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1st Tibetan Olympian wins medal for China


Nov 4, 2011
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1st Tibetan Olympian wins medal for China


The Associated Press

Updated: 9:51 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, 2012

LONDON — On any other day and in any other situation, the Tibetan exiles who gathered excitedly in groups next to Buckingham Palace would never have come to cheer for an athlete wearing the colors of China, a country they regard as their oppressor, a country that invaded and has governed their Himalayan homeland with an iron fist for six decades.

But this was exceptional. Because, apparently for the first time at an Olympics, the athlete was one of them, a Tibetan.

Standing apart but, just this once, both wanting the same thing, groups of Chinese supporters shouted "Jia You!" while the Tibetans yelled "Gyuk!" — both meaning, "Go on!"

The Chinese waved their red flags. The Tibetans waved the flag of Tibet that is banned in China, with a bright yellow sun rising over a snow-clad mountain. They could hear and see each other, but they studiously ignored each other, too.

The athlete — Qieyang Shenjie to the Chinese, Choeyang Kyi for the Tibetans — could hear the yells of encouragement. But she kept her head down and concentrated on not putting a foot wrong. It seemed a fitting metaphor for a Tibetan competing for China, one smart enough not to get sucked into the politics that have swirled around her Olympic participation.

Not only did Qieyang make history for Tibetans, she won a medal, too — bronze in the women's 20-kilometer race walk Saturday. She beamed when she crossed the finish line, a picture of delight. If she felt discomfort at all as a Tibetan in Chinese colors, she didn't show it.

"I'm extremely honored to take part as the first representative of the Tibetans at the Olympic Games and to win a medal," she said.

She said she heard Tibetans encouraging her along the route that went past the residence of Queen Elizabeth II.

"I heard it! Really. I heard a Tibetan cheering me on. At the time, I looked backward but couldn't see who that person was," she said.

But she looked alarmed when asked if she saw the Tibetan flags, shaking her head and refusing to answer.

Because Tibet is ruled by China, it does not have its own team or athletes at the Olympics or other international competitions, like the football World Cup. So, for Tibetans, this was the first time they'd been able to cheer on one of their own. But it also was a shock to some of them to see Qieyang striding past them in Chinese red.

"Am I really cheering for Tibet or China?" wondered Ugyen Choephell, who said his parents fled Tibet in the 1960s to India, where he was born.

Still, he yelled "Choeyang Gyuk!" and was thrilled when she went past.

"Great, really. Very emotional," he said. "History in the making."

If there was another Tibetan at previous Olympics, history has forgotten them. In China, the government-run Xinhua News Agency and other media said Qieyang was the first Tibetan to make a Chinese Olympic team.

Olympic historian Bill Mallon said Tibet has never fielded an Olympic team and that he and other Olympic experts he consulted weren't aware of any previous Tibetan Olympian. The Tibetan government in exile in India said likewise.

"As an individual, we wish her well," said Dicki Choyang, the exiled administration's minister for information and international relations. "She must have put in a lot of effort to reach there. But we are sad that she cannot represent a free Tibet."

"China uses things like this for their political gain. The fact that a Tibetan is participating in the Olympics does not take away anything from the dire situation prevailing inside Tibet," Choyang added.

Qieyang, 21, said she was born in what is now the Chinese province of Qinghai and that her family are Tibetan herders, although she was stumped when asked how many animals they have.

"I can't remember. I haven't been home for many years," she said.

She seemed something of a curiosity to reporters from China who peppered her with questions after the race, won by Russian Elena Lashmanova. They asked Qieyang for a Tibetan song. She refused.

She told them her Tibetan name means "the sun," that she started running as a kid, that she said a Buddhist prayer before the race and that her family isn't well off.

On the blog she keeps, Qieyang said she was sworn in as a member of China's ruling Communist Party in July before coming to London to compete. "Will be making a swear-in speech. A bit excited and a bit nervous," she wrote.

That drew a range of responses from other Chinese bloggers, from those who called her "disgusting" and questioning why she wanted "to join the world's biggest mafia?" and was "boarding the wrong boat" to others who wrote "congrats," ''impressive," ''very good."

She sounded embarrassed when asked why she joined — again, clearly trying not to put a foot wrong.

"Why? I ... I ... How to say? It's all good," she said.

If Qieyang was keeping her real feelings to herself — and it was impossible to know — Tibetans who turned out in support found it hard to believe that she might be happy competing for China, even though she certainly seemed to be.

"For her, I can understand it's a difficult situation. I imagine that the Chinese have given her threats of all sorts. I would think she is brainwashed or forced to do this. There's not much choice for Tibetans in Tibet," said Yangchen Kikhang, a Tibetan born in India.

"As an individual, we are proud of her, but that she is representing China, I'm not happy," she said.

Still, she cheered Qieyang and consoled herself with this thought.

"Inside her head," she said, "she probably thinks she is Tibetan."


Wow, Congratulations on this historical moment for the Tibetan and Chinese people.
Another disgusting china bashing article by another white trash journalist.

She is Chinese.

Did you even read the article?

It's utter f**th
"For her, I can understand it's a difficult situation. I imagine that the Chinese have given her threats of all sorts. I would think she is brainwashed or forced to do this. There's not much choice for Tibetans in Tibet," said Yangchen Kikhang, a Tibetan born in India.
lol, Keep imaging and crying free to bed! What a low life,
Sweet, off-topic, Tibetan brothers/sisters should be more enthusiastic into political right, not only just interested in religion and business.

"For her, I can understand it's a difficult situation. I imagine that the Chinese have given her threats of all sorts. I would think she is brainwashed or forced to do this. There's not much choice for Tibetans in Tibet," said Yangchen Kikhang, a Tibetan born in India.
lol, Keep imaging and crying free to bed! What a low life,

[A Tibetan born in India.]

Posterity of slave owner.
The former serfs of Tibet have risen up against their religious theocracy masters and welcome a new age free from Tibetan superstitutions.
Reminds me of the Korean athlete Sohn Kee-chung who was forced to compete under a Japanese name Son Ketei and perform under the Japanese flag because - he too won a Gold in the 1936 marathon even though he was forced to represent Japan. How terrible it must be to love a sport but being unable to represent your own country in it.

In deed, I hope India can free Sikkim.

It also remembers us of Kashmir.

... of Goa.

Reminds me of the Korean athlete Sohn Kee-chung who was forced to compete under a Japanese name Son Ketei and perform under the Japanese flag because - he too won a Gold in the 1936 marathon even though he was forced to represent Japan. How terrible it must be to love a sport but being unable to represent your own country in it.

She seems to have no problem of enjoying herself going by the two pictures in the OP. Big innocent smiles!

BTW she is running for her country China, go ask your PM if you don't believe it. You believe your PM, do you not?
Obviously the Tibetans in exile are jealous and envious of Qieyang Shenjie. Those exiles living on CIA pay-checks can do nothing but slavery clown jobs, whereas Qieyang Shenjie can fulfill her dream, as a free woman, a member of ruling party of China.

In fact several newly renowned athletes are not rich. But When they make their achievements, they will surely get rewarded financially as well.

Hails to Chinese Qieyang Shenjie for her achievement!
Reminds me of the Korean athlete Sohn Kee-chung who was forced to compete under a Japanese name Son Ketei and perform under the Japanese flag because - he too won a Gold in the 1936 marathon even though he was forced to represent Japan. How terrible it must be to love a sport but being unable to represent your own country in it.

The Sikhs would love to compete as an independent country but your regime murdered thousands upon thousands of innocent Sikhs fighting for their freedom in 'Operation Blue Star'.


In deed, I hope India can free Sikkim.

It also remembers us of Kashmir.

... of Goa.


Of Goa??? LOL. I didn't realize there was a "free from India" movement in Goa. Perhaps the awe inspiring Chinese media can shed light on this freedom movement from Indian hegemony in Goa.

She seems to have no problem of enjoying herself going by the two pictures in the OP. Big innocent smiles!

BTW she is running for her country, go ask your PM if you don't believe it. You believe your PM, do you not?

No, I don't believe my PM. I think he is an @ss.

The Sikhs would love to compete as an independent country but your regime murdered thousands upon thousands of innocent Sikhs fighting for their freedom in 'Operation Blue Star'.

Operation Blue Star - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yes - Operation BlueStar was almost as bad as Tiananmen Sqaure Massacre. Shame how innocent blood is spilled by governments for their own agenda.

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