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1971 war crimes: Bangladesh set to hang JI leader

Please provide proof that he was innocent like a child.

You made the calim of guilt, burden is on you to prove it. So show the proof.

Innocent until proven guilty - prosecution utterly failed to live up to the burden of proof. On the other hand Saheed Kader Mollah legal team showed that govt witness testimony which is what case was based on was a sheer fraud. Every single international and local legal, human rights review said this was an utter farce and Awami League govt has no case and embarked on judicial killing.

Proved in your own court of law...what else do you need in the name of Proof.

Don't talk rubbish that you know nothing about and lower yourself than where you are already.
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I think this is the only execution for BD war crimes. Others will be free very soon once BNP-Jamaat in power next year.

I think more than Pak army the Razakars did maximum massacres.
You made the calim of guilt, burden is on you to prove it. So show the proof.

Innocent until proven guilty - prosecution utterly failed to prove the burden of proof. On the other hand Shaeed Kader Mollah legal team showed that govt witness testimony which is what case was based on was a sheer fraud. Every single international and local legal, human rights review said this was an utter farce and Awami League govt has no case but political vendetta.
The killer was proven and convicted in Bangladesh Courts...
I think this is the only execution for BD war crimes. Others will be free very soon once BNP-Jamaat in power next year.

I think more than Pak army the Razakars did maximum massacres.

Where is proof for your earlier claim?
This is a tradition and people are following it, that do not mean they are all agreeing to the crimes he did to your people.

Thousand of Bangladeshi joined Saheed Kader Mollah ghaibana namaz-e-janaza in Satkhira. Its same picture and grief in all over Bangladesh.

This huge attendance of mass population prove that abdul Qader mulla and the then notorious koshai(butcher ) kader is not the same man . This is surely a judicial killing by Awami league .

Bangladesh hanging of Abdul Kader Mullah risks derailing elections
By Sabir MustafaEditor, BBC Bengali service
Awami League activists celebrate after hearing the news of Abdul Kader Mullah's execution in Dhaka
Bangladesh has entered uncharted territory with the hanging of a top Islamist leader for crimes against humanity committed during the country's independence war in 1971.

The execution of Abdul Kader Mullah came despite dire warnings of civil strife, and in defiance of international calls to stay the execution.

Mullah, a senior leader of Bangladesh's largest Islamist party, Jamaat-e-Islami, was convicted on five counts of murder and genocide by the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT), a domestic court set up three years ago.

The hanging marks a watershed in the country's short but often bloody history. This is the first time a senior politician has been tried in a civil court and hanged for offences committed in 1971.

The ICT has so far convicted 10 people, eight of whom have been given the death sentence.

The ICT said Mullah's crimes included the massacre of unarmed civilians
'Set the country ablaze'
The government has clearly taken a calculated risk in carrying out the sentence at a time when the country is already in the grip of nearly a month-long opposition strike.

A few weeks earlier, Jamaat leaders said they would ''set the country ablaze'' if Mullah was executed.

During the past few days, thousands of mobile phone users have received messages from an unidentified number, warning it would lead to civil war.

The government of Sheikh Hasina had also come under pressure not to carry out the death sentence from the UK, US, the EU and the UN's human rights body. They worry that the hanging could derail delicate negotiations over upcoming general elections scheduled for 5 January.

The government's determination to see through Mullah's trial to the bitter end has also generated great debate in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh police detain a Jamaat-e-Islami activist during a protest in Dhaka in February
Jamaat-e-Islami is aligned to the country's largest opposition party, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). Jamaat has claimed its leaders were being targeted for trial as part of the governing Awami League's efforts to destroy the opposition.

Muted reaction
Jamaat supporters unleashed widespread violence in February when their charismatic leader Delwar Hossain Sayeedi was sentenced to death. Nearly 100 people died in nearly a week of clashes.

However, initial reaction to Mullah's execution has been fairly muted. There have been reports of scattered violence and small-scale protests in some parts of the country, but this was part of a wave of agitation that was already in progress.

