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1971 War: How the US tried to corner India

"We should thank Russia for 1971 as well.Because they threatened to send their carriers to counter USA.Had US forces been on BD,there would be no Bangladesh.We would still have been East Pakistan.Although conditions would be way far from peaceful."

The Russians sent nuke subs to threaten the air craft carrier
Those who claimed to be winners in 1971 war why don’t they attack Pakistan now?? Simply because they are not competent enough to win a decisive war against Pakistan ‘singlehandedly’; they can only in wars by spreading anarchy in other countries. That is what we always try to convey to our BD brothers that by seeking help from India they have created a lot of problems for themselves and we also have to listen a lot of bullshit stuff from the Indians about their so called bravery that they have won a war not by fighting themselves but by spreading anarchy in other country.

They have won a war singlehandedly huh. Those who were defeated by a country smaller in size badly are claiming of winning a war.

Talking about " why cant Ind attack Pak directly instead of spreading anarchy simply because they are not competent enough ", in the same coin, a comment onthe 65 war and the kargil conflict should be a copy paste from your remark "Simply because they are not competent enough to win a decisive war against India (in this case) ‘singlehandedly’; they can only in wars by spreading anarchy in other countries"
There is a great plan called "Divide and Rule". It actually work if applied with thought and care. British proved it and than later on Indian Hindu being good corroborator to Brits learend it and ultimately applied it to Muslims yet unfortunate enough Muslims still out of clue.

It's apparent to me that Indians are proud to disband united Pakistan in 1971 and in this case you should be because you accomplished a ultimate goal. Congratulate yourself for a master plan that was placed rite after 1947 but completed in 1971. It took you just 24 years. It has helped India so many ways that only visible to people who can grasp the bigger picture.

It has been biggest humiliation and lost to Muslim in south Asia and rest of the Islamic world. Some people will never understand the fact that if we could have intact united Pakistan than our Kashmiri, bihari and Assami brother would have joint us long ago with their lands.

We Muslim are famous in the west for expressing our anger with force and resentment without foreseeing the outcome. We act first and think later where it should be other way around. At least I agree with west on that note.

ultimately we Muslims are the looser with big O.:tsk:

Assam is hardcore hindu country mate and so is Bihar.the very reason for insurgency in Assam is due to the allowing of East pakistanis in Assam.
'India won a glorious victory against Pakistan in the 1971 war.

By invading unconcerned and defenseless piece of land..wow..true manliness..while India did not win anything in the western theater.

The threat of US carrier to protect Pakistan was enough to set india some lose motions and exploding a borrowed soviet nuke became a necessity at all cost for the sake of dignity.
"We should thank Russia for 1971 as well.Because they threatened to send their carriers to counter USA.Had US forces been on BD,there would be no Bangladesh.We would still have been East Pakistan.Although conditions would be way far from peaceful."

Ten years on, that same soviet union was shattered to pieces by some rag tag forces..

Pakistan was used to divide India.
Pakistan caused the division of Kashmir
China's rise was greatly assisted by Pakistani diplomacy
Soviet Union collapse is largely credited to Pakistan. Piece of Berlin wall was served to the man who dealth the first blow..

just see how important Pakistan is??

And if it was not for Jinnah, there would be no Bangladesh either today. Your national identity has become "langre looli" due to self conflict of denying history.
By invading unconcerned and defenseless piece of land..wow..true manliness..while India did not win anything in the western theater.

The threat of US carrier to protect Pakistan was enough to set india some lose motions and exploding a borrowed soviet nuke became a necessity at all cost for the sake of dignity.

Ten years on, that same soviet union was shattered to pieces by some rag tag forces..

Pakistan was used to divide India.
Pakistan caused the division of Kashmir
China's rise was greatly assisted by Pakistani diplomacy
Soviet Union collapse is largely credited to Pakistan. Piece of Berlin wall was served to the man who dealth the first blow..

just see how important Pakistan is??

And if it was not for Jinnah, there would be no Bangladesh either today. Your national identity has become "langre looli" due to self conflict of denying history.

Its not good for Pakistan to be used by West and China against India...Islamic empire was ousted from India by the British and not Hindu's. So you are shooting at the wrong guy?
if united states ever had to corner india it wud hav done as swiftly as anything. if india can be beaten in a matter of few weeks by chinese in 1962 with mostly world war 2 equipment and no nukes united states wud hav made quike work of india. basically the soviets sent their fleet to combat any american threat,which wud hav resulted in a clash of a greater scale. moreover east pakistan was also a sort of a base or a backing support for americans in vietnam as india, vietnam,china were all soviet allies or had communist tilts, once wen the americans decided to turn out of vietnam they didnt need east pakistan anymore and thus showed no interest,had they shown interest lik cuban missile crisis the soviets were sure to hav changed their mind,and india (a much weaker country) wud hav done the same.
if united states ever had to corner india it wud hav done as swiftly as anything. if india can be beaten in a matter of few weeks by chinese in 1962 with mostly world war 2 equipment and no nukes united states wud hav made quike work of india. basically the soviets sent their fleet to combat any american threat,which wud hav resulted in a clash of a greater scale. moreover east pakistan was also a sort of a base or a backing support for americans in vietnam as india, vietnam,china were all soviet allies or had communist tilts, once wen the americans decided to turn out of vietnam they didnt need east pakistan anymore and thus showed no interest,had they shown interest lik cuban missile crisis the soviets were sure to hav changed their mind,and india (a much weaker country) wud hav done the same.

