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2 Bomb Blasts reported in Parachanaar...

This is a pretty big attack... two bombs one after another.

At least 25 dead, 100 injured in twin explosions in Parachinar

Dawn.com | Ali AkbarUpdated about 2 hours ago

Smoke rises from the site of the explosion in Parachinar on Friday. ─ DawnNews

At least 25 people are feared dead and over 100 injured after two subsequent explosions hit a densely populated area of Kurram Agency's Parachinar city Friday evening, Sabir Hussain, the medical superintendent (MS) of the District General Hospital, Parachinar, said.

The MS has appealed for help, saying the hospital is not equipped to handle the large number of casualties.

This is the second major bombing incident reported in the country on the same day. Early morning, at least 13 people ─ including seven policeman ─ lost their lives, while 19 others were injured in a suicide blast that shook Shuhada Chowk in Quetta's Gulistan Road area.

The twin blasts in Parachinar were reported to have occurred in Turi Market near Tal Adda, where a bus terminal is also located. The second explosion reportedly targetted rescuers and bystanders who rushed to aid those who had been hurt in the first blast.

The nature of the explosions was not immediately clear.


Ambulances transport injured individuals from the blast site.

The explosions targeted people shopping in the area and those heading out of the city ahead of Eid-ul-Fitr, local political administration officials said.


Security forces arrive at the scene. ─ DawnNews.

Security forces have cordoned off the affected site and are conducting a search operation.

"Two Army aviation helicopters have taken off from Peshawar to Parachinar for the speedy evacuation of the injured to Peshawar," a statement issued by the military's media wing said.

"Rescue operation in progress," it added.

Parachinar, with a population of more than 50,000, has been under strict security arrangements for quite some time. Army and paramilitary personnel have set up checkpoints on all routes leading to the town and visitors and vehicles go through extensive search and identification process.

On March 31 this year, the city had suffered a similar tragedy when 23 people were killed in a car bomb blast near an Imambargah at midday. More than 70 others were wounded in the attack. Another person had died later after security forces opened fire on a crowd trying to hold a demonstration in front of the political agent’s office in protest against increasing terrorist attacks.

Likewise, 25 people were killed and 87 others suffered injuries when a bomb went off during peak business hours at a crowded vegetable market in the city in January this year. In what appeared to be a sign of growing cooperation among extremists, two banned groups had come forward to claim the deadly assault, with one describing the incident as a suicide attack.

This is a developing story that is being updated as the situation evolves. Initial reports in the media can sometimes be inaccurate. We will strive to ensure timeliness and accuracy by relying on credible sources such as concerned, qualified authorities and our staff reporters.
As long we only trim branches and not go for roots these blood thirsty terrorist will not stop and NDS will continue to allow them space in Afghanistan
RIP to those who've lost their lives, thoughts and prayers with victims family.

These people are Shaheed

FYI: Celebrations will still be lit on Chaand Raat for those who've tried to dampen festive mood.
Is it different blast or one which happened in Quetta?
Well they all confess to one thing! receiving aid and arms from india! seen the video of ahsan ull ahsaan of TTP? you will most likely call it doctored like the kulbhushan video.
You are true that some way or the other terrorists are financed and provided the arms from neighboring countries but again i will say if the security of our own house is tight and monitored strongly none has the courage to supply such things to our country fellows. So we need to tighten the security. However, i am hopeful our raddul fassad operation one day must success as our army is eliminating the hideout and terrorists... I am sure our army will get inshallah success...
At least 25 people are feared dead and over 100 injured after two subsequent explosions hit a densely populated area of Kurram Agency's Parachinar city Friday evening, Sabir Hussain, the medical superintendent (MS) of the District General Hospital, Parachinar, said.

The MS has appealed for help, saying the hospital is not equipped to handle the large number of casualties.

This is the second major bombing incident reported in the country on the same day. Early morning, at least 13 people ─ including seven policeman ─ lost their lives, while 19 others were injured in a suicide blast that shook Shuhada Chowk in Quetta's Gulistan Road area.

The twin blasts in Parachinar were reported to have occurred in Turi Market near Tal Adda, where a bus terminal is also located. The second explosion reportedly targetted rescuers and bystanders who rushed to aid those who had been hurt in the first blast.

The nature of the explosions was not immediately clear.

Ambulances transport injured individuals from the blast site.

The explosions targeted people shopping in the area and those heading out of the city ahead of Eid-ul-Fitr, local political administration officials said.

Security forces arrive at the scene. ─ DawnNews.

Security forces have cordoned off the affected site and are conducting a search operation.

"Two Army aviation helicopters have taken off from Peshawar to Parachinar for the speedy evacuation of the injured to Peshawar," a statement issued by the military's media wing said.

"Rescue operation in progress," it added.

Parachinar, with a population of more than 50,000, has been under strict security arrangements for quite some time. Army and paramilitary personnel have set up checkpoints on all routes leading to the town and visitors and vehicles go through extensive search and identification process.

On March 31 this year, the city had suffered a similar tragedy when 23 people were killed in a car bomb blast near an Imambargah at midday. More than 70 others were wounded in the attack. Another person had died later after security forces opened fire on a crowd trying to hold a demonstration in front of the political agent’s office in protest against increasing terrorist attacks.

Likewise, 25 people were killed and 87 others suffered injuries when a bomb went off during peak business hours at a crowded vegetable market in the city in January this year. In what appeared to be a sign of growing cooperation among extremists, two banned groups had come forward to claim the deadly assault, with one describing the incident as a suicide attack.
This is not final death toll , it already cross 40 dead and injured are more then hundred ....
Seriously... we need Zarb e azb in quetta and parachinar... I mean how difficult is to clean these two areas?? We need to clean this up and soon ..

RIP to martyrs
Mayhem i pakistan shias & law enforcement officers in parachinar karachi & quetta .. seems there is a method to this madness
There are hateful people everywhere including Pakistan. This hate goes both ways. It is not undirectional as some like to make out. Of course as the majority of people are Sunni, there will be more Sunni sectarianism.
Now as a State, Pakistan is not sectarian and is way better than other Muslim nations. Just compare and contrast the treatment of Sunnis in Iran vs Shias in Pakistan on a State level.

Yes, the Pakistani state does not discriminate against Shia Muslims. I have already said that we are a lot better than the Middle East.

However, you tried to say the terrorism goes both ways, can you tell me any terrorist attacks within Pakistan that Shia groups were responsible for?

This is the third attack in Parachinar this year already that has killed dozens. The attack specifically targeted Shias. What is the state doing against sectarian terrorism?

I am not speaking as a Shia, any bombing against Shia, Sunni, Hindu, Christian, army man, civilian saddens me, and brings shame to my country.
We need to close quetta and parachinar and go door to door... and further entry should be very strictly controlled
RIP to the innocent people.. want to know if this was suicide attack or planted attack?
You are true that some way or the other terrorists are financed and provided the arms from neighboring countries but again i will say if the security of our own house is tight and monitored strongly none has the courage to supply such things to our country fellows. So we need to tighten the security. However, i am hopeful our raddul fassad operation one day must success as our army is eliminating the hideout and terrorists... I am sure our army will get inshallah success...
You cannot stop every attack, Despite it all The success has been huge with apprehensions of terrorists along with capture of their materials. you can keep cleansing your own house but if the infection enters from external environment then you have to seal these points of entry like border fencing.

Bottomline is you have done enough cleansing in your own house now the environment where these infectious cultures are they need to be cleansed. I said this since december and at the beginning of this year either start to take them out in afghanistan. Or keep burying the dead.

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