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200 Pakistani doctors doing odd jobs in India

They need to register with MCI - medical council of India - right?.
200 Pakistani doctors doing odd jobs in India.. I said where in article it mentioned that figure is 200 and these all 200 doctors are doing odd jobs i.e sales man :D

Banda UK, Australia ya Dubai bhi tou ja sakta tha.
He probably had Bollywood image of India in his mind :P
Half the bloody doctors in India do not have degrees and are quack. :lol: ........ why the hell is he waiting for a certificate from MCI ? He should just open shop and start practising medicine :disagree: Nobody will know any better unless he tells them.
Even if you study from US or any European country...one has to clear the MCI screening test before practising in India...this is the Mandatory rule and also applies for Indian citizens.
Welcome to India, the shining land of shit wrapped in a gift box! Enjoy your stay, begging on the streets for a couple of rupees and shitting on the streets like 75% of Indians!
Bhai Ramzaan hey, please calm down. It is not only in India, almost all the countries (minus gulf I guess) require you to pass what we call 'equivalence' exams. In States it is called USMLE; in Malaysia, one has to pass Medical Qualifying Examination held by Malaysian Medical Council, and in Pakisan, those doctor who graduate from outside the country institutions got to clear National Examination Board (NEB) test. Patient's life is at stake my friend, you cant let anybody albeit of their degree play with a human's life.

Secondly, the doctors are Hindu I presume and they went to India in hope of a better future following the news (or propaganda) that India is doing phenomenally good on economic front. I also think that families of most of these Hindu doctors are still in Pakistan and they naturally preferred India over other counters so they could conveniently travel back and forth should the need arise. Most of these doctors have not left Pakistan due to persecution as the Bharti news paper is reporting. Doctors have been targeted in Karachi (mind you not in Hyderabad or interior Sindh) and those were sectarian killing. I have yet to hear about target killing of a minority Doctor (can somebody show me a news?). Either they have not made such statements regarding persecutions and if they did, they did so to seek sympathy of Indian officials, perhaps in a hope of getting Bharti nationality, I don't know.
I hope GoI will do some good for these guys who migrated India to save their Honour. They are suffering from the mistakes their forfather did in 47, they should migrated to India leaving the alien country and culture.
Karachi University and MBBS? looks like a fake story

who gives MBBS degree to all medical college graduates in Karachi?
I think Dow medical is a university now but sind medical and all private colleges still get degree from KU
"Jaan hai to jahan hai"!!
the fact that the guy would rather sell shoes or do graveyard shift for pittance in India, than go back to pakistan proves they are not economic migrant.
Everybody knows MCI wont accept your MBBS without tests, they knew it before coming here.
why? waja?
India does not recognize medical degree of Russia & some eastern European countries, China & may be Pakistan until they clear MCI held special exam.
Mine far relative & his friend gone to Russia for medical degree but after return they fail to clear MCI exam.
India does not recognize medical degree of Russia & some eastern European countries, China & may be Pakistan until they clear MCI held special exam.
Mine far relative & his friend gone to Russia for medical degree but after return they fail to clear MCI exam.
people who go to study medicine in russia know it. Everybody knows that russian MBBS is not accepted in India. Not sure why people go there.
the fact that the guy would rather sell shoes or do graveyard shift for pittance in India, than go back to pakistan proves they are not economic migrant.
Everybody knows MCI wont accept your MBBS without tests, they knew it before coming here.
Why not GOI allow them to practice in rural areas?
Rural areas are treated by compounders & jhola chap doctors.
Disgusting policy.

people who go to study medicine in russia know it. Everybody knows that russian MBBS is not accepted in India. Not sure why people go there.
Because they think after getting degree from Russia they can easily clear MCI screening test.
May be Russian chicks are also responsible, my relative's friend married with Russian girl & settled in India managing his transport business.
Why not GOI allow them to practice in rural areas?
Rural areas are treated by compounders & jhola chap doctors.
Disgusting policy.
you allow one, you will have to allow everybody.. jhola chap doctors are illegal.
You know why...I don't need to explain.

Yeah it is just like the continous bragging of Indians about the Indian Institute of Vedic Technologies (or what was its name?) and how great that is. They sound like making it the top of top institute in the world.

But in reality, it doesn't even make to the top 100 universities in the world. :lol:

So please spare us all this continous bragging and for a change just read news from your own newspaper, where they say India is even laggin behind Kenya in Research.

On topic: If Pakistani hindus think they will be treated well in India, they are gravely mistaken. Just look at how the low caste hindus or other minorities in india are being treated to get a reality check.

The "news" itself seems like one of those "make-me-feel-good" Indians stories, which they every now and then invent.
Half the bloody doctors in India do not have degrees and are quack. :lol: ........ why the hell is he waiting for a certificate from MCI ? He should just open shop and start practising medicine :disagree: Nobody will know any better unless he tells them.
:P same is the situation here . But in this case the issue is he is a Pakistani first he would have to get Indian citizenship after that he would get certificate from MCI which needs two to three years :)
Doctors are always in high demand in US, Europe, ME, here in Malaysia too.

Wait, MBBS from KU? KU does not offer any MBBS. What the hell?

They think just like their Vedic Institutes can offer every thinkable degrees, other countries have the same policies.

Didn't do their homework before inventing this story...Indians are really.... :lol:
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