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1962 Sino-Indian War Documentary

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You used the example of the France incident to mock, so I just showed you that two-faced actions affects us all. Also you mocked my education background without have a clue what it was, so I explained it to you slowly. The IT/BPO recent backlash against H1B and Indian outsourcers was to show you that people/nations protest to preserve their interests, not necessarily for greater common good. Just like India protesting attacks in Australia.

Used these examples to show you that it is better to get along and set aside differences. I noticed the enjoyment India media had during the torch relay, it was all over the news. But during the attacks against India in Oz, China supported her.

You really need to wake up to the fact we are NOT your enemy. 1962 was a response to Indian aggression starting in 1957 to create Greater India, aka Akhand Bharat. I only found about this through personal research. It's not me who is being brainwashed about 1962..... :wave:

Again SIF, stop being paranoid, only a very, very insignificantly few people in India believe in 'Akhand Bharat'. They are a few loony, extreme right wing fringe elements who have no electoral base at all. The average Indian has never heard of the concept. However the concept which, while it may not have any significant following in India, seems to be extremely popular outside India. That is because of the propaganda value to unfriendly entities which seek to portray India as an expansionist nation. Nothing can be further from the truth. You claim to be a Buddhist? India is the land where Buddha was born, attained enlightenment and preached initially. Buddha's teachings are deeply ingrained in the Indian psyche. Concepts of non violence and tolerance stem from that.
I am saying that 1962 war would not have happened if China had not been so belligerant and aggressive. They did to India what they dared not do to Britain. What is even more galling is that they tried to pass it off as a case of 'Indian aggression which the Chinese repelled'.
It is a flat lie that the Chinese were welcome by the locals in Arunachal Pradesh in 1962. The locals have nothing in common with the Chinese. They are of Tibettan extraction and Dalai Lama is their God. One can judge their reaction from that.
So far China has done little to show her friendly-ness towards India which you claim. In all major issues at the international level, India has been opposed except where there is mutual coincidence of interests. So lets cut the hype.
Finally, I never intended any personal attack on you. If you have taken it that way, forget it, it was not meant to be. :cheers:
Again SIF, stop being paranoid, only a very, very insignificantly few people in India believe in 'Akhand Bharat'. They are a few loony, extreme right wing fringe elements who have no electoral base at all. The average Indian has never heard of the concept. However the concept which, while it may not have any significant following in India, seems to be extremely popular outside India. That is because of the propaganda value to unfriendly entities which seek to portray India as an expansionist nation. Nothing can be further from the truth. You claim to be a Buddhist? India is the land where Buddha was born, attained enlightenment and preached initially. Buddha's teachings are deeply ingrained in the Indian psyche. Concepts of non violence and tolerance stem from that.
I am saying that 1962 war would not have happened if China had not been so belligerant and aggressive. They did to India what they dared not do to Britain. What is even more galling is that they tried to pass it off as a case of 'Indian aggression which the Chinese repelled'.
It is a flat lie that the Chinese were welcome by the locals in Arunachal Pradesh in 1962. The locals have nothing in common with the Chinese. They are of Tibettan extraction and Dalai Lama is their God. One can judge their reaction from that.
So far China has done little to show her friendly-ness towards India which you claim. In all major issues at the international level, India has been opposed except where there is mutual coincidence of interests. So lets cut the hype.
Finally, I never intended any personal attack on you. If you have taken it that way, forget it, it was not meant to be. :cheers:

Absolutely untrue. Then what is the claim all over TOI (Times of India) and BRF about "taking back Tibet" (as if you ever did own it in the first place), or about taking Pakistan and Afghanistan, or about Greater India that extends from Afghan 'frontiers' to 'Burma', or about being a "Super-Power by 2020"...... don't play ignorant. Akhand Bharat is evident even on nearly all these threads on defence.pk by Indians, just read them.

Secondly, I realize India views China as a major competitor (and thus threat). That is understandable from a business/economics point of view. NASSCOM has publicly stated it is China not Philippines or eastern Europe that is the major future competitor in IT/BPO outsourcing. Nothing wrong with that, I agree with this fear. China has dominating the manufacturing sector. And it is frightening that they may soon dominate IT/BPO, which are so important to the livelihood of Indians. :smitten: But I don't buy this ZERO-SUM GAME, I said it over and over. The pie can be enlarged, everyone can have a bigger share.

Thirdly, exiled Tibetans do NOT view DL as their "god". They are being abused and threatened into silence and submission. But many Tibetans do speak out (you can search for MANY videos of them), and a huge gathering of monks resent and protest how they are be dictated to, and how they are forbidden to worship a deceased Lama (just search for Tibetan Monks Protest Dalai Lama for videos).