For nearly a month, the entire country has been under a rail and road blockade by the BNP and its allies. It has cut off routes between Dhaka and much of the country, including the vital port city of Chittagong.

The BNP has rejected the 5 January date set for general elections, and called for action to bring down Ms Hasina's interim government.

The BNP and its allies want a neutral caretaker government to oversee the polls, arguing that Ms Hasina cannot be trusted to deliver free and fair elections.

Opinion polls, including one commissioned by the Awami League, show overwhelming public support for elections under a neutral government. But at the same time, there is great deal of public disquiet over the opposition's agitation programme, which has left at least 50 people dead since 26 November.

Onlookers gather at the scene of a train derailment in the district of Gaibandha
Most of the dead are ordinary citizens travelling on buses, trains or other public transport, attacked by suspected opposition activists with petrol bombs.

The deepening crisis has generated a speculation about the possibility of a state of emergency being declared.

During a similar crisis in 2007, the military stepped in and installed a caretaker government to carry out political reforms. They failed in that task, but managed to steer the country back to constitutional rule through largely free and fair elections.

The Awami League came to power in 2009 through a landslide victory.

There are fears that, if Mullah's hanging does trigger violent protests on top of the blockades and strikes, then the government would find reason to call in the army. This would end hopes of elections for some time.

Calls for compromise
However, it is possible the government has calculated differently. They are aware of the damage a well-organised and well-funded Jamaat can do. The government is also confident it can tackle the violence with security measures.

And it is possible the BNP may even rein in its smaller coalition partner, and warn Jamaat not to rock the boat. The BNP senses it can win the next elections, if a level playing field is ensured.

The government accuses the BNP of carrying out its agitation as an effort to foil the war crimes trials. The BNP denies this and does not comment on the trials.

The US and countries in the European Union have called for a compromise so that an "inclusive election" can take place, and senior leaders from the two parties have agreed to talk.

Soon, they will have to address the critical question of an interim government that both could live with.

The government appears adamant to go ahead with elections on the scheduled date, but the negotiations suggest they may consider rescheduling the polls.

But the entire negotiating process, fragile as it is, could go completely off the rails if the protests over Mullah's hanging reach the intensity of February's unrest.
BBC News - Bangladesh hanging of Abdul Kader Mullah risks derailing elections
This huge attendance of mass population prove that abdul Qader mulla and the then notorious koshai(butcher ) kader is not the same man . This is surely a judicial killing by Awami league .


Even few months back Abdur Razzak, JI main lawyer said Delower Hossain Saidee is not that killer Delu of 1971. Its just a co incident that all Razakars share same names with Jamaat leaders I think. Its surely AL's ploy against patriot JI. Lets tag every murderer Shaheed and take oath that we will take revenge.
I don't have even slightest sympathy for a mass murderer and rapist. The only thing I feel bad is I don't like to see an old man hanged. Kader Mollah was a criminal. I think its also the judgement of Allah Ta'ala. I doubt he was a Muslim since someone who murders innocent people and rapes women is not considered Muslim. You know there is very harsh Sharia punishment for mass killer and rapist. Beheading and stoning to death. If this incident happened in Saudi Arabia the Arab sheikhs would have executed him by slaughtering.
How can you be so sure that he was a murderer and a rapist?
Go through law books and then you will see what Capital Punishment means and why so much care and absolute evidence is needed before you carry out such sentence. In civilized world there is no such thing that you carry out death sentence just to set aside your political vendetta.

Having said this i would like to ask when Bangladesh will carry out similar justice to those people who murdered and rape non-bangalis in 1971. When you will hang that person whose pictures were published carrying out slaughter of non-bangali prisoners with his bayonet?
Have you ever visited the Behari Migrant camp in Bangladesh? I am sure you will listen to thousands of stories of mass murder and rape carried out by then Mukti Bahini and Indian Army against non-Bengalis. I would love to see justice here also from this War Crime tribunal.
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