It's not quite as simple an answer as quoting a battle, a war, or an enemy. The victory Pakistan has won needs a longer explanation which takes into consideration our geographic location, our history and the vision of what kind of a nation we want to become.In which war?
It requires quite a long answer to put our current state into perspective. I'm not sure I want to write that post.
I think suffice it to say that we consider it a victory that we have had the courage and dignity to not bend the the knee to India. We have faced down the threat from 2 superpowers. One that is gone,the other in the process of going. We have in the process managed to reclaim and integrate our tribal areas which is a massive achievement of the Pakistan Army in its own right. We are on the verge of ejecting India from a position of influence in Afghanistan. We have deftly handled the Americans to bring them round to our way of thinking and we will ensure that Afghanistan has, at the very least, a government that is at best friendly, at worst neutral to us. We are now looking West to create trading and diplomatic opportunities for Pakistan into the future. We have friendly relations with our Arab brotherly states and because of this government a growing stature further afield as you will see in the coming years and months. To the East we have an India that is belligerent and is unaccepting of our existence, but we have shown that with our capable armed forces and our nuclear umbrella we are more than capable of ensuring our security on that front.
Our geographic location ensures that while we have to watch our back to the east, we can look west and expand.
Everything isn't all we would like it to be and we still have a lot of problems to face but when the Afghans finally get their peace treaty signed and peace returns, Pakistan will be in the best position it has been in in the last 40 years or so.
We are battered, bruised, indebted but not subjugated. We are optimistic going forward and all the signs are that given time we will flourish.
All things considered I would call that a victory.