Lastly, these Chinese locals are protesting the Illegal Occupation. They are being killed and kidnapped in the middle of the night. The women are being raped and killed. This is an OPEN secret.

You claim Bharat doesn't fantasize about Akhand Bharat, yet why does it occupy foreign lands? You claim 1962 was 'repelling Chinese aggression' then why was India repeatedly annexing Chinese land YEARS prior (against warnings not to)?

Please kind sir, don't take us to be uneducated fools! :agree:
i will again emphasize that you must get your brain cleansed of the f!lth and think clearly. None can compare '71 with '62 as these two are separate stories. Now if you are trying to find and relate the common factor of 'surrender' then i must say you need to learn alot. If we go by your intellect then we may find others like you equating and comparing the US in Afghanistan with the US in Iraq, Baluchistan turmoil with the terrorists residing in the tribal areas, the American defeat with Hitler's blindness in Russia and so on and so forth!

Dude try to 'understand' (if your dumb brain allows) the reasons that lead to the '62 war and the '71 war, also try to 'understand (again if your dumb brain allows)the reasons that lead to your insult in '62 and our mishap in '71, then may be i would take you as a grown up and reply you further.

Till then cling to Google and RIP!:crazy:

noone can compare?? I just did. so what ;-)
webster pakistan
surrender - mane mishap
ex: 1971 pakistan surrendered to india.
note: if it refers to indians it means insult.
The chinese giving food to prisoners is the best comedy.who will believe such prop movies. They overcame us in numbers. how many can one person shoot. they did same in korea to americans.
use google it will give u a wider world vision. THere is always another side of the coin.
Absolutely untrue. Then what is the claim all over TOI (Times of India) and BRF about "taking back Tibet" (as if you ever did own it in the first place), or about taking Pakistan and Afghanistan, or about Greater India that extends from Afghan 'frontiers' to 'Burma', or about being a "Super-Power by 2020"...... don't play ignorant. Akhand Bharat is evident even on nearly all these threads on defence.pk by Indians, just read them.

Secondly, I realize India views China as a major competitor (and thus threat). That is understandable from a business/economics point of view. NASSCOM has publicly stated it is China not Philippines or eastern Europe that is the major future competitor in IT/BPO outsourcing. Nothing wrong with that, I agree with this fear. China has dominating the manufacturing sector. And it is frightening that they may soon dominate IT/BPO, which are so important to the livelihood of Indians. :smitten: But I don't buy this ZERO-SUM GAME, I said it over and over. The pie can be enlarged, everyone can have a bigger share.

Thirdly, exiled Tibetans do NOT view DL as their "god". They are being abused and threatened into silence and submission. But many Tibetans do speak out (you can search for MANY videos of them), and a huge gathering of monks resent and protest how they are be dictated to, and how they are forbidden to worship a deceased Lama (just search for Tibetan Monks Protest Dalai Lama for videos).

Lastly, these Chinese locals are protesting the Illegal Occupation. They are being killed and kidnapped in the middle of the night. The women are being raped and killed. This is an OPEN secret.

You claim Bharat doesn't fantasize about Akhand Bharat, yet why does it occupy foreign lands? You claim 1962 was 'repelling Chinese aggression' then why was India repeatedly annexing Chinese land YEARS prior (against warnings not to)?

Please kind sir, don't take us to be uneducated fools! :agree:

I give up!! Believe what you will. The brain washing goes too deep for remedy. Like someone said, every one is entitled to his opinion.
I agree with you that GOI has brain washed your brain beyond remedy. May I offer one advice that is not related to this.

Life is short. Unless you are some superman you won't be able to influence much what happens at the national level. For a man, his life and family should be his first priority. Worry about getting a good education, a good job, a good wife, and well behaved children. Then retire in comfort knowing you done your best.

Economic Crisis will more important to our lives than these discussion of land dispute of which we have little influence over.
And yet these slave workers in these sweat shops earn more than your "growing middle class". :woot: Secondly DL does NOT speak for all Tibetans or Chinese or Buddhists. And since when is criticism of out-right fraud disallowed??? You condemn totalitarian regimes, yet you believe people are allowed to question the legitimacy of their oppressors/leaders/government??? What kind of fork-tongue is that? :devil:

Mind you I understand that China is progressing and at an incredible pace...but if you expect me to believe that the desolate/starved people from China who work 23 hours a day to earn a few bucks doing unskilled labor are better off than a "growing middle class" Indian professional....I think you're mistaking me for a chinese...coz I dont fall for such...what is the word...oh yes....PROPOGANDA!!!

Please find someone else to sell your story..but dont say this to anyone outside of China...coz you need a laugh....but not someone laughing in your face!!

