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2 Cans,1 puzzle>think about it

I think A was in the process of picking up the 1st can and was not looking at B, who took the advantage at his 2nd try.
^^ that's not true

kindly see 1st post again where i asked a question and gave two options
There are too many variables to consider.
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there are 2 guys A and B

they are having heated arguments with each other.

guy B, in anger, throws newly bought can of deodorant at A

A evades it

then B again throws a deo can (this time empty) at A

it hits A.

why do you think A couldn't evade second can?

was this because aim of B was more accurate at second time?

or was this because as being empty, second can moved in different way through air/ followed different trajectory and A couldn't anticipate it?

think over it

GOING FOR BOTH...heres my explanation

for Option A(B aims more accurate = or he is lucky to hit him this time)

for option B.... u r having a argument face to face u must sitting at a distance of max 1-2 foot ........As initial force applied will be equal ...lighter can will be at more acceleration than the heavier can so less time to act....(speed kills Bhramos)
though heiver can have more momentum.(but at later stages)....but doesnt comes into play bcz of short distance.so easily dodged..
I am assuming the main variable is about the trajectory of both the cans.

When the full bottle is thrown, it has more mass and hence travel a further distance hence the person can duck down and avoid it, when he first see's the can.

As for the empty can, when he first see's the can, he tries to duck and as a result the empty can has lower mass making gravity play a bigger force and hitting him as the can will drop quicker.

This is based on the assumption that the man is only 2-3 meters away from the person doing all the throwing.
I am assuming the main variable is about the trajectory of both the cans.

When the full bottle is thrown, it has more mass and hence travel a further distance hence the person can duck down and avoid it, when he first see's the can.

As for the empty can, when he first see's the can, he tries to duck and as a result the empty can has lower mass making gravity play a bigger force and hitting him as the can will drop quicker.

This is based on the assumption that the man is only 2-3 meters away from the person doing all the throwing.

... throwing horizontally it will travel further(upto 5 meter atleast)......i think.....u r in anger remember...

and more ...in the flight time before free falling gravity applied will be the same bcz of same surface area.
That's why when I throw a snowball at someone, I throw it low, then aiming high for their head.

It has a higher success rate of hitting them lol.
But then again, the weight difference between a full can and a empty can is negligible surely, it just have less gas, and gas doesn't have much mass.
A can of deodorant, a deo can. The problem must lies on the wording. Are they the same can? If they are the same can, how the can becomes empty? If they are not the same can why wasn't it mentioned?

My take is when B 'throws' the first time it was meant to be 'sprays'.
But then again, the weight difference between a full can and a empty can is negligible surely, it just have less gas, and gas doesn't have much mass.

NO u r wrong here..if intial force u applied is equal than due to full/empty can it makes can slow / faster..
full can has slow acceleration as compare to empty can which has fast acc.

than ur trajectory comes into play but due to short distance speed has more role to play than trajectory or mass or gravity..

hey ind151 what u have to say abt this..
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