of the biggest in the world at the time, poorly trained and armed, with no domestic defense industry etc. etc.

No army is unbeatable. But Turkey is no Iraq.

And perhaps even more importantly, attacking Turkey, a NATO member is politically unfesable. It would turn NATO into a joke.

But just to show how deluded this fucker is, this is Turkey 260 years ago:

Kılıçdaroğlu will enter the 2nd tour election with a crescent moustache lol. Weeks ago, he was talking about the reinstatement of those with emergency decrees and the release of Demirtaş. It is really disgraceful days, Kanas Canan has been pretending to be Asena all morning. I want these days to pass quickly. No matter who wins the election... The rise of the nationalist movement scares everyone.
The meeting ended with no concrete announcement. KK must be shitting his pants. Losing this election will surely be the end of his career.

I want him to commit suicide so badly. But I know he's too cowardly to do it.
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But just to show how deluded this fucker is, this is Turkey 260 years ago:
Exactly! Exactly! Erdogan is greater than the old Sultans for some reason,to him and millions of other simpleton AKP voters. Everything TRT,Yeni Safak and Anadolu says,they believe it.
The meeting ended with no concrete announcement. KK must be shitting his pants. Losing this election will surely be the end of his career.

I want him to commit suicide so badly. But I know he's too cowardly to do it.
If KK loses the election, which I think seems certain, he will first be kicked out of the party along with the December 10 gang. (If he starts a new war in the party, this time he will not have immunity, so the internal party dynamics will not be as empty-handed as in the past.) Otherwise the Turkish left needs an Ecevit and a new DSP. This order will not change without a strong and real independent opposition. If Özdağ tries to throw a lifeline to the December 10 gang in order to get rid of RTE as soon as possible, I think he will make a serious mistake in terms of his political career. Because even Özdağ's support will not be enough. So, the cost of this mistake may be great for Özdağ. IMO, all he has to do is to wait until he is down fronts to one and in the meantime not compromise his taking power from both wings.
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Afgan = Türk
Türk = göçmen

akıl hastası orospu çocuğu.

MHP liyim diye geziyor, bu forumda 1. numaralı Türk düşmanı sensin

Vatan haini göçmen artıkları 2013 gezi isyanından beri yapmadıgınız ihanet kalmadı

Erdogan düşmanlıgı ile kafayı yemiş orosbu cocukları
siktir git PKK ve FETO ye bahar getirecek Kılıcdaroglu , Akşener , Karamollaoglu ,Davutoglu ve Babacana oy ver

Dagda cobanlık yapan o Afganlar vatan haini Kılıcdaroglu ve avanesinden daha faydalıdır bu ülkeye ... zerre kadar faydanız yok .. Türk kim siz kim
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Because you've fought a few Kurds and jihadis in Syria,some small and underequipped armies in Libya and Armenia (and again,through proxy) you think that you're a superpower?

First learn what about hybrid asymmetric war

since 2013 ,Turkiye in hybrid asymmetric war against USA-France-Greece,PKK,YPG,FETO,ISIS

-- also Turkiye entered the game in Libya and saved Libyan government from HAFTAR,WAGNER,France,Egypt The UAE and S.Arabia

-- also Turkiye kicked IRGC, SAA, Hezbolah in Idlib/Syria

-- also Turkiye helped Azerbaijan to kick USA-France-Iran backed Armenia
nobody could dare attack on Azerbaijan

-- also Turkiye kicked Greece-France in the Eastern Mediterranean
nobody could dare to enter Turkish EEZ for drilling

-- also Turkish military bases in Qatar and Somalia to protect national interests


-- Turkiye is only industrialized country in the region from Italy to India

-- Turkiye produce Car , Bus , Truck , Tram , Train , locomotives and wagons
Fighter Jets , Helicopters , UCAVs , Satellites , Ships , Super Tanker , Consumer electronics and home appliances , Machinery and many more

-- Turks first time entered the big club in Defense Industry
Turkiye develops almost everything .. ( only USA,China,Russia,Europe and Turkiye in the world )


Now Turkiye ranks 9 in the world for quality of infrastructure

Thanks to ERDOGAN for $1 trillion investment for public projects in the last 20 years

Turkiye has modern buildings , airports , hospitals , luxury hotels , schools , palaces of justice , dams , bridges , tunnels , divided roads , high ways , high speed train lines , stadiums and sport centers , airlines , marinas , shipyards , factories , renewable energy , etc


Turkish population has risen to 85 million from 13 million between 1927 and 2023
Greece had 6,2 million population in 1927 ,, now 10,3 million

in ww1 ( 1914-1915 )
Ottoman Empire had 18,5 million population
Germany had 67 million population

now Germany has 83 million population , Turkiye has 85 million population

and Turkish people so educated like never before in history



Turkiye has the 11th biggest GDP PPP in the World after France and The UK
9-- France $3,872 trillion
10- UK $3.846 trillion
11- Turkiye $3,572 trillion

in GDP Nominal
Turkiye has bigger GDP nominal than Greece+Egypt+Iran combined
Turkiye : $1.029 trillion
Egypt : $378 billion
Iran : $367 billion
Greece : $239 billion

So yes The Turkish State is currently in its strongest period in the last 250 years.

simpletons are so stupid and ignorant
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Erdogan goal is to make turkish gdp per capita into sub saharan levels. With super high inflation that is easily doable by 2025. Malnutrition incoming to a city near you!

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