The Lama frankly brother...I dont care much for...coz what does India have to do with him?..I mean to me he is just a symbol for a struggle....thats it.....Divine power or not....he represents a struggle....just like what Gandhi is to India...so whether he speaks for Tibetans, Chinese..or even if he represents just one person....whoever....what matters is that the world listens....and frankly....that counts a lot more than anything any of us have to say....

I do not have a problem with criticism.....in fact it is the basis for growth...if you dont know what you're doing wrong...how will you make it right???
What I do abhor is outright lies just to prove a point...the kind where lama's have orgies and slaves...thats all that should be taken from here.....

Also....what is this fraud you speak of??? Please elaborate...

Your statement about me condemning totalitarian regimes, yet supporting the right to question the legitimacy of the oppressor is what you call democracy....I dont want to be one of those people who goes on about democracy.....but I will say this....if there is no accountability...then there is the chance of people becoming dictators....many examples in history.....I dont think you need a lesson in that....

If you're referring to the Kashmir issue vs Tibet in the above.....we can go on....I just dont think your statement in the earlier post about the Lama being an oppressor was warranted.....nor can be proven......thats all...

Im sure we will face off over Kashmir soon....till then....:cheers:
Been to India dude. Been to China. What you claim to be "middle class" in India earns only under $1000 a year, and even after factoring cost-of-living that aint much. India alone has nearly half the number of severe poor in the entire world as defined by less than $1.45 a day. Tens of millions of homeless line your streets. A middle class salary in America would be upper 5 or 6-figures. Your boasting, lies and propaganda won't work on an educated foreigner who's travelled the world. :woot: :rofl:

Don't take this as an insult, I bring up the facts to show you that you can't deceive those who know better. Sure you fool a few Americans with fanciful lies, until they come to India and see with their own eyes. The movie Slumdog Millionaire actually showed India in a better light than reality. And nobody works 23 hrs, they won't have time for eating/sleeping/peeing/shitting/resting. :)
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I agree with you that GOI has brain washed your brain beyond remedy. May I offer one advice that is not related to this.

Life is short. Unless you are some superman you won't be able to influence much what happens at the national level. For a man, his life and family should be his first priority. Worry about getting a good education, a good job, a good wife, and well behaved children. Then retire in comfort knowing you done your best.

Economic Crisis will more important to our lives than these discussion of land dispute of which we have little influence over.

I know you will find this hard to believe, but unlike the Chinese, the Indian Govt has no mechanism to brain wash its citizens. You may find it even harder to believe that India has an independant and free media which very much says what it likes and may not always toe the official line. Anyway thanks for the advice, it is an universal one and accepted as such. Wish you well.:wave::wave:
Been to India dude. Been to China. What you claim to be "middle class" in India earns only under $1000 a year, and even after factoring cost-of-living that aint much. India alone has nearly half the number of severe poor in the entire world as defined by less than $1.45 a day. Tens of millions of homeless line your streets. A middle class salary in America would be upper 5 or 6-figures. Your boasting, lies and propaganda won't work on an educated foreigner who's travelled the world. :woot: :rofl:

Don't take this as an insult, I bring up the facts to show you that you can't deceive those who know better. Sure you fool a few Americans with fanciful lies, until they come to India and see with their own eyes. The movie Slumdog Millionaire actually showed India in a better light than reality. And nobody works 23 hrs, they won't have time for eating/sleeping/peeing/shitting/resting. :)

"What you claim to be "middle class" in India earns only under $1000 a year, and even after factoring cost-of-living that aint much."

My maid earns more than $1000 per year. She works in three homes and earns Rs 2000/- from each. Total monthly income - Rs 6000/-. Annual income works out to Rs 72,000/-. $1000 is not worth more than Rs 50,000/-. She pays no taxes and she is hardly middle class. The average Indian middle class salary would be about Rs 50,000/- per month(with only one spouse working),
Rs 6,00,000/- per year or $12,000. So much for your intimate knowledge of India.
I fail to understand why you guys keep pointing out the poverty in India. Dont we know that we are a poor country? We have never claimed that we were rich. Yet, courtesy the Chinese, we have to spend more and more on defense. As otherwise 1962 will be repeated. Nehru learnt it the hard way, when he practically stopped spending on defense in the 50s, that the Chinese could n't be trusted.
Any way I understand your heart bleeds for India's poor, much appreciated.
Been to India dude. Been to China. What you claim to be "middle class" in India earns only under $1000 a year, and even after factoring cost-of-living that aint much. India alone has nearly half the number of severe poor in the entire world as defined by less than $1.45 a day. Tens of millions of homeless line your streets. A middle class salary in America would be upper 5 or 6-figures. Your boasting, lies and propaganda won't work on an educated foreigner who's travelled the world. :woot: :rofl:

Don't take this as an insult, I bring up the facts to