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20 rebels killed in massive Nuristan assault

Use your nut sized head, in a war the only proud/achievement is to kill/capture/arrest an 'armed' opposition not blowing innocent civilians by bombs and suicide attacks!

The value of civilians are more than anyone in this country and that's why since the start of this year ANSF kept killing terrorists.

To further concrete the above judgement here is a fresh report from UNAMA:

Bother to read what I replied, the title it self said 'Major incidents of terrorist violence in Pakistan,2012' what it shows a very bad situation in your country where everyone tries to become separated from the central government and have an independent government/province; Taliban, Balouchs, Sindhis etc.. are struggling for it.

How many loses? the attacks you provided only shows 3 terrorist incidents on NATO civilians are giving a major sacrifice and what ever they give us is not for defending their countries but to defend Afghanistan and they aren't here to defend Afghanistan but to defend their countries from the terrorists who have safe havens in Pakistan! the idea is completely different and if NATO causality has anything to do with us it is the same to Pakistan because Pakistan was a close and first ally on WOT with them and it still is; it better suits your government to cry for NATO causality than us

Here is what happened in Pakistan in the last 10 days:

I will let you count them.

Again, even on the events you posted, the terrorist violence is strictly confined to Pakistan's western regions, the ones bordering Afghanistan. No wonder that is the case, considering the training camps (for Baloch militants) you have in Afghanistan for them, as well as the safe havens in Kunar & Nuristan. As for the violence in Karachi, it is political/ethnic violence, nothing to do with terrorism. Unless you are calling the major political parties in Karachi such as MQM, PPP, ANP as terrorist groups, recognized internationally as such.

My intention was to show him that terrorists do exist in Pakistan and they are everywhere and getting stronger day by day in Pakistan - If it's a militant kill or PA kill it doesn't differ much it shows a severe militancy engagement in your country followed by separatists movements, social violence, political violence, sectarian violence, abductions, target killings etc..

Let me make the list simpler for you:

Out of 230 attacks till June 24 this year in Pakistan in only 54 of them militants got causality but the rest of 176 attacks were either on Pakistani security forces or innocent civilians.

Again, you have no clue about what you are talking about. A huge number of the 176 people killed was from domestic/political violence in Karachi, nothing to do with terrorism.
My intention was to show him that terrorists do exist in Pakistan and they are everywhere and getting stronger day by day in Pakistan - If it's a militant kill or PA kill it doesn't differ much it shows a severe militancy engagement in your country followed by separatists movements, social violence, political violence, sectarian violence, abductions, target killings etc..

Let me make the list simpler for you:

Out of 230 attacks till June 24 this year in Pakistan in only 54 of them militants got causality but the rest of 176 attacks were either on Pakistani security forces or innocent civilians.

At least there is little to no chance of our government being toppled, unlike yours. We have a growing economy with little dependence on foreign countries, we are in charge of our own state of affairs, we are not fighting a proxy war against our people on the behalf of foreign invaders. The foreign aid that Afghanistan gets goes to the warlords & the corrupt Karzai government that loots everything it gets, and poppy is your cash crop. You have no economy, 90% of Afghanistan's budget has been coming from foreign aid:

U.S., other donors supported 90 percent of Afghan budget over five years, GAO finds - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Besides the decreasing incidents of violence in Pakistan, 90% of the incidents of terrorism have taken place on the Western regions of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, the violence is taking place all over the country, both in Pashtun and non-Pashtun regions. Have some self-respect, don't embarrass yourself, and don't compare Afghanistan with Pakistan on any level, your country is infinitely worse in everyway. Even your 5 million illegal Afghan refugees who are such a burden on our economy don't want to go back to Afghanistan, & would rather die than go back.
My intention was to show him that terrorists do exist in Pakistan and they are everywhere and getting stronger day by day in Pakistan - If it's a militant kill or PA kill it doesn't differ much it shows a severe militancy engagement in your country followed by separatists movements, social violence, political violence, sectarian violence, abductions, target killings etc..

Let me make the list simpler for you:

Out of 230 attacks till June 24 this year in Pakistan in only 54 of them militants got causality but the rest of 176 attacks were either on Pakistani security forces or innocent civilians.

