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2 explosions rock Air Force-operated area of Jammu airport, nearby air bases on high alert

Typical Indian behaviour of diverting attention from Lahore bomb blast.
not to divert the attention but to build counter case against Indian sponsored Lahore Terrorist attack .... without investigation or any evidence they have accused Lashkar and HS in this itself tell the actual purpose of this drama
And you wonder why Pakistan dosent come out of grey list?

What do you expect by doing all this?
Some one should remind these hindutva terrorist that Your forces are illegally capturing kashmiris land and they have every right to defend and kill your terrorist soldiers.. Hahah BC what do you expecting kashmiris will shower flowers on your troops??
And you wonder why Pakistan dosent come out of grey list?

What do you expect by doing all this?

Indians have already started to change story and put it on Kashmiris after an international embarrassment of drone misuse. Do you ever wonder why world sees India like that and laughs at every claim. Don't even think that the grey list is because of India. It's just Pakistan taking on powers like Use, on the face unlike Modi selling soul to appease D.C and then USN just sails through Indian waters without an apology. This is the reason that Pakistan is not submitting to supremacists like India loves to do.

Instead of looking at coward and incompetent military failing to defend against a quadcopter, the shameless India media is always quick to blame. They blame way before any evidence or conclusion. It's just usual.
now if some drones came over from India and bombs Pakistan?

Last time, not drones but whole of IAF tried and world has seen results. The world will again witness the response. But I see that India wouldn't use drone since it has TTP/BLA ISIS on disposal to do such job the way it has been doing since long
Ask zaid hamid to build a conspiracy theory story arond it.

By the way whether Zaid Hamid or that guy with flat earth theory, no one can compete India especially media in such area.
39K out of 85.6K is not 50%. I can tell that without use of calculator.
Go and read my post again there is a word “approximate” uses for the reason… i knw what is 50% of 85.6K
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By the way, I wouldn't be surprised if some grieving Kumar avenged against seniors either for leaves or some other issue. There is a possibility that IAF was practicing something as such to apply in future but ended up making a hole in its own roof. Given the past and their capability to shoot down own Heli, this seems to be the case.
Two more drones spotted at 3am last night in jammu...
In the recent past, Indians have always been involved in crime, but the west always protects them. If we were looking for a strategy for hitting hard , we found @The Eagle comments, and in this game, the patient would be a very important factor. At first they hid their pain, but as time went on their wounds grew too deep and we were able to hear their sorrowful cries on the media.The question is who knows what the actual stories are behind the Modi Drama.

That is what my worry is. Our thoughts immediately go to Kashmir when we thinking of seeking revenge. Kashmir is a disputed territory, no mans land, anything goes. India should be punished there 24*7 regardless. When India is involved in terrorists acts in our cities and areas like Baluchistan, these are our sovereign lands, recognise as such internationally. Revenge of such Indian terrorists acts is not in Kashmir but within India sovereign lands and cities. Lahore should be avenged in Delhi or Mumbai, not in Kashmir.
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