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1967- Arab Israeli History Channel documentary

Well, Solomon2 you sound like a reasonable person. So I'll elaborate, I don’t think the Arabs or their armies are capable of such a feat as to wipe Israel off the map. Our Jewish friends fighting for what they consider their God given land were not, are not and won’t be some push-overs. The structure of the Arab nations is inherently flawed, from the way they run the government to the way their Army is organized, recruited and promoted. It has been proved beyond a doubt that with all the surprise and coordination in the world, the Arab armies cannot confront the Israelis as we saw in 1973. This time round the Arabs had all the surprise, all the time to plan, Israelis were off guard, they had time to coordinate, the Israeli economy was in a pathetic state…but guess what? Did the Egyptians even regain half of the land they had lost to Israel? No. Did they in turn lose more land and got their entire 2nd Army surrounded? Had to beg the US to intercede? Yes.

So no Solomon2, Israel was not on the verge of destruction. You don’t want to believe it, sure its your call. But I know what I’m talking about.
Well, Solomon2 you sound like a reasonable person. So I'll elaborate, I don’t think the Arabs or their armies are capable of such a feat as to wipe Israel off the map. Our Jewish friends fighting for what they consider their God given land were not, are not and won’t be some push-overs. The structure of the Arab nations is inherently flawed, from the way they run the government to the way their Army is organized, recruited and promoted. It has been proved beyond a doubt that with all the surprise and coordination in the world, the Arab armies cannot confront the Israelis as we saw in 1973. This time round the Arabs had all the surprise, all the time to plan, Israelis were off guard, they had time to coordinate, the Israeli economy was in a pathetic state…but guess what? Did the Egyptians even regain half of the land they had lost to Israel? No. Did they in turn lose more land and got their entire 2nd Army surrounded? Had to beg the US to intercede? Yes.

So no Solomon2, Israel was not on the verge of destruction. You don’t want to believe it, sure its your call. But I know what I’m talking about.

Good post
for more go to:
I think Kasrkin's argument is fallacious: he argues that Israel wasn't on the verge of destruction before Israel went to war in '67 because Israel survived the 1973 war. That's a red herring.
Except for some technical documentaries, whatever is presented on the History Channel in the name of ‘history’ is falsified. This channel has a habit of making a team of 3 or four people (most of whom are Jews by the way) and make something as a historical reality. So all of the guys here, whatever you watch on this so-called 'History' channel, take it with huge sacs of salt. It is a good ‘fantasy’ channel but not ‘history’ channel at all. Discovery is much better when it comes to the historical documentaries. They also distort the facts but not as much as the History channel.
Except for some technical documentaries, whatever is presented on the History Channel in the name of ‘history’ is falsified.
You seem to be quite a fan, for you must have seen every history program on the History Channel to make such a broad and sweeping statement! Yet if you hold it in such low regard, why do you watch it?

This channel has a habit of making a team of 3 or four people (most of whom are Jews by the way) and make something as a historical reality.
You are trying to disparage the HC, so what purpose is served by mentioning Jews? Is it because you wish to appeal to anti-Semitism to clinch your argument, or because you wish to demean Jews by associating them with "falsification"?
You seem to be quite a fan, for you must have seen every history program on the History Channel to make such a broad and sweeping statement! Yet if you hold it in such low regard, why do you watch it?
Yes it used to be my favorite channel and I have seen all the documentaries on it until recently. Too bad that I do not rely on a single source for gathering information unlike many common American for whom such documentaries are made. And why I watch it? to understand the difference between right and wrong, true and false, one has to see both the sides.

You are trying to disparage the HC, so what purpose is served by mentioning Jews? Is it because you wish to appeal to anti-Semitism to clinch your argument, or because you wish to demean Jews by associating them with "falsification"?
I have nothing to do with anti-Semitism. However, this is also a fact that Zionists love to distort history. Even a number of my Jewish friends have openly admitted this in front of me. To verify what I am saying, all one has to do is to go back, watch the documentary and read the history books in the library regarding the same topic. Compare the two and you'll find how blatantly and shamelessly the historical accounts were falsified in those so-called documentaries by two or at most three so-called Historians.

History Channel is one of the several propaganda channels working for the Zionist agenda.

And please don’t try to hide behind the veil of so called "anti-Semitism". This trick has become very old and ineffective.
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"I think Kasrkin's argument is fallacious: he argues that Israel wasn't on the verge of destruction before Israel went to war in '67 because Israel survived the 1973 war...."