We never denied that there are terrorist incidents inside Pakistan but we believe that most of them are limited to areas bordering Afghanistan unlike Afghanistan where even a province like Herat has significant share of Taliban violence even though it doesn't share border with Pakistan. And as Bilal said political violence isn't terrorist. Stop behaving like those Indian trolls.
At least there is little to no chance of our government being toppled, unlike yours. We have a growing economy with little dependence on foreign countries, we are in charge of our own state of affairs, we are not fighting a proxy war against our people on the behalf of foreign invaders. The foreign aid that Afghanistan gets goes to the warlords & the corrupt Karzai government that loots everything it gets, and poppy is your cash crop. You have no economy, 90% of Afghanistan's budget has been coming from foreign aid:

U.S., other donors supported 90 percent of Afghan budget over five years, GAO finds - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Besides the decreasing incidents of violence in Pakistan, 90% of the incidents of terrorism have taken place on the Western regions of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, the violence is taking place all over the country, both in Pashtun and non-Pashtun regions. Have some self-respect, don't embarrass yourself, and don't compare Afghanistan with Pakistan on any level, your country is infinitely worse in everyway. Even your 5 million illegal Afghan refugees who are such a burden on our economy don't want to go back to Afghanistan, & would rather die than go back.

From last 10 years we had an average of 9% growth annually that why:
Kabul making progress on reforms: IMF
IMF: Afghanistan Making Progress Towards Economic Stability - WSJ.com

we are not fighting a proxy war against our people on the behalf of foreign invaders.'

You are allowing US/MOSSAD/Blackwater in your soil to kill your people and your bragging PA doesn't have balls to even bring down a single drone and they also assist foreign agents to fly all over Jalalabad and kill #1 terrorist in Abotabad.

And these load shedding is also not a coincident in your country your government and army is keeping people busy with stuff so that they can achieve their goals internally.

Even NATO blockage is not for any national interest but some political interest.

Pakistan's policies has remained reliant on foreign countries for decades can't do much with it self.

The foreign aid that Afghanistan gets goes to the warlords & the corrupt Karzai government that loots everything it gets, and poppy is your cash crop.

Pakistan has received more than 25bln$ in aide since the start of WOT which is not less than Afghan government and why should you get that? you have a sovereign government and a growing economy (excepts falls in reserves and loan payments).

And the same foreign aid which has Pakistan got has only gone into corrupt politicians and army personnel pockets and for the poppy the world including Pakistan is a consumer so why should only we blamed for it?

As I said those people aren't refuges now but hostages and which one of them told you 'they would rather die but not go to Afghanistan'?

Truly the situation of Pakistan is not comparable with Afghanistan, luckily we don't have separatists movements, social violence, political violence, sectarian violence, abductions, target killings, etc.. which are now become a Pakistani culture since they are happening for decades.

We never denied that there are terrorist incidents inside Pakistan but we believe that most of them are limited to areas bordering Afghanistan unlike Afghanistan where even a province like Herat has significant share of Taliban violence even though it doesn't share border with Pakistan. And as Bilal said political violence isn't terrorist. Stop behaving like those Indian trolls.

First of all get back to page one and see who went out of topic and started trolling.

When arguing, bilal forgets what's happening inside Pakistan against his own civilian population and he repeatedly posts civilian causality as an achievements of Taliban in Afghanistan and he is the one who forced me to pull the veil of terrorist activities inside Pakistan which in comparison to Afghanistan is not much less and why other Pakistani people don't care for terrorist activities as long as they are happening in Pashtun and Baloch areas?

Of course you are expected to grow, when you have no economy of your own, poppy is your cash crop, & cash has been flowing in from countries that invaded your country, & installed their puppet/proxy regime killing your own people.

You are allowing US/MOSSAD/Blackwater in your soil to kill your people and your bragging PA doesn't have balls to even bring down a single drone and they also assist foreign agents to fly all over Jalalabad and kill #1 terrorist in Abotabad.

Actually, we kicked all of them out, closed down the supply routes, & asked them to vacate the bases where they launched drone strikes from (right now, they are flying out from Jalalabad). Unlike your country, that has signed a 'strategic pact' allowing them to have military bases throughout your country post 2014. And just so you know, drone strikes are taking place in Afghanistan as well, and they have killed many civilians, including the 18 civilians in Logar (that ISAF initially claimed were insurgents). Lastly, there is no hue and cry about drone strikes from Afghanistan, even though they kill a large number of civilians, & the protesting & hue and cry has come from Pakistan, which has made the UN look at these drone strikes as possible war crimes. Hopefully once a resolution is reached, these strikes will become illegal internationally. You puppets sat quietly & have been letting your country get invaded from decades; just because you hate your fellow Afghan citizens, & this is your way of getting back at them. This is the proper way you handle difficult situations, you don't drop down to low levels like the US/Afghanistan has done, we are a respectable nation.

And these load shedding is also not a coincident in your country your government and army is keeping people busy with stuff so that they can achieve their goals internally.

