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20 states demand secession from US

Ya i just heard from colleague. Seeds of Independence finally sown. But i have to say that people who are chanting Freedom are Romney fans. They are Romney-fied another version of Zombiefied
As I guessed the Southern States where Christian Evangelical forces are stronger relatively and so is racism people are very angry with obama's victory remember more than 60% of white men in usa and more than 72% of white men in souther states voted for romney.

Anyways westerners take secessionist feeling much more cooly than asians,if this was india or china or pakistan they would be i big trouble.
LOL what?

Would they prefer Romney instead, the guy who said that people should be able to open windows on airplanes?

Tell me about it man :lol:

These conservative states dont really care about the fact that it is the democrats in power. Its just that a black man is the president that they have a problem with :lol: If it was say Bill Clinton, or even Joe Biden, they wouldn't give a damn.

Anyway, nothing will happen. Its a few thousand racists going nuts.
No state has filed any such petition.

There are several requests created at the White House website by individuals, which, if signed by 25,000 people, can be elevated to the level of a formal petition:


Just another example of democracy at work. :D

The petition for louisiana has 12647 votes by now up from 10,300 votes in 10 hours after the OP was published.


Peacefully grant the State of Louisiana to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.
As the founding fathers of the United States of America made clear in the Declaration of Independence in 1776:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government..."

Created: Nov 07, 2012
Issues: Civil Rights and Liberties, Government Reform, Human Rights
Learn about Petition Thresholds

White men are angry.:woot:
This isn't a state making a demand, but rather a group of people.

Are these states the ones in which roney won?
I saw in somebody's signature here that 2013 is the year of civil war in America !!!
Which states? Where did the governors file the paperwork? Why have I not heard of the state legislatures debating and passing these measures? (PS....Pakistan has split into 7 seperate kingdoms...because I said so...which seems to pass as news around here)
These states are as following.

1. Louisiana.

2. Texas.

3. Florida.

4. Alabama.

5. North Carolina.

6. Kentucky.

7. Mississippi.

8. Indiana.

9. North Dakota.

10. Montana.

11. Colorado.

12. Oregon.

13. New Jersey.

14. New York.

15. South Carolina.

16. Arkansas.

17. Georgia.

18. Missouri.
Americans are generally naive politically. One can say they are politically unconscious. And their life centers around 24/7 drudgery to repay mortgage or parking fine, etc. Americans are totally brain-washed by big businesses. However, this is a beginning. The beginning of the Disunited States of America.
These states are as following.

1. Louisiana.

2. Texas.

3. Florida.

4. Alabama.

5. North Carolina.

6. Kentucky.

7. Mississippi.

8. Indiana.

9. North Dakota.

10. Montana.

11. Colorado.

12. Oregon.

13. New Jersey.

14. New York.

15. South Carolina.

16. Arkansas.

17. Georgia.

18. Missouri.
I looked up a few of those states web sites....doesn't seem to be on any state governments agenda...are they still debating it in the state capitols...or have the various governors put in the paperwork? Which house in these states debates and passes the measure?
Are there any one in any country in this world want to leave their Union or Allegience to their country? Yes
Are they big enough to cause a fuzz? No

There are, in this minute, Seperationist exist in every country in the world, Pakistan have their own, Israel have their own, Chinese have their own, of course there are gonna be some in the United States. But does that mean is it something one should look at? No.

If a states suddenly withdrew support to federal and use their national guard to sieze Federal asset in that state, then i will start worry about. Otherwise it's just news, something to look at, but try not to think too much, or think not enough, well, don't care.
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