Israel did not merely 'survive' the 1973 war, they thrived in it. This despite so many self-imposed and circumstantial disadvantages. You have no argument to show that the Israelis were on the ‘brink of abyss’ and whatever notions of Arab superiority you maintain to justify your dramatic appraisal, just got washed away by Arab performance in the next round where factors of Israeli ‘luck’ or ‘initiative’ just don’t apply. Things are not as simple or true as an Arab propaganda cartoon.
Well prior to Israel's existence in 1947, the Arab Army's never fought in a 'modern war' they did not possess 'modern armies'.

In fact the Arab Armies have not won any Modern War, with the slight and valid exception of Hezbollah's brilliant resistance and war fighting skills against the Israelis in the Summer of 2006. Their use of the terrain, bunkers, gorilla warfare, anti-tank and anti-aircraft weaponry was superb and outstanding. But the state Armies have not won a single campaign not to mention a Modern War.

When the Arab's fought Israel in 1967, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq all fought and invaded Israel. However, this quantitative and numerical advantage failed to achieve very little. The Israelis on the other hand possessed greater western technology compared to the Arab Armies who were using old WWII Soviet weaponry, tanks, and air crafts, even some air craft recently made (1960's)...

So the technological advantage was key, but one major point that is always missed is the spirit of the two Armies.

The Arab soldier fought to re-gain territory, many fought in Abdul Nasser's ideology of Arab Nationalism. They fought under poorly trained Generals and Officers, who lacked Battle experience and coordination skills.

But the Israeli Soldier, was fighting with a "moral" component to his war. They feel it is their God-given land, they fought in the name of their Religion to defend the land of Judea...This gave them a great morale boost that the common Arab soldier lacked.

In fact after the Arab defeat in 1967, and the demise of Pres. Abdul Nasser, this crushing defeat gave rise to the Islamic battle spirit and Jihaad in the Arab lands.

The Arab's realized the Israeli soldier fights to protect his religion, his Jewish people, his Torah, Synagogues, and the land of ancient Israelites.

The Arab's felt they too must fight with religion guiding their morale in War. This gave boost to Jihaad in the Arab lands. So it was a shift from secular Arab nationalism to a more religious approach and view of Arab politics. I think this is a valid point.
It is needless to say but worth mentioning that today the Final remaining Islamic Power in the World today is Nuclear Power Pakistan. The might of the Arab world militarily is over.

Pakistan, militarily remains the Muslim World's last hope of Military greatness and success.

One may argue Turkey as well, because the Turkish Soldier also understands he is the son/daughter of the Ottoman Empire who waged Jihaad in the name of Allah. The Turkish soldier also understands the Muslim spirit he/she is fighting with. Though because they are officially Secular, the title must be given to Pakistan.

Pakistan is the Last Power and Hope of the Muslim World.

Indeed Allah has blessed this Nation with great Shers to protect it, and great Nuclear Weapons to secure it.

We Pakistanis and Muslims must understand...

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.
I heared from a Saudi f-15 Pilot that US thretend to carry out nuclear strikes at places like Riyadh , Damascus and Cairo if the war continued coz Israeli Army was heavily outnumbered and was left with little suplies to continue that war .
Pakistan, militarily remains the Muslim World's last hope of Military greatness and success.

Pakistan is the Last Power and Hope of the Muslim World.

Please help the Chechnians and others.
Only Pakistan can save the life's of Chechnya Muslims.
. . .
Bismillah irahmaan neera heem

It is needless to say but worth mentioning that today the Final remaining Islamic Power in the World today is Nuclear Power Pakistan. The might of the Arab world militarily is over.

Pakistan, militarily remains the Muslim World's last hope of Military greatness and success.

One may argue Turkey as well, because the Turkish Soldier also understands he is the son/daughter of the Ottoman Empire who waged Jihaad in the name of Allah. The Turkish soldier also understands the Muslim spirit he/she is fighting with. Though because they are officially Secular, the title must be given to Pakistan.

Pakistan is the Last Power and Hope of the Muslim World.

Indeed Allah has blessed this Nation with great Shers to protect it, and great Nuclear Weapons to secure it.

We Pakistanis and Muslims must understand...

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.

I think not A1Kaid

you missed a vital point why Pakistan WONT'T be the Muslim World's last hope of Military greatness and success.

