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2 U.S. carriers deployed

i'm curious what will happen to our chinese warmongers here, once china backs down without a whimper.
will we hear big talks of how peaceful china is???
^ Keep deluding yourself if that makes you feel less humiliated from 1962 and your suffering for 1000 years ;)

China is still bullying Japan by sending our ships into "their" territorial waters but nobody has challenged us yet. Andaman & Nicobar islands will wait their turn.
^after all the huffing n puffing, senkakus remain with japan as does arunachal with India.
but hey, dont stop amusing us.
@ Gambit

1) What it has to do with China in this case. You gave me a lecture on how your 'civilized' white Americans settled disputes in the days of lawless wild west and asked me how we would've confront similar situations in the back water of the east and I answered respectfully. I don't know whether it's unique in China or anywhere else or not but that's how we settled them in my neck of wood.

2) Lame :lol: and again trying to steer away from my question to another poster: "Americans have an outstanding legal obligation, they honor it". Instead of using a thousand questions to answer one question, like you always do, you can easily ignore it because it wasn't meant for you. Your obsessions on China is also mind boggling.
An obligation is not the same thing as a dispute to that obligation. Your attempt to put your society on a higher moral plane than the US is truly the lame one because you failed to distinguish the difference. If an obligation is deemed to be valid, whether it be thru the non-enforceable opinion of a village elder or thru an enforceable decree of a court, then the debt/obligation must be satisfied.

When a non-personal association crossed borders, be it a village or a city or a province or even countries, your village elders are WORTHLESS. Do you understand why? But regardless of your understanding, absent your village elders, who else are available to settle legal obligations? How about lawyers?

Oh we 'uncivilized' Confucian society do nothing of sort, we merely sit down and iron out, sometimes heatedly, whatever large and small problems we have. We don't like to solve disputes through governmental authorities either, so more often than not, the arbitrary words of village elders are treated as gospels.
Yup...Nothing about China here...:lol:

You tried to cast a morally negative light on the Americans' propensity to resort to specialists at law, aka 'lawyers', to settle legal obligations. I tried to educate you a bit on the social history on why we moved from settling such disputes, from using village elders to fights to blood feuds, to the more civilized method of using specialists at law. The reality is that your society is no superior to ours because your China and Singapore adopted the same method. In Singapore's case, and I have been to SI to help set up our new semicon facility, it is no different than US.

You needed the lecture. Hope you learned something new.

3) Oh wow! :cheesy: I'm surprise you catch the wrong word I use, but on another hand I shouldn't be, because when people run out of arguments they usually search for others technical mistakes. BTW to know China's water is one thing but for the US to patrol them now a day in another :disagree: and this was our original disagreement and stay on it.
No, the one who ran out of arguments is YOU. But the reality is that you never had any to start.

You mean your spy planes and the Impeccables are still loiter around China's coast? That's news to me.

@ Gambot

Sure, it's easy to boast when no one can disprove you.
No boasting here.

US submarine docks at Subic - The Philippine Star » News » Headlines

Not only Subic Bay were frequented by US subs, so was the deep water Cam Ranh Bay of Viet Nam during the Vietnam War.

How much of China's waters does the US Navy know?

On the China Patrol
When you accused me of 'boasting' about the USN's presence -- seen and unseen -- of China's coast, it is clear to all that you did not know history.

We have been lurking off China's waters for decades. We probably know it better than the PLAN.
I made no boast. I have the historical facts to back up my arguments, technical or otherwise.
^^^1) My idea of Confucian societies are not restricted to China alone, it's your obsessions with China that give you that impression. Confucianism spread wider, deeper and longer lasting in this part of the world than your so called 'soft power' and 'hard power' of intimidation.

2) It's you who boast how great the 'civilize' American legal system is and trying to force a lecture on me how she developed it. I was trying to tell you nicely I don't need your education by telling you our Confucius societies also have our own way of dealing with things. Of course you egotistical self can not stop your continue boasting by claiming China and Singapore also the 'same method' as yours, in another word, perhaps copying yours.

3) Clearly you're boasting. When your countryman, oldman1, and I had a light bantering on one submarine chasing another, we were talking about the present. You, who in such a hurry to show other forumers here how good are your technical knowledge, historical backgrounds, contemporary events and analytical skills, jumped in to present your world views and 'immense knowledge' to a person (me) who care less to learn such information from you.

So next time before you try 'teach' others, you first ask yourself in front of the mirror: "Am I a teacher?" :rofl::rofl::rofl:
An obligation is not the same thing as a dispute to that obligation. Your attempt to put your society on a higher moral plane than the US is truly the lame one because you failed to distinguish the difference. If an obligation is deemed to be valid, whether it be thru the non-enforceable opinion of a village elder or thru an enforceable decree of a court, then the debt/obligation must be satisfied.

When a non-personal association crossed borders, be it a village or a city or a province or even countries, your village elders are WORTHLESS. Do you understand why? But regardless of your understanding, absent your village elders, who else are available to settle legal obligations? How about lawyers?

Yup...Nothing about China here...:lol:

You tried to cast a morally negative light on the Americans' propensity to resort to specialists at law, aka 'lawyers', to settle legal obligations. I tried to educate you a bit on the social history on why we moved from settling such disputes, from using village elders to fights to blood feuds, to the more civilized method of using specialists at law. The reality is that your society is no superior to ours because your China and Singapore adopted the same method. In Singapore's case, and I have been to SI to help set up our new semicon facility, it is no different than US.

