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2000 women flogged for 5 hours and more in India


Sep 8, 2008
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The festivals are over and some places have strange rituals. In a village in Tamil Nadu, 2000 women were given severe blood-oozing lashings to drive away spirits in them; in a village in Madhya Pradesh, Ravana’s men pelt stones. And there is more – on how to woo girls, catching liars and how Sodoku can sometimes make you fat. Read on..

When a celebrity in Malaysia was ordered to get four lashes for drinking in public, there was a hue and cry, but how about 2000 women getting gruelling blood-oozing lashes for over five hours in full public view? Well, that was what happened in a remote village in Tamil Nadu.

Beating women can land men in jail, but in the Tamil Nadu village, over 2000 women were flogged as part of a ritual recently.

The group whipping was done by men priests dressed in flowing red robes. They literally cracked the whip on the women in order to drive away the evil spirits from their body. The whipping was also part of a local belief that it would cure girls in their teens of their illnesses.

The whipping ceremony took place on Vijayadashami day in the ancient Sri Achappan Temple at Bavithram Vellalapatti, a remote village situated on the border of Tiruchi and Namakkal districts.

The 2000 women were made to squat in an open ground near the temple and the line of `possessed women' extended over half a kilometre. The priests then came with a thick whip and chanting mantras, they whipped the women for over five hours.

Young girls were seen writhing in pain and they received the lashes. Many were left breathless and some were seen sobbing profusely as they were bleeding in many places on their back and arms. Many were given three to four lashes extra to drive away the 'multiple spirits' that possessed them.

One girl was whipped for not showing interest in studies. The parents believed that the lack of interest was because there was an evil spirit residing in her. She was given a good thrashing, but the young school kid did not know if it was for poor performance in her studies or for an unseen and unheard spirit in her body. All she was keen was to somehow control the searing pain left behind by the lashings.

Some girls who received the lashes were as young as 10-12 years. One girl received lashings for not attaining puberty on time and another for her irregular menstrual periods.

People believe that a few lashes would cure illnesses that afflict women. Some get the lashes as a blessing.

Bavithram Vellalapatti village is probably one of the few places were men can flog women in public in the name of tradition and get away.

Offtrack: 2000 women flogged for 5 hours and more - 1 -  News ? MSN India
Religion make ppl do crazy things. This article reminds me of Mohurrum when people beat themselves on the streets when the Tazia is taken out.

..and the aim of posting this article under " Indian Defence" could be ?
Patriot seems to be flaming, no other reason.

This ritual is similar to Muharram for muslims :cheers:
How am i flaming?This article is coming directly from MSN India.Now go burn their buildings :disagree:
Islam dont allow self punishment.flogging , cutting hands and chopping heads are punishments to restore peace in society.
How am i flaming?This article is coming directly from MSN India.Now go burn their buildings :disagree:

Because you are trying to comare two different things and treating them as same

When a celebrity in Malaysia was ordered to get four lashes for drinking in public, there was a hue and cry, but how about 2000 women getting gruelling blood-oozing lashes for over five hours in full public view? :
Then what are muslims doing during muharram - whipping themselves.

Zanjeer Zani came out as a result of muslims living together with hindus. This practice is most prominent in the subcontinent. Ayatollah Ali Seestani has a ruling fatwa against zanjeer zani; but some other Maraj'e allow it.

The less violent custom can be noticed in Iraq where on Ashura (10th Muharram), mourners gather and they do zanjeer zani; albeit without the bleeding.

It it by the way totally non-related as the commemoration of Muharram is a totally different matter; not pertaining to the flogging of 2000 girls by priests trying to drive away evil spirits...
The Indian govt or courts are not forcing the girls to get whipped unlike the Islamic court in malaysia which ordered that the girl be whipped for drinking beer.There lies the difference which I thought is obvious.

Anyway what has this topic to do with India "defense"
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