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2010-2012 Saudi Shopping Spree: F-15s, Helicopters & More


Some three years ago, Europeans lauded new weapons export rules meant to control the trade of military technology and equipment as "milestones." The "Security-related export controls II" rules state that export approval should be avoided in the event that weapons "might be used for undesirable purposes such as internal repression or international aggression or contribute to regional instability."

But it appears that some European Union members are disregarding these rules when it comes to Saudi Arabia. A European Commission summary obtained by SPIEGEL shows that combined exports from member states amount to the EU being the world's largest exporter of weapons to the Middle Eastern country. In 2010, member states delivered at least €3.3 billion ($4.34 billion) worth of military equipment and licenses to Riyadh.
Sweden, for example, helped the Saudis build a missile factory and sold them some €330 million in defense technology in 2011. Meanwhile, Finland recently received an export permit to deliver 36 grenade launchers, and Germany is preparing 270 Leopard 2 tanks for delivery. Great Britain is providing fighter jets.

36 gerand lunchers patria Nemo

Patria Nemo

Patria Nemo is a remote-controlled 120 mm mortar turret with excellent signature management and ballistic protection. As a modern and compact system, Patria Nemo can easily be mounted onto various tracked and wheeled chassis. Due to its low weight, only 1600 kg, Patria Nemo is also adaptable to lightweight, high-speed vessels.

Featuring exceptional accuracy and agility in all types of manoeuvres, Nemo is ready to fire in less than 30 seconds and enables immediate exit from firing position – true performance for an array of shoot & scoot tactics.

Patria Nemo operates autonomously with impressive firepower, including direct and indirect fire, together with Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact (MRSI), up to a range of 10 km. This makes infantly battalion indirect fire support highly mobile, with increased firepower, high crew protection and rapid response times on the battlefield.

Patria Nemo provides both direct and indirect fire support for rapid deployment forces. It is also excellent for harbour patrol and protection, coast guarding and infantry landing operations.

The main benefits of Patria Nemo are:

*Lightweight turret system
*High rate of fire
*Direct fire capability
*Rapid deployment
*Ballistic and NBC-protection
*Low carrier loads
*Large amount of onboard ammo
*Suitability for all standard 120 mm smoothbore mortar ammo
*Full 360° traverse
*Fire-on-the-move capability in naval application.


270 leopard II


48 Typhoon tranche III

Really it would be great for them to join the Typhoon program and can produce 110 Aircraft from each tranche and this will eliminate the need of F-15s or if they really need that they can produce 110 of F-15 SA at home. Then the fleet will be like:
330 EF-2000s
110 F-15SAs
Not without American permission. You note the point I made about how they sanctioned Pakistan in the nineties and we couldn't get parts. They could do it to Sauds as well if you fall out with Americans or Israelis. Then these weapons would not be very useful.

btw whats the weather like in Londonistan
When your country is attacked you don't go ask for permission you attack back with what ever you have and what ever harm you can cause to your enemy and still Saudi needs submarines and frigates and 200 more fighter planes

But on other threads your compatriots claim that you do what the Americans want cos you are scared Mossa. Dont you remember you said if Americans did not support Palestinians in UN you would do this and that???

I would never dream of insulting you my dear Muslim brother. Why are you getting so upset?
Sir Saudi Intelligence agencies is now one of the best in the world they alone have busted 100 of cases of Al Qaeda planning attacks on their soil stop dreaming and face reality
still Saudi needs submarines and frigates and 200 more fighter planes

Saudi King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz is due in Paris on 23/9/10 on a three-day visit. He is expected to discuss military cooperation issues with French President Nicolas Sarkozy during his visit. The following 340-word report sheds light on the subject and tells what the agenda of military talks include, notably on what concerns the FREMM-class frigate, the Scorpion submarine and the Aster 30 missile

Posted on: Thu, Apr 26, 2012
The Saudi Navy is said to be trying to convince the Saudi Defence Ministry to accelerate the talks over the FREMM-class frigate within the context of the Saudi Navy frigate programme. The following 468-word report sheds light on the subject and tells what about the reasons behind the Saudi Navy’s efforts. It also tells what about the reaction of the Saudi Defence Ministry.

Posted on: Tue, Apr 24, 2012
Saudi Defence Minister Prince Salman Bin Abdulaziz is said to have decided to buy between 6 and 8 frigates in all for the Saudi Navy. The following 430-word report sheds light on the subject and tells what about the Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) and how many LCSs he is likely to buy and of which type, the LCS-1 of Lockheed Martin or the LCS-2 of General Dynamics. It also tells what about the FREMM-class frigate.

