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1999: UAE to contract 200 PAF pilots to fly latest F-16s block 60

Also if middle east countries are safe today from Israel its just because of Pakistan as we are nuclear power thats y our nuclear bomb is called Islamic bomb and any country before attacking Middle east think's about Pakistan reaction. They now that the survival of Pakistan is their survival so i think they will help Pakistan in case of war

there is an arms race going on in Middle East --especially amongst GCC countries who are wary of Iranian nuclear ambitions.
If there is a war in Middle East i can guarantee you that Pakistan will protect Saudi Arabia at all costs.Why??Because there are Islam 2 most Holiest sites Makkah and Madina.So If our government even would hesitate there so much enormous domestic Pressure to Protect Saudi Arabia that Government and Army would have no Choice Left.Besides Any Muslim would give his life for the Protection of Makkah and Madina.
arabs are not going to war Iraq was fooled for themselves arabs are wise even thought their master is in washington..

The way americans are playing with uae after selling F-16 ..uae would be cautious for the next purchase. Mostly likely candidate for the future is Rafale or EF-2000..glad saudis snubbed us to go for Typhoon..
Why didnt Pakistan bomb Isreal for Palestine and bomb US for Iraq and now Iran??? and bomb iraq when they attacked kuwait????

Whom will Pakistan bomb if there is a war between 2 middle eastern nations??/

Will Pakistan bomb, SAY for example US tries to attack a middle east contry??/

I dun know about anyone but surely if any country tried to attack Saudi Arabia they will surely bomb that country
If there is a war in Middle East i can guarantee you that Pakistan will protect Saudi Arabia at all costs.Why??Because there are Islam 2 most Holiest sites Makkah and Madina.So If our government even would hesitate there so much enormous domestic Pressure to Protect Saudi Arabia that Government and Army would have no Choice Left.Besides Any Muslim would give his life for the Protection of Makkah and Madina.

:pakistan: our army is already there n our SSG commandos are taking care of royal families of KSA:pakistan:
Its their F-16's ; What our defence has to do with it. I will continue to live in this state and will never want to see our enemies to fly / Roam our Skies; What UAE's F-16 has to do with our defence except they are our Richer brothers. Brothers might need help but we need to help oursleves. They will never invest in JF-17 to have their own brand of Muslim Fighter Jets.

Love Pakistan more than myself:pakistan:
Pakistan should refuse this offer , Arabs should change their attitude of nationalism , they should first consider all muslims as part of muslim ummah and should prefer them in all fields , why they only want our pilots only , their should be long term defence and business ,education ,industrial , research and development relationships
Any needless violence is condemnable and doesn't deserve encouragement. Any killer of innocents in this incident deserves punishment. Please ask this question to Indian members as this incident has absolutely NOTHING to do with me.

In this case it is an INTERNAL matter of India and it is therefore out of question for you to involve me in such affairs. Following is some information for you that might make you see that it is not Hindus or rest of the world against Islam but just a bunch of people who take the refuge of religion to satisfy their bloodlust.

The well-known Kashmiri Pandit community was massacred and murdered by Muslim hardliners in 1989. This was done before this world-around-known mosque demolition took place in India. This ethnic cleansing was done by Muslims against several innocent Hindus as well. What do you have to say for this? Do you see me blaming Islam for violence?

No. Because religion is not responsible for the actions of what people do in their blindness of sensibility, whether be it a Muslim or a Hindu or a Christian or whatever. The afore-mentioned incident has been documented with less than 3,000 pandit community living in Kashmir valley today whereas more than 4 million of them have beene exiled due to anti-Hindu pogroms conducted and documented by neutral sources and the testimonies of survivors.

This means Muslim fundamentalists are as much guilty as Hindu fundamentalists are and therefore it is upto both the communities on deciding how to peacefully co-exist without crossing each other's sensitive thresholds.

You say that you are not an Indian but it seems you have more concern about few Hindu's killed in Kashmir than 100,000 innocent kashmiri's killed by Indian Army.
arabs are not going to war Iraq was fooled for themselves arabs are wise even thought their master is in washington..

The way americans are playing with uae after selling F-16 ..uae would be cautious for the next purchase. Mostly likely candidate for the future is Rafale or EF-2000..glad saudis snubbed us to go for Typhoon..

Saudis are also showing interest in Russian equipment now....S-300 and S-400 are in the eyes of KSA....in near future we may also see a SU-30 MKS or SU-35 over there
I don't think you have read the complete news. Swiss have ban on minarets and not the complete mosque. You can built a mosque on swiss land but not a minaret. It was about architecture and not ban on any religion.

Minaret is a crucial part of the Masjid.

in the end, its their country and their laws.......Muslims can just boycott their products (chocolate??)

It just shows lack of tolerance and cultural sensitivity.

Then again, Switzerland was never known for racial equality to begin with. Learn how people of Balkan/Turkic origin are treated there since early 20th century.

No big deal. Just don't patronize these people or engage in any transactions with them. Better than shouting slogans and burning effigys.
I don't think you have read the complete news. Swiss have ban on minarets and not the complete mosque. You can built a mosque on swiss land but not a minaret. It was about architecture and not ban on any religion.

HOW CONVINENT!! when it comes to ISLAM they make a ban on minarates but no no its nothing against islam!! when minarat is a symbol of our religon just like the CROSS! but according to parashamum

Therefore please stop dwelling in a "Islam vs the world" mindset. No one is against any religion; everyone is against fanatic terrorism that serves good for nobody. The sooner you realize it, the sooner it will be better for you

minarates can be banned & so can the abaayas! but when the CHRISTIAN NUN wears similar clothing it is allowed!! while muslim headscarfs are banned!!
Mods check the thread its derailed by some idiot..

purpose of Masjid is Prayers to Allah..it does not matter it the structure has minaret or not and it is not a crucial part.
@parasharum please stop trolling & read what i said instead of replying to someone else on the same topic that i just illustrated about your COUNTRY SWITZERLAND!

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