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2,450 expats embrace Islam in Saudi Arabia

U said Prophet[SAWAS] wrote letters to Jewish and Christians,I know;He also wrote letter to khosro parviz Sasanid king in Iran and invited him to Islam.But he did not ever visit his christian or jewish enemies and God forbid say what we do on together .....
He wrote letters to non Muslims and invited them to Islam like Moses[SA] went to pharaoh and invited him to God.
Mr those who are from outside or those who are born Muslims in UK for every Muslim in the whole world Islam is first thing those confused people who consider Islam something personal and that other crap the ashamed liberal dumbo class they are more ignorant than Abu Juhal and all the enemies of Islam and PROPHETS because they even knew that Islam is a complete system that is why they stood against HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and Islam and Sahabas and all the PROPHETS before HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW face same because of same reason and Islam is same Mr and Ummah is same no one can destroy it they themselves would become history and Islam and soldiers of Islam will keep rising and spreading the message of Islam INSHALLAH
Dude...take your pills....you have free health-care, right?
Why would you think that? Luckily three Muslim Countries have got them or are on the way to get them soon. Pakistan has got them already, Iran is on the way and Saudi Arabia is said to have received them from an unknown friendly country. If you think Muslim World will be mushroomed, why do you think non-Muslim world would be not? But why would be Muslim Countries mushroomed? Your visible hatred for Islam aside, what makes you so irrational and out of logical thinking? Any personal experiences or you just hate Islam because it hurts your business?

That is true but we are also witnessing "prosperity" in Christian Countries who are turning towards by embarrassing Islam. After all the heat which you guys are feeling is there because of a reason.

Its an Ummah's concept. I am in Australia and Muslim brotherhood here in on the rise. Previously there used to be one Muslim suburb in Melbourne, now we have got two. Alhamdolillah.

You and others like you celebrate the fact that non-Muslim people will have imposed upon them what you wish, that breaks the Golden Rule of Morality that many of your more moderate co-religionists try to convey in the world. It is the measure of how a being behaves. You behave poorly...what are we to conclude?

Let us examine the spread of Islam you are so happy about.

Muslims have, on average, more children than non-Muslim families. This grows the religion's number, but is an absolute tragedy and immoral act, when it is put in the context of a finite world that is already reaching its capacity to sustain human life. Where every additional human life places pressure on the environment and other species to the point where their quality of life and even chance of survival are constrained.

Secondly, the Muslim faith spreads strongest with those who are uneducated and impoverished. This is not just true of Islam, but generally for all religions historically. Religion tends to be spread among the most downtrodden by evangelists (successful and happy people do not find the need to adopt other peoples belief systems as their own already works for them quiet well.)

Furthermore, the Islamic faith is confronted with the reality that the majority of the human race has moved on from beliefs that originated centuries ago, retaining the core of morality, but coming to realise that whilst there may be a higher power operating in the universe, there may be other explanations for things and not all the world's answers can be found in a single holy book. Confronted by this modernity, a lot of Muslims are moving away from a verbatim understanding of the Quran to a moderate view, trying to integrate their understandings from it with the wider world, wisdom and intelligence of other cultures - to move forward as human beings and not stay mired in the past in a static state -. They still might be counted as Muslims, but they are not people like yourself. These Muslims who you count among your numbers, that will be the majority of Muslims in the nearby future in Australia and other Western countries (following historical precedents). It will not be the kind to wish to impose a sharia for they will recognise the higher truths than that contained in the Islamic scriptures and will recognise that more value and wisdom can be obtained by joining people as equals, rather than seeking to dominate and impose one way.

You need the Islamic faith to be true, because if it wasn't you would feel lost, hence your support for it that can become blind. How can I know these things? You use hate in the way you speak, which lets us know that you have unhappiness, fear and a feeling of inadequacy to the rest of the world. Defensive, pushed into a corner and keen to show that you (and the people you identify with) will win in the end. When you speak of having your culture imposed on another you speak of war. Of the need to resist.