You needed the lecture. Hope you learned something new.

No, the one who ran out of arguments is YOU. But the reality is that you never had any to start.

When you accused me of 'boasting' about the USN's presence -- seen and unseen -- of China's coast, it is clear to all that you did not know history.

I made no boast. I have the historical facts to back up my arguments, technical or otherwise.

DF-21D can whip the entire USN.
USN is scared.
USN sees DF-21D and the yanks will run like they always do.

Without us, Vietnam will be an American colony.
We defeated Japan too, without us America would be speaking Japanese.
So next time before you try 'teach' others, you first ask yourself in front of the mirror: "Am I a teacher?"
You bet I am and I did it for adults at that. I schooled the Chinese boys here on many things, and skooled you as well, whether you like it or not. :lol:

DF-21D can whip the entire USN.
USN is scared.
USN sees DF-21D and the yanks will run like they always do.

Without us, Vietnam will be an American colony.
We defeated Japan too, without us America would be speaking Japanese.
More conscript reject drivel.
You bet I am and I did it for adults at that. I schooled the Chinese boys here on many things, and skooled you as well, whether you like it or not. :lol:

More conscript reject drivel.

You couldn't school 1 years olds about tiddlywinks.
Teaching what? How to play Xbox airforce games to 5 year olds?
Bums like you are all over the US, no job, no life, just living off the welfare benefits bashing other countries on the Internet.

No one that has a job has much time as you do here.
Your posts are paragraphs long, you got too much time on your hands.

Seriously, do you do anything with your life besides come on PDF from morning till night?

You got no friends?
i'm curious what will happen to our chinese warmongers here, once china backs down without a whimper.
will we hear big talks of how peaceful china is???

And your probably the biggest bum of all, on the Chinese section 24/7 waiting for the Vietnamese bum to post something so you can thank him to get your mental masturbation.
Does anyone want to doubt whether this SinoChallenged dude isn't Chinese now?

What kinda Chinese would characterize the claiming of Diaoyu as "bullying"?

This guy belongs in the insane asylum.

This guy is a false flagger :cheers:
You bet I am and I did it for adults at that. I schooled the Chinese boys here on many things, and skooled you as well, whether you like it or not. :lol:

Hmm, I can see your 'experiences' in a hostile military service environment in your younger days had a long lasting effect on you. I hope you weren't physically mistreated by those big bad dudes.
US won't be able to defend Japan for long. Slowly but surely china will emerge as the dominant power of asia and the US have to restrict itself to the realm of N.America as a regional power. Its just a matter of time. As for senkoku, Chinese won't go for the islands now but if they are really intending a naval takeover of the Islands than they would do it in 10 years when their Navy will be second to none in the pacific. Japan knows that and thus they already shelved their self imposed ban on Arms export. They know that they will have to fend for themselves in the future. A sino-japanese war is not in the interest of either US or japan.
US won't be able to defend Japan for long. Slowly but surely china will emerge as the dominant power of asia and the US have to restrict itself to the realm of N.America as a regional power. Its just a matter of time. As for senkoku, Chinese won't go for the islands now but if they are really intending a naval takeover of the Islands than they would do it in 10 years when their Navy will be second to none in the pacific. Japan knows that and thus they already shelved their self imposed ban on Arms export. They know that they will have to fend for themselves in the future. A sino-japanese war is not in the interest of either US or japan.

You fool, have you not looked at a map of US territories and seen we can't leave Asia? We have territory in Maritime Asia, as in sovereign and undisputed. To your ignorant mind US land stops at the West Coast. The US is sovereign of islands all over the Pacific.


China can't make us leave the Pacific, if they tried we'd obliterate them.
You fool, have you not looked at a map of US territories and seen we can't leave Asia? We have territory in Maritime Asia, as in sovereign and undisputed. To your ignorant mind US land stops at the West Coast. The US is sovereign of islands all over the Pacific.


China can't make us leave the Pacific, if they tried we'd obliterate them.

You are the fool:lol:

China's GDP will overtake the US before the end of the decade and it will have overwhelming dominance it it's own backyard(Japan included) by another decade's time.

The map clearly shows just how close Japan is to China, as against how far Japan is from the US.

What is the US Navy going to do against the combined might of the Chinese Navy, Air Force and land-based missiles?

I will answer this for you and that is nothing as they will get destroyed if they stood up against them.

Your time in Asia is nearly over.

Be a good boy and run around the stolen piece of land that you currently inhabit.
You are the fool:lol:

China's GDP will overtake the US before the end of the decade and it will have overwhelming dominance it it's own backyard(Japan included) by another decade's time.

The map clearly shows just how close Japan is to China, as against how far Japan is from the US.

What is the US Navy going to do against the combined might of the Chinese Navy, Air Force and land-based missiles?

I will answer this for you and that is nothing as they will get destroyed if they stood up against them.

Your time in Asia is nearly over.

Be a good boy and run around the stolen piece of land that you currently inhabit.

you just totally ignored the fact that the Pacific is the US' home and instead went back into your little fantasyland.

What is the US Navy going to do? It's going to win! You are placing your dreams on untested wonder weapons and rhetoric.

The funny thing is you aren't even Chinese, just a know-nothing loud-mouthed pot headed fanboy clinging to China because your own existence is too sad for you to acknowledge.

By what I see, you live in the West, not China, so just choke down your anger and live happily in the country you so hate. You probably collect welfare too while spewing your hate don't you? Like a parasite!

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