At least we have decent access to electricity, unlike most of your country that does not even have basic access to electricity.

Even NATO blockage is not for any national interest but some political interest.

Of course an Afghan puppet would say that.

Pakistan's policies has remained reliant on foreign countries for decades can't do much with it self.

Care to provide any statistics to support that notion?

Pakistan has received more than 25bln$ in aide since the start of WOT which is not less than Afghan government and why should you get that? you have a sovereign government and a growing economy (excepts falls in reserves and loan payments).

Pakistan has also incurred losses of $70+ billion, for the $25 billion it has received. Pakistan has paid for its own reconstruction work, unlike Afghanistan. Pakistan has a population 5 times that of Afghanistan as well.

Your country is a mess, because despite all the international support from civilian ($3 billion per year) to military assistance ($150 billion per year), development projects & others; your country has failed to produce even a decent ANF/ANA, forget the other institutions. Your country's economy is entirely dependent on economic assistance internationally, your current puppet regime (consisting of warlords at the highest positions) needs military protection from the US/NATO Forces just to remain in power, your land is being used as proxy land against its neighbors, you have failed to win the WOT despite all the military spending in your country (your nation has become worse since 2001, security wise), even members of the ANP/ANA have started killing US/NATO troops now.

As I said those people aren't refuges now but hostages and which one of them told you 'they would rather die but not go to Afghanistan'?

Hostage is when someone is held as a hostage. Pakistan has become a hostage to your Afghan people.

Truly the situation of Pakistan is not comparable with Afghanistan, luckily we don't have separatists movements, social violence, political violence, sectarian violence, abductions, target killings, etc.. which are now become a Pakistani culture since they are happening for decades.

And Afghanistan doesn't have any of these things? Even countries like India, Spain, UK have separatist movements, political violence, social/domestic crime, abductions etc; are you seriously comparing these nations to AFGHANISTAN???

Are you sure about this? How many elected leaders in Pakistan have managed to complete their full term till date..?? I think its ZERO... Think about it..

All of those were legal constitutionally. I was talking about being toppled by militant groups such as the Taliban etc.
Of course you are expected to grow, when you have no economy of your own, poppy is your cash crop, & cash has been flowing in from countries that invaded your country, & installed their puppet/proxy regime killing your own people.

So what you can expect from a country 30 years in war having economy of Turkey? when a country with no continuous war in history is still struggling to pay for loans and survives on aid and have lowest growth is a real shame.

Actually, we kicked all of them out, closed down the supply routes, & asked them to vacate the bases where they launched drone strikes from (right now, they are flying out from Jalalabad).

Are you sure they are really kicked out?

Unlike your country, that has signed a 'strategic pact' allowing them to have military bases troughout your country post 2014. And just so you know, drone strikes are taking place in Afghanistan as well, and they have killed many civilians, including the 18 civilians in Logar (that ISAF initially claimed were insurgents). Lastly, there is no hue and cry about drone strikes from Afghanistan, even though they kill a large number of civilians, & the protesting & hue and cry has come from Pakistan, which has made the UN look at these drone strikes as possible war crimes. Hopefully once a resolution is reached, these strikes will become illegal internationally. You puppets sat quietly & have been letting your country get invaded from decades; just because you hate your fellow Afghan citizens, & this is your way of getting back at them. This is the proper way you handle difficult situations, you don't drop down to low levels like the US/Afghanistan has done, we are a respectable nation.

Having hope is not bad but they will continue droning Pakistan as it had some effective result and proven low cost and we have not only signed strategic pact with USA but with other powers as well including Russia and China in future currently they are ready to sign a pact with Norway and EU; jealousy has it's limits I wonder why Pakistanis were not ashamed when they had pacts with CIA and MOSSAD in 80s.

Leave Afghanistan but really US is a low level country compared to Pakistan? Lol

At least we have decent access to electricity, unlike most of your country that does not even have basic access to electricity.

Today most of Afghanistan has electricity and many of the villages have now big generators provided by NSP (National Solidarity Program) and also electricity consumption is low in our country it is only used in houses and luckily we can survive because god's given we have cool weather in Afghanistan we don't yell of 'garmi'.

Of course an Afghan puppet would say that.

No Pakistan's people elected puppets of USA say that - I am sure you have voted for Zardari as well.

Care to provide any statistics to support that notion?

Pakistan used every power to it's own benefits and you know that better than me.

Pakistan has also incurred losses of $70+ billion, for the $25 billion it has received. Pakistan has paid for its own reconstruction work, unlike Afghanistan. Pakistan has a population 5 times that of Afghanistan as well.