Your destiny is not to impose sharia on others, or to punish all the Jews for that matter. Your destiny, as Allah (supposedly) would wish it, is for you to continue to develop as a human being and be a valued and valuable member of the human community. To do that you have to work with others and be pleasant to others, not inspire hatred.
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Mr those who are from outside or those who are born Muslims in UK for every Muslim in the whole world Islam is first thing those confused people who consider Islam something personal and that other crap the ashamed liberal dumbo class they are more ignorant than Abu Juhal and all the enemies of Islam and PROPHETS because they even knew that Islam is a complete system that is why they stood against HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and Islam and Sahabas and all the PROPHETS before HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW face same because of same reason and Islam is same Mr and Ummah is same no one can destroy it they themselves would become history and Islam and soldiers of Islam will keep rising and spreading the message of Islam INSHALLAH

Preachers like yourself expose a side of certain Muslims - unfortunately a sizeable chunk - to be unthinking, unbending, uncompromising and unable to come to table viewing others and their beliefs as equals and equally valid. Treating others as equals is essential making progress towards peace. When you are at peace with the world and surrounded by benevolence and affection and with plenty, and have a curious mind, you go out and learn peace in your heart. In this state you can take in knowledge and judge it on its merits, as you do not need a certain view point to be true to maintain your own dignity and esteem and make you feel good at night...because you already do.

On the other hand, when you spew such hatred in the world like you do (which many will take as evidence of the backwardness of the Muslim people), you help create the return of that hatred onto Muslims, many of which, probably the majority, who don't share such bigoted and outdated views.
Preachers like yourself expose a side of certain Muslims - unfortunately a sizeable chunk - to be unthinking, unbending, uncompromising and unable to come to table viewing others and their beliefs as equals and equally valid. Treating others as equals is essential making progress towards peace. When you are at peace with the world and surrounded by benevolence and affection and with plenty, and have a curious mind, you go out and learn peace in your heart. In this state you can take in knowledge and judge it on its merits, as you do not need a certain view point to be true to maintain your own dignity and esteem and make you feel good at night...because you already do.

On the other hand, when you spew such hatred in the world like you do (which many will take as evidence of the backwardness of the Muslim people), you help create the return of that hatred onto Muslims, many of which, probably the majority, who don't share such bigoted and outdated views.

When it comes to the will of God your meant to be unbending, uncompromising

All beliefs are not equal, as muslims there is only one God and Muhammed is his messenger & the Quran is the will of God for humanity to abide by

Any other beliefs and ideologies thus fall into the category of falsehoods

A Muslim may respect the right of a person to believe in whatever they want to (or should atleast) but can never equate all beliefs as equal to that of the will of God.
Mr those who are from outside or those who are born Muslims in UK for every Muslim in the whole world Islam is first thing those confused people who consider Islam something personal and that other crap the ashamed liberal dumbo class they are more ignorant than Abu Juhal and all the enemies of Islam and PROPHETS because they even knew that Islam is a complete system that is why they stood against HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and Islam and Sahabas and all the PROPHETS before HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW face same because of same reason and Islam is same Mr and Ummah is same no one can destroy it they themselves would become history and Islam and soldiers of Islam will keep rising and spreading the message of Islam INSHALLAH

Oh totay ki nasal, what they do in a foreign country is screw Islam's image. When you have mothers making their kids wear 9/11 shirts which will antagonize ( make people angry ) the local populace, have these 'sharia patrols' which are strictly anti-Islamic as you cannot make someone do anything Islamic anywhere on earth. Not even is your own country as it has no legal or religious ( Read Islamic ) base to make people do what you think is right. The Australians Muslims had huge protests and good lord the mess they created for themselves.

You guys are doing exactly the opposite of what you wish/dream/claim/delude yourself of. This struggle for ummah has caused us Muslims to divide into groups. You have this delusion all of this brotherhood will become one, not until you mend your ways and become soft and respectful of other Muslims wishes, not until you stop pointing and make someone "wajib-ul-qatal". This heavy handed way of ummah hasnt worked and will not work.

Hosla karein.
I hate religious nuts like Zaravan

you can pin point from his avatar how much brainwashed stone aged thinking he is having
When it comes to the will of God your meant to be unbending, uncompromising

All beliefs are not equal, as muslims there is only one God and Muhammed is his messenger & the Quran is the will of God for humanity to abide by

Any other beliefs and ideologies thus fall into the category of falsehoods

A Muslim may respect the right of a person to believe in whatever they want to (or should atleast) but can never equate all beliefs as equal to that of the will of God.

As a christian i know that there is only one God and he is not Allah but i respect your right to believe in a lie and burn in hell for it in the after life.

