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2017 statistics of the 10 biggest illegal immigrant groups in Turkey.

I was just going to post this lmaoooo

Syrians are fighting among themselves lmaoooooooo

This is getting ridiculous!!! There needs to be a proper law enforcement in where the Syrians are. Turkey welcomes them and instead they start chimping out.
How many illegal armenian immigrants are living in Turkey???

How many Armenians live in Turkey in total???

Kick them all out majority of them send money to Armenia especially the Karabag region.
. .
The syrian terrorism in Turkey. A Uzbek guy killed by 2 syrian guys 22-24 years old.

Directive order should be done now. All syrian refugees need to be in detention centres.

They are a danger to the public!!! Where is the government where is the law enforcement???

If they dont do shit that means Turks should arm up and form vigilante groups or militias!!!
I think we have to start a thread which dedicated the syrian terrorism in Turkey. Otherwise people will not be aware of this threat.
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Syrians by numbers in Turkey.

In the city of Bursa, A Syrian man attacks a Turk girl and her mother after stalking her and breaking in their property, the girl and mother get rescued by those Turks around and the Syrian is taken in custody after being beaten up by those Turks around.


Olay, akşam saatlerinde Yenice Mahallesi Kasımefendi Caddesi üzerinde meydana geldi. Suriye uyruklu Abdulhadi A. (25), iddiaya göre hoşlandığı ancak karşılık alamadığı Buse E.'yi (19) takip etti. Buse E. annesinin iş yerine girince, Abdulhadi A. da peşinden gitti. Abdulhadi A. iş yerinde Buse E.'nin annesi Zehra E. (38) ile konuşup durumu anlattı. Zehra E. ise kızının istemediğini söyleyerek gitmesini istedi. Bunun üzerine Abdulhadi A., Zehra E.'ye saldırdı. Durumu gören çevredekilerin müdahalesi ile Zehra E. ve Buse E. kurtarıldı.

The source: https://www.mynet.com/tehlikeli-gerilim-sokakta-kadini-doven-suriyeliye-saldirdilar-190101160228
Unfortunately, The AKP and Erdoğan keep ignoring the sociology and culture that make the difference between Turkey and Middle East countries or the rest of the Muslim geography.

Such news will keep poping up especially the summer time in streets till the point no one would like to see...

In the city of Sakarya, Syrian group are attacking and swearing Turks.

. .
A completely naked mother fcker syrian guy wanna swim. This perverted bastard does it right in front of women and children on a public beach.

Unfortunately, The AKP and Erdoğan keep ignoring the sociology and culture that make the difference between Turkey and Middle East countries or the rest of the Muslim geography.
Could you explain the difference between these two cultures to a Westerner please!
Turkish culture is unique, because of 100 years of secularism, Turkish Sunnism being regulated through Diyanet and also because of the Turkish/Turkic background that heavily influences Turkish culture. Its a complex topic and dont make the mistake to compare Turks in Germany with Turks in Turkey. That will only make things even more complex. For Syrians in Turkey differences begin with how religion is practiced and ends with how women are treated. And ultimately there is not a lot of integration going on. Probably sounds familar.
Syrians threw human feces on the people who were walking on the street in Ordu province.

Those Syrias testing our patients.
Dozens of Syrians raided in Istanbul to kidnapp a girl then a fight started between locals and Syrians.

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