Except Pakistan who else approved that 70bln$ loses? and you think Pakistan is so much fool that it can sacrifice 70bln$ for 25bln$ doesn't make sense.

Your country is a mess, because despite all the international support from civilian ($3 billion per year) to military assistance ($200 billion per year), development projects & others; your country has failed to produce even a decent ANF/ANA, forget the other institutions. Your country's economy is entirely dependent on economic assistance internationally, your current puppet regime (consisting of warlords at the highest positions) needs military protection from the US/NATO Forces just to remain in power, your land is being used as proxy land against its neighbors, you have failed to win the WOT despite all the military spending in your country (your nation has become worse since 2001, security wise), even members of the ANF/ANA have started killing US/NATO troops now.

I wish it was $200bln every sector has done the best compared to every sector of Pakistan in the last 10 years from a zero army, hospitals, schools, universities, government offices, infrastructure, human development etc.. we have now reached a level that the world accepts the progress it's useless to provide details on all of the above to a person like you! and the good thing is we are moving forward!

Hostage is when someone is held as a hostage. Pakistan has become a hostage to your Afghan people.

Yeah your police has started teasing them and threatening them to jail and they are activity involved in taking bribes from poor 'hostages'.

And Afghanistan doesn't have any of these things? Even countries like India, Spain, UK have separatist movements, political violence, social/domestic crime, abductions etc; are you seriously comparing these nations to AFGHANISTAN???

Afghanistan 'will collapse into civil war when western troops fall out' | Mail Online

No Afghanistan is clean of that mess which is in Pakistan you are too much frustrated that you can't differentiate between 'civil war after nato pullout' and 'separatists movements, social violence, political violence, sectarian violence, abductions, target killings, etc..'
whether NATO or ANA is doing good or bad doesn't matter to Pakistan, Pakistan should focus on it's internal militancy rising.

I think none of the two can do it alone, since the people they're fighting may be part of one organisation present in the single geographical and human terrain that the two countries are part of.

Kiddo, some pointers, as you don't know how to use your head:...
You're a champion of inter-people unity on this forum, we'd rather you stayed that way. Thanks.
It's funny that millions of afghan refugees would rather live in horrible conditions in refugees camps in a country with "civil war after nato pullout' and 'separatists movements, social violence, political violence, sectarian violence, abductions, target killings, etc" and have this going on:

Afghan asylum seekers at highest numbers for a decade - Telegraph

rather than go back or stay in to the land of milk and honey known as afghanistan.
First of all get back to page one and see who went out of topic and started trolling.

When arguing, bilal forgets what's happening inside Pakistan against his own civilian population and he repeatedly posts civilian causality as an achievements of Taliban in Afghanistan and he is the one who forced me to pull the veil of terrorist activities inside Pakistan which in comparison to Afghanistan is not much less and why other Pakistani people don't care for terrorist activities as long as they are happening in Pashtun and Baloch areas?

What Bilal said is true whether you or your Indian "friends" agree with it or not. As for terrorist activities inside Pakistan you yourself has accepted in this post that terrorist incidents in Pakistan are limited to those Baloch or Pastun areas that are close to Afghan border unlike Sindh or Punjab or Kashmir which are away from Afghan border. Not like Herat or Baghdis who still being far away from Pak border are as much part of Afghan violence as Kunar or Nurtistan are. We care about terrorist activities inside Pakistan and that's why we ask you to quit these anti-Pakistan terrorist harboring policies since they are a recipe of your destruction.

Hope you got the point now.

Are you sure about this? How many elected leaders in Pakistan have managed to complete their full term till date..?? I think its ZERO... Think about it..

Again hoe many toppled by Militants?

Zero. :)
Good job ANA and ANP.

The afghan army and police is definitely maturing and extracting huge number of casualties.

Just like to add my point in support afghan national army on basis of data provided by Bilal and sher of terrorist attacks in last 10-12 days,

1 In afghanistan, None of ANA and ANP persons have suffered casualties (the sufferers were mainly civilians and NATO force)
2. In Pakistan, along with civilians, Pakistani army posts are also attacked and suffered in heavy casualties.
Good job ANA and ANP.

The afghan army and police is definitely maturing and extracting huge number of casualties.

Just like to add my point in support afghan national army on basis of data provided by Bilal and sher of terrorist attacks in last 10-12 days,

1 In afghanistan, None of ANA and ANP persons have suffered casualties (the sufferers were mainly civilians and NATO force)
2. In Pakistan, along with civilians, Pakistani army posts are also attacked from Afghanistan and suffered in heavy casualties.

There. Corrected it for you.
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