Do you like to hear this ?? I believe that your answer is NO.So,pls,respect others and don't push your "truth" as the ultimate "truth".Keep it to yourself,worship what you want and don't ever dare to presume you hold the only righteous path.
As a christian i know that there is only one God and he is not Allah but i respect your right to believe in a lie and burn in hell for it in the after life.

Do you like to hear this ?? I believe that your answer is NO.So,pls,respect others and don't push your "truth" as the ultimate "truth".Keep it to yourself,worship what you want and don't ever dare to presume you hold the only righteous path.

I am perfectly comfortable with your beliefs

As a Muslim I Believe there is only one god, only one path to salvation and the rest of you have no hope if you dont follow this path.

I beleive your christianity is was corrupted although as a muslim I of course respect the prophet Isa (jesus) and the gospels as our own (dont even get me started on the likes of hinduism)

I am perfectly comfortable with you believing the same as a christian, if you believe I will go to hell according to your faith then so be it...

What is bull crap is this hippy nonsense of every path and faith is correct and has its place when most contradict each other
I am perfectly comfortable with your beliefs

As a Muslim I Believe there is only one god, only one path to salvation and the rest of you have no hope if you dont follow this path.

I beleive your christianity is was corrupted although as a muslim I of course respect the prophet Isa (jesus) and the gospels as our own (dont even get me started on the likes of hinduism)

I am perfectly comfortable with you believing the same as a christian, if you believe I will go to hell according to your faith then so be it...

What is bull crap is this hippy nonsense of every path and faith is correct and has its place when most contradict each other

Actually,they don't. Most of them urge us to live a pious life , to do good and respect,help our fellow man.
I personally believe that if you respect these things it doesn't matter that you're a christian,muslim,etc,it will please God anyway.That's what He wants from us in the end,to be decent,good,pious,humble human beings.The form in which we choose to honour Him comes second in importance.My 2 cents.
I am perfectly comfortable with your beliefs

As a Muslim I Believe there is only one god, only one path to salvation and the rest of you have no hope if you dont follow this path.

I beleive your christianity is was corrupted although as a muslim I of course respect the prophet Isa (jesus) and the gospels as our own (dont even get me started on the likes of hinduism)

I am perfectly comfortable with you believing the same as a christian, if you believe I will go to hell according to your faith then so be it...

What is bull crap is this hippy nonsense of every path and faith is correct and has its place when most contradict each other

When it comes to the will of God your meant to be unbending, uncompromising

All beliefs are not equal, as muslims there is only one God and Muhammed is his messenger & the Quran is the will of God for humanity to abide by

Any other beliefs and ideologies thus fall into the category of falsehoods

A Muslim may respect the right of a person to believe in whatever they want to (or should atleast) but can never equate all beliefs as equal to that of the will of God.

I was talking about the need to have an open mind.

All people and cultures of the world have their own doctrines, beliefs and teachings and each should be seen as valid in its own right. Each of us can learn from other views and peoples and none of us have all the answers, know or act 100% correctly, 100% all the time.

In my opinion, the Golden Rule of morality rules over all religious interpretations: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

If one preaches violence and the need to destroy another's culture/religion and its followers, then one violates basic morality as none would wish this done to themselves, and by doing so effectively legitimises the same actions being used against them.

Religion in the hands of an individual can be a comfort and reason to live. However, in the hand of a group or a society religion is too often a form of collective unreason or mass hysteria. And then religion is an excuse, but for a howling mob, almost any excuse can be employed to set the mass hysteria in motion. I would posit that any religion that is not tempered by theology or philosophy is always far more dangerous. A religion that thrives on collectivism and submission to a code of rules is always going to be more primitive, where hate preachers are always going to be able to exploit the primitivism to enact violence and rioting.

For me, apostasy and blasphemy laws that persist in Islam, are the ultimate example of this collective madness, where a whole community enacts its hysterical hate and all share in the murder of the defiler of values. Stoning is another example. A religion that still allows stoning is no better than the form of religion that enacted orders to burn heretics.

Only questioning of religious provenance, doubting the veracity of divine revelations, using rationality, reason and science can ever hope to challenge the innate barbaric potential for mass hysteria and mass crimes that is hardwired into primitive expressions of (organised) religions.
@AUz Agree with most of post #125...except that "Latin" America was ever a viable "market" for Islam. Those people have been rabidly Catholic since the 15th century. At least Protestant denominations that spread there have the edge of being "Christian".