Posted on: Wed, Apr 18, 2012
Saudi Defence Minister Prince Salman Bin Abdulaziz is said to have asked the Saudi Navy to get prepared for new rounds of talks with shipbuilders on the Saudi Navy frigate programme. The following 400-word report sheds light on the subject and tells what about the shipbuilders that will be concerned by these new rounds of talks. It also tells what about the FREMM-class frigate.

Saudi Prince Salman, LCS and MBDA Sea Ceptor missile
Posted on: Tue, Apr 10, 2012
Saudi Defence Minister Prince Salman Bin Abdulaziz, who left London for Washington to meet with US President Barack Obama and high-ranking US officials, is said to be preparing to initial a deal for the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) and discuss the air defence systems with which the LCS will be equipped. The following 416-word report sheds light on the subject and tells what about the MBDA-made Sea Ceptor air defence system.

here is also an update which i used google translator to switch from fr. to en. i apologize for any translation mistakes.

The French naval group must sign a contract that was worth $ 1 billion with Riyadh. It concerns the modernization of six Navy ships Saudi acquired under a contract Sawari
The next president of the French Republic would welcome a future mégacontrat in Saudi Arabia. The visit to Riyadh in late March of the current defense minister, Gerard Longuet, where he met with Prince Salman, the defense minister since November 2011 and especially number three of the Saudi regime, has finally been useful for DCNS .

The maritime group expects notification soon of a contract, called LEX (Life Extension Sawari 1), worth approximately € 1 billion over five years, according to reports. It concerns the modernization of four Al Medinah class frigates and two oil-tanker class Boraida commissioned in 1985-1986 (contract Sawari I).

Notification before Ramadan

The notification of the contract could take place before the period of Ramadan, which begins this year on July 20 (until August 19). "There is a desire to conclude this matter as soon as possible," says one to "latribune.fr". This operation well under way and would extend the life of these frigates obsolete a decade and especially to calmly prepare the file Sawari III. A folder, a priority for Paris and DCNS, with the sale of FREMM multimission frigates. The first ship could be delivered in 2016-2017.

The LEX site will take place locally. For DCNS, this contract is a first of its kind in Saudi Arabia. The French shipyard will have to create an industrial structure in a local environment underdeveloped in this field. In addition, the rehabilitation of ships will be maintained little complicated. So, the challenge for DCNS will be to control production costs and time in a little known by the group ... and customer satisfaction in this field to win new contracts for modernization (Sawari Sawari 2 and 3).

I'm hoping we could get f/18 SH for the navy.
Saudis have good gadgets. The question is ... would Arabs be able to deploy their weapons effectively? to their fullest extent? In previous wars with Israelis , Arabs had great weapons even back then , but they miserably failed to deploy their weapons against Israeli forces effectively.

Hope they have improved now.
Saudis have good gadgets. The question is ... would Arabs be able to deploy their weapons effectively? to their fullest extent? In previous wars with Israelis , Arabs had great weapons even back then , but they miserably failed to deploy their weapons against Israeli forces effectively.

Hope they have improved now.

wake up mate

EU Nations Sell the Most Arms to Saudi Arabia



Germany is preparing 270 Leopard 2 tanks for delivery



The “Leopard II” was selected by Saudi Arabia for in the future directly interact with the technological industrial defense of its ally Turkey. From whom (Turkey), Saudi Arabia will provide when “Altay” will be fully completed.


Leopard II (Germany)

Leopard 2A7

Leopard 2A4 Tank Modernization (Turkey)

Leopard 2NG (Left), Leopard 2A4 (Right)

TURKISH Aselsan Leopard 2A4 Tank Modernization 720P HD - YouTube
What Americans are selling this hi tech to be used against Arab civilians?

The only two Arab regimes used their armies against civilians are both the Syrian and the Libyan ones, those whom you desperately defend day and night on this forum, and you call the civilians who are being killed "terrorists." Aren't you? I am not willing to go further with this futile discussion, but this had to be clarified up to members here.
I think the Saudis should open up different R&D facilities in their central Land as it will be safe from threats from outside and try to hire experts of different fields from outside World that includes Russian, China and other ex-Soviet countries.
Moderators should close this Thread, saudi members understand you people are posting same F-15/Other weapons systems purchase every week. Hopefully moderators would check Military Forum Section with scrutiny, which is flooded with the same saudi purchase News some 3-4 Times.
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