Think why the arab nation went down hill !
Hint: Islam has not even projected properly in this time and our unity of Musilm around the world is a laugh. If Israel is threaded, every western country comes to its aid, when any muslim country is BOMBED namely Lebanon they only got criticism from the Saudi King, King of Jordan and other Muslim how wrong for them to retaliate against the IDF. And thats just touching on the surface.

Ask yourself this what makes a Muslim country Islamic:
1) Is it the people:
a) Who constantly remember Allah, trying their best to keep up with Fasting and
5 time prayers , seeking out Knowledge, having good mannerism and following Islam properly as intended by Allah and practice by Prophet Mohmmed(pbuh), to the best of their(our) ability ?
b) people who only take Islam by name and do nothing else ?
c) twisting the meaning in the Quran and sunnah for beneficial gain or/ and to
please others
d) praying to Allah and at the same time praying towards
a saint or a holy person and asking them for help instead of Allah therefore
committing sherk ?
e) Inducing other forms from other religion into Islam as well other things that are
totally prohibited and against Islam and making it a proper practice in Islam.
f) Just praying 5 times and reading Quran and do nothing else, hoping for the best
g) Just praying 5 times and reading Quran and forcing your version of Islam on
others with a brutal rule and have no regard what the Quran says.
h) to start cruelity for worldly gains

2) The country, that is based upon, Laws, economy, Sharia Law a Khalifa state

3) both 2 and 1a

Consider the fact that Pakistan was created based upon Islam just how Israel was created based upon Judaism, one of them is following its religion properly even when they are not killing people.
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Bismillah irahmaan neera heem

I think not A1Kaid

you missed a vital point why Pakistan WONT'T be the Muslim World's last hope of Military greatness and success.

Think why the arab nation went down hill !
Hint: Islam has not even projected properly in this time and our unity of Musilm around the world is a laugh. If Israel is threaded, every western country comes to its aid, when any muslim country is BOMBED namely Lebanon they only got criticism from the Saudi King, King of Jordan and other Muslim how wrong for them to retaliate against the IDF. And thats just touching on the surface.

Ask yourself this what makes a Muslim country Islamic:
1) Is it the people:
a) Who constantly remember Allah, trying their best to keep up with Fasting and
5 time prayers , seeking out Knowledge, having good mannerism and following Islam properly as intended by Allah and practice by Prophet Mohmmed(pbuh), to the best of their(our) ability ?
b) people who only take Islam by name and do nothing else ?
c) twisting the meaning in the Quran and sunnah for beneficial gain or/ and to
please others
d) praying to Allah and at the same time praying towards
a saint or a holy person and asking them for help instead of Allah therefore
committing sherk ?
e) Inducing other forms from other religion into Islam as well other things that are
totally prohibited and against Islam and making it a proper practice in Islam.
f) Just praying 5 times and reading Quran and do nothing else, hoping for the best
g) Just praying 5 times and reading Quran and forcing your version of Islam on
others with a brutal rule and have no regard what the Quran says.
h) to start cruelity for worldly gains

2) The country, that is based upon, Laws, economy, Sharia Law a Khalifa state

3) both 2 and 1a

Consider the fact that Pakistan was created based upon Islam just how Israel was created based upon Judaism, one of them is following its religion properly even when they are not killing people.

Good point, there is no doubt a true Muslim state is a state that is led by God and follows God's ways in it's affairs.

What you argue is the Islamic status of Pakistan, that is another argument. But if we simply consider Pakistan is considerably a nation that adheres to Islam, maybe not in all directions and affairs, but considerably does, then we can categorize it as Muslim whether true Muslim or not...

In regards to the Pakistani Army, it does appear the Army is religious conscience and operates with a professional yet Islamic attitude and outlook, many Pakistani soldiers attend prayer and guide themselves with the Qu'ran.

Hence, if we look at what we the Muslims have left, we can come to a defense analyst conclusion maybe not a religious conclusion as you are pointing out, hence Pakistan remains the Muslim World's Last Hope for Military Greatness and Success.

The Arab states, their Armies have fail to win a single campaign not to mention a modern war in modern history, for several reasons they faced enemies far greater than them technologically, materially, economically, politically, and more, they simply were outmatched in all categories needed to attain victory.

The Arab Military power has declined period. During the Iraq invasion, the US-led coalition invasion proved something about a typical Arab army. The US tank commanders noticed that many of the Iraqi Tank divisions fled their tanks not even putting up a true fight or an attempt. Now I am no saying cowardness is the reason to blame for all the Arab Armies. But they lack modern military standards.
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