There you go again. The PLA was already armed with automated Soviet origin weapons as at that time USSR and China were bonhomie before the Sino-Soviet Split. It was India that fought the war with WW2 era equipment because of an idiotic idealist policy of a fool called Jawaharlal Nehru who rejected new arms shipments from friendly countries before the war to create a "Gandhian state". The fool almost cost us the country. The USA could not make a "quick work" of us simply because of USSR's agreement with us
Its not good for Pakistan to be used by West and China against India...Islamic empire was ousted from India by the British and not Hindu's. So you are shooting at the wrong guy?

You think the Indian kings were sitting still? Islamic empires were never able to hold the territory except for in Mughal maps just before the British came. Kings like Shivaji and warrior saints like Guru Gobind Singh as well as Gurkhas of Nepal and Indian side fought fiercely against Islamic rulers. The Maratha empire at its peak had mauled the Mughals who had weakened. The British simply came and did the cleaning up. So your knowledge isn't entirely correct. Don't take CBSE so seriously, mate. It changes depending on the political party in power.
There is a great plan called "Divide and Rule". It actually work if applied with thought and care. British proved it and than later on Indian Hindu being good corroborator to Brits learend it and ultimately applied it to Muslims yet unfortunate enough Muslims still out of clue.

It's apparent to me that Indians are proud to disband united Pakistan in 1971 and in this case you should be because you accomplished a ultimate goal. Congratulate yourself for a master plan that was placed rite after 1947 but completed in 1971. It took you just 24 years. It has helped India so many ways that only visible to people who can grasp the bigger picture.

It has been biggest humiliation and lost to Muslim in south Asia and rest of the Islamic world. Some people will never understand the fact that if we could have intact united Pakistan than our Kashmiri, bihari and Assami brother would have joint us long ago with their lands.

We Muslim are famous in the west for expressing our anger with force and resentment without foreseeing the outcome. We act first and think later where it should be other way around. At least I agree with west on that note.

ultimately we Muslims are the looser with big O.:tsk:
Wow are you thick? man what is in that brain, the independence of our nation is now a religous matter, since when was this a religous.
Please do not bring religoun into this that is all you do, you do not bring factual evidence instead you try to back it up with religoun.
mukti bahiis were the indian proxies from the very start as were the LTTE, india won war through terrorism, now why complain pakistan when we have our own muktis in kashmir
"We should thank Russia for 1971 as well.Because they threatened to send their carriers to counter USA.Had US forces been on BD,there would be no Bangladesh.We would still have been East Pakistan.Although conditions would be way far from peaceful."

The Russians sent nuke subs to threaten the air craft carrier

yeah, and you think USA would spend even a nickle to save pakistan?? why you think USA would have spend so much resources to help pakistan

the entire bullshitt actually helped india because otherwise pakistan would have fought harder, US intention was to help india and lie to pakistan

and if USA was so eager to help why didnt it helped in 1965
To get record straight, 1971 war was deliberately engineered by India to break Pakistan in two. I have heard a TV interview of Field Marshall Manekshaw, where he says that as soon as refugees started pouring into the West Bengal, Indra Gandhi called him over and asked Manekshaw " What are you going to do about it". During the meeting it was decided to liberate East Pakistan. India then set about setting up training camps for Mukti Bahini and signed a "Mutual Defense Pact" with Russia to preculde any overt attempt by China or US to help Pakistan and knowing full well that in no way Pakistan had the wherewithal to fight on two fronts a thousand miles apart.

There is always an element of disgruntled population in any country, Mujib was able to exploit it. First statement that Mujib gave on reaching Bangla Desh, after his release from prison by Bhutto was " I have been working for seperation for 20 years'.

First seeds of discord were sown when Urdu was declared as national language and there were riots in East Pakistan back in 1948. This is also true that arrogant attitude of West Pakistani beaurocarcy didn't help. But one cannot deny the fact that without active Indian involvement Bangla Desh would not be there.


Mujib was a toy in the hands of Indians. They exploited him correctly from first. They gave Mujib the idea of Bangladesh.
Mujib was a toy in the hands of Indians. They exploited him correctly from first. They gave Mujib the idea of Bangladesh.

o really. it was racist mindset of west pakistanis for whom darker bengali muslims were not fir to rule over fairer western counterparts. itsd as simple as that . :coffee:
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