And considering that the Catholicism that was spread was from a Spain that just completed the Reconquista, it was severely anti-Islam. And I know there has been Muslim immigration there, but Christians live in KSA too.....

Nah man..I can understand where you are coming from..but you are talking about today's perspective.

I have looked over statistics of rural Latin America in 1960's etc...Christianity didn't have very strong hold there, if any....There was a pretty big market for Islam there..but now I agree its kinda hard....
@AUz Agree with most of post #125...except that "Latin" America was ever a viable "market" for Islam. Those people have been rabidly Catholic since the 15th century. At least Protestant denominations that spread there have the edge of being "Christian".

And considering that the Catholicism that was spread was from a Spain that just completed the Reconquista, it was severely anti-Islam. And I know there has been Muslim immigration there, but Christians live in KSA too.....

Religion is marketing 101. No product or service can ever equal it.:chilli:

As far as LatAM is concerned Islam gets only one P right..which is Product.
However Place, Price and Promotion are all wrong.

Christianity has been a near perfect monopoly and a monopsony too!....It will be very hard to topple it in LatAM.

Place and Price play an extremely important role in propagation and gain of market share.
The Economist explains: How many people convert to Islam? | The Economist
The article above tacitly mentions that.

Note: I'm agnostic ...and to my orthodox friends...hope I haven't insulted you in any way :-)
Preachers like yourself expose a side of certain Muslims - unfortunately a sizeable chunk - to be unthinking, unbending, uncompromising and unable to come to table viewing others and their beliefs as equals and equally valid. Treating others as equals is essential making progress towards peace. When you are at peace with the world and surrounded by benevolence and affection and with plenty, and have a curious mind, you go out and learn peace in your heart. In this state you can take in knowledge and judge it on its merits, as you do not need a certain view point to be true to maintain your own dignity and esteem and make you feel good at night...because you already do.

On the other hand, when you spew such hatred in the world like you do (which many will take as evidence of the backwardness of the Muslim people), you help create the return of that hatred onto Muslims, many of which, probably the majority, who don't share such bigoted and outdated views.
Mr those who attack and abuse Islam their would be no peace with them but those who don't attack we can have peace
You and others like you celebrate the fact that non-Muslim people will have imposed upon them what you wish, that breaks the Golden Rule of immorality that many of your more moderate co-religionists try to convey in the world. It is the measure of how a being behaves. You behave poorly...what are we to conclude?

Let us examine the spread of Islam you are so happy about.

Muslims have, on average, more children than non-Muslim families (untrue but lets take it as you say). This grows the religion's number, but is an absolute tragedy and immoral act, when it is put in the context of a finite world that is already reaching its capacity to sustain human life. Where every additional human life places pressure on the environment and other species to the point where their quality of life and even chance of survival are constrained.

Secondly, the Muslim faith spreads strongest with those who are uneducated and impoverished. This is not just true of Islam, but generally for all religions historically. Religion tends to be spread among the most downtrodden by evangelists (successful and happy people do not find the need to adopt other peoples belief systems as their own already works for them quiet well.)

Furthermore, the Islamic faith is confronted with the reality that the majority of the human race has moved on from beliefs that originated centuries ago, retaining the core of morality, but coming to realise that whilst there may be a higher power operating in the universe, there may be other explanations for things and not all the world's answers can be found in a single holy book. Confronted by this modernity, a lot of Muslims are moving away from a verbatim understanding of the Quran to a moderate view, trying to integrate their understandings from it with the wider world, wisdom and intelligence of other cultures - to move forward as human beings and not stay mired in the past in a static state -. They still might be counted as Muslims, but they are not people like yourself. These Muslims who you count among your numbers, that will be the majority of Muslims in the nearby future in Australia and other Western countries (following historical precedents). It will not be the kind to wish to impose a sharia for they will recognise the higher truths than that contained in the Islamic scriptures and will recognise that more value and wisdom can be obtained by joining people as equals, rather than seeking to dominate and impose one way.

You need the Islamic faith to be true, because if it wasn't you would feel lost, hence your support for it that can become blind. How can I know these things? You use hate in the way you speak, which lets us know that you have unhappiness, fear and a feeling of inadequacy to the rest of the world. Defensive, pushed into a corner and keen to show that you (and the people you identify with) will win in the end. When you speak of having your culture imposed on another you speak of war. Of the need to resist.

Your destiny is not to impose sharia on others, or to punish all the Jews for that matter. Your destiny, as Allah (supposedly) would wish it, is for you to continue to develop as a human being and be a valued and valuable member of the human community. To do that you have to work with others and be pleasant to others, not inspire hatred.

First of all, feel sorry for talking about nuking Muslims as if being non-Muslim you were rightful to do that. This was the height of being inhuman for killing somebody because he/she was following a faith. Would you agree?

But let me show you some more contradictions if I may

This is the extract of your arguments
  • Muslims have, on average, more children than non-Muslim families. You talk about having more people is bad because it is limiting world's resources. Muslims constitute 23.2% of world's population and Christians stand at 31.59%. So revisit and see who has produced more humans and if we are to reduce human number, we know where we need to begin - BUT - its your argument and I do not agree to that.
  • Uneducated and deprived accept Islam, but later you mention every religion has capitalized on such class of societies, but you stopped short without explaining that why has "other" religions stopped capitalizing on poor anymore? Have other religions stopped existing or are they not a solution to poor anymore? As you mention, Islam is gaining ground in them, there must be a reason why it is happening. Got any explanation?
  • For the bold part, you are on one side happy for Muslims who have stopped following the book (perhapes) and not happy from the newly converting ones or the ones who produce more offsprings. Where is the problem for you? Muslims following book and sticking with basics? If so, you are appreciating deviation from the book which ultimately means developing new rules. Today no Christian (like Muslims) marries their brothers and sisters. If you leave basics, you could marry anybody. But no this is not ethical is it? How about robbing or stabbing somebody on the street? Obviously not a human act and neither Judaism, nor Christianity neither Islam asks you to do any of them. Good that they have common human philosophy. So where does your problem start? Why following some rules in Islam is acceptable and following other from the same book is unwelcomed to the level that you want to "nuke" those who follow? We worship the same God as Christians do.. what hurts you in the whole process?
  • For the blue part, Sharia is law which is fundamentally based on equality and justice. How much do you know Sharia? Today banks are destroying the world and you find anti-bank movements everywhere.. but no one has the alternate except Islamic Sharia. Rape are worst human abuse, no one has solution to it except Sharia. Its a great justice system for all. It talks about being honest, it talks about distribution of wealth, establishes rules for human and social engagement in more modern ways than humanity has yet known. But technically speaking, Sharia is not implemented anywhere in the world at the moment, even then you talk about nuking Muslims. Your problem is not Sharia again, is something else which I will help you reveal. But if you have some problem with Sharia, it must be something specific.
  • Red Part, No we don't need to make something true here. You are more than happy to "dissect and destroy" its legitimacy. Go on and prove its foundation as wrong and its foundation is Quran. Please find a mistake, an unrealistic description or some basic contradiction in it and I will be happy to leave Islam and join you in nuking Muslims. I don't need to defend what is defended by God and I have chosen Islam after long consideration. I know you would run-away like people like you should but if you had stayed, who knows you had a chance.
  • Purple Part, We don't have problems with Jews or Christians. Rather being a Muslim, you can marry with Jews and Christian girls if they were following their book rightfully. We haven't inherited any hatred for anybody through Islam. Our Prophet PBUH as he had signed agreements and peace treaties with Jews and Christians, but if anybody, regardless of what religion he follows, goes hostile, you have to treat hostile as hostile. Historically, Iran is the most anti-Israel state but it has Jew Parliamentarians. Arab world other than those who's land was grabbed by Israel have peaceful relationship with them. But if you conspire against my home, let you be my faith-fellow or blood relation, you will be treated as hostile.. no rocket science here.
  • Green Part, I have no disagreements on that and thanks for repeating the message of Islam. According to FUNDAMENTAL teachings, if you kill a human (regardless what religion or nationality he/she had), you are subjected to capital punishment here in the world and hereafter. Even in wars you cannot kill somebody who is not hostile. Islam values humanity more than anything and human is the subject of Quran. Islam wants to create a society which is balanced, liberal, progressive and supportive to every human being.
Let me give you one little advice, you want to hate Islam.. go for it but hate it after knowing it. Rather take it as a challenge and try to "destroy" Islam bit by bit and let me help you in destroying it. Pick a topic, lets learn what book says, lets destroy those rules in the light of great human experiences and set entire Muslim population of the world free. Are you ready to invest some time and saving humanity from becoming Muslims?
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