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1986: How India and China almost went to war

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LOL nobody takes advice from people carrying so many parasites in their bodies from lack of drinking water. :lol:

LOL you think China is hungrier than india? Surely those water-borne parasites from lack of proper drinking water have migrated to your brain.

LOL you have no thermonuclear weapons and you have no medium range ballistic missiles. China can nuke away without any repercussions except "international condemnation."

It's okay. I'd accept not trading with the rest of the world for a decade just for the satisfaction :azn:

slaves of the CPC working in sweat shops tend to know little of the world around them. u are told to believe something that does not exist. i pity you
2. The Hiroshima bomb was 25 kT and destroyed an area equal to 4 square miles or or 10 square km. Shanghai is 9000 square km. Our smallest bombs weigh in at 1 MT, 40 times more powerful.
MIRVed nukes can wipe out Shanghai without needing 40 times the power of Hiroshima. If an urban CMA can have it's water, food and health services destroyed for the long term, 80%+ of the entire city will starve and die within 2 months. This is why the earlier argument that some people wrote about many THOUSANDS of nuclear warheads being needed to destroy China is an absolute joke. The destructive power of a MIRV missile with 10 warheads of 250kt yield each vs a single warhead of 2.5 megatons is probably nearly 10 times more effective. Absent overwhelming technological superiority, military strategies and tactical execution is always more important than the weapons platforms being used.
LOL you have no thermonuclear weapons and you have no medium range ballistic missiles. China can nuke away without any repercussions except "international condemnation."

It's okay. I'd accept not trading with the rest of the world for a decade just for the satisfaction

Text book example of a teen hitting his pube and showing his machismo on the internet. You continue to amaze me sir. ...:tup:

Yes!!! Your nukes can wipe only your own people. So stop flattering about your nukes can wipe china out. If we Chinese nukes you, we make sure you will never get any chances to nukes back. So shut up Indian goofs.

Hahaha....well done my lad..you have sucessfully managed to scare me..:rofl:...Papa Mao says thank you.

1. The government needs strong public support at this time. If it was the difference between losing power and launching a war against India that would increase public support, the choice is obvious. Even if we lost (and we won't lose) the government would win public support for future policies.

2. The Hiroshima bomb was 25 kT and destroyed an area equal to 4 square miles or or 10 square km. Shanghai is 9000 square km. Our smallest bombs weigh in at 1 MT, 40 times more powerful.

Yeah like whatever. We still have Arunachal and will have it tomorow also..
Operation Indian Liberation

-Complete break up of india
-Complete removable of corrupt and oppressive Brahmin regime
-Temporary installment of Muslim government
-Divide india amongst neighboring countries (Pakistan, China, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Kashmir, Goa, etc)
-Distribute indian wealth amongst liberators
-Temporary Marshall law to eradicate all Hindu extremists

The future of india is looking bright.

Operation Pakistan Liberation
-Complete break up of pakistan
-Complete removable of corrupt and oppressive Military/Feudal regime
-Temporary installment of Hindu government
-Divide pakistan amongst neighboring countries (Afghanistan, Iran, India, Sindh, Balochistan etc)
-Distribute pakistani military/feudal wealth amongst liberators
-Temporary Marshall law to eradicate all islamic extremists

The future of pakistan is looking super bright.
MIRVed nukes can wipe out Shanghai without needing 40 times the power of Hiroshima. If an urban CMA can have it's water, food and health services destroyed for the long term, 80%+ of the entire city will starve and die within 2 months. This is why the earlier argument that some people wrote about many THOUSANDS of nuclear warheads being needed to destroy China is an absolute joke. The destructive power of a MIRV missile with 10 warheads of 250kt yield each vs a single warhead of 2.5 megatons is probably nearly 10 times more effective. Absent overwhelming technological superiority, military strategies and tactical execution is always more important than the weapons platforms being used.

That's due to blast power reducing as the cube root of distance, not because of anything else.
LOL nobody takes advice from people carrying so many parasites in their bodies from lack of drinking water. :lol:

LOL you think China is hungrier than india? Surely those water-borne parasites from lack of proper drinking water have migrated to your brain.

LOL you have no thermonuclear weapons and you have no medium range ballistic missiles. China can nuke away without any repercussions except "international condemnation."

It's okay. I'd accept not trading with the rest of the world for a decade just for the satisfaction :azn:

A Chinese talking about eating and drinking habits is akin to a prostitute talking about abstinence given your er dietary preferences and habits. As Indians we understand that in your society, you are not allowed to question your superiors and accept what is force-fed to you by your masters. But don't worry - a few generations down the line we expect Chinese society and people to evolve as India and indeed the rest of the subcontinent help the Chinese overcome teething problems and become a more evolved society likes ours.

Britain wasn't even remotely as important as the United States. Contrary to British self-congratulatory rhetoric, Germany never had a remotely realistic chance of either blockading let alone invading the British Isles. The British navy was simply too strong. Britain on the other hand had zero chance of actually launching an invasion of the European mainland by itself. It was already on a several decades long global decline and had no capability to launch any significant counterattacks to answer the already defeated West European allies. It was American power and American power alone that even made the western front a serious threat to Germany at all and that was only possible because of the primary threat of the Soviets who most likely would have been able to eventually defeat Germany single-handedly. Without the Soviets putting the beatdown on Germany, the war would have probably ended in attrition because Germany could not be defeated by bombings alone and a European mainland invasion would be a slaughter because Germany would have defensive forces multiple times stronger and their air force could be deployed in full force in defense of Germany instead of being assigned mostly to the eastern front.

The USA definitely played a more decisive role but was reluctant to enter the War till Pearl Harbor happened. They did sign the Atlantic Charter and was always leaning toward the Brits but their involvement was initially limited. All I am saying about the Brits is that they held out against German blitzkriegs and the RAF played a major role in convincing Hitler to rather invade Russia than invade Britain.
more over chances are of in near future the question is who would win the big battle would take place a sea for sure and in the air land at last :butcher:
Text book example of a teen hitting his pube and showing his machismo on the internet. You continue to amaze me sir. ...:tup:

Hahaha....well done my lad..you have sucessfully managed to scare me..:rofl:...Papa Mao says thank you.

Yeah like whatever. We still have Arunachal and will have it tomorow also..

The Chinese always make noise but in general rely on others' charity when it comes to what they think is their land. It was the Brits who decided that they will hand over HK back, it was the Portuguese who did it with Macau - the Taiwanese don't appreciate the commie system so the Chinese are waiting with their begging bowls to get it back. Same is the case with Arunachal which they claim belong to them. Their Army can do some minor exercises but that is the extent of their bravery. The Chinese soldier might sodomize a Tibetan monk or rape a Tibetan nun - but that is all they are capable of - nothing more.
Does anyone other than Indians think that they would stand any chance in a war with China??
Does anyone other than Indians think that they would stand any chance in a war with China??

their ministry of defense seemed to think so. not just china, they can kick pakistan a sses too in just 90 days.

The Ministry of Defence instructs the army to remain prepared for a full-scale war lasting up to 90 days. In case of a simultaneous two-front war with China and Pakistan, the army is also tasked with "defeating Pakistan" and "holding China". The defence ministry believes that such a wide ambit will let the army prepare for a full spectrum of conflict, including lesser contingencies.

The Chinese always make noise but in general rely on others' charity when it comes to what they think is their land. It was the Brits who decided that they will hand over HK back, it was the Portuguese who did it with Macau - the Taiwanese don't appreciate the commie system so the Chinese are waiting with their begging bowls to get it back. Same is the case with Arunachal which they claim belong to them. Their Army can do some minor exercises but that is the extent of their bravery. The Chinese soldier might sodomize a Tibetan monk or rape a Tibetan nun - but that is all they are capable of - nothing more.

It is really neavie thinking, If you don't have the power and strength. nobody will give you anything only because of goodwell!
It is really neavie thinking, If you don't have the power and strength. nobody will give you anything only because of goodwell!

Dude, if you are trying to say something - please try and be comprehensible - I am yet to master gibberish.
The expression is "I have yet...". If you're gonna nitpick and insist you have retained the language of your colonial masters better than others, try not to humiliate yourself in the process. But even with your misplaced sense of verbal prowess, you're probably still on the privileged side of the 75% Indian literacy rate, right? Maybe you should do something more productive with your literacy 'privilege' - after all, India's GDP per capita won't be eclipsing Papua New Guinea anytime soon if all her most educated citizens do is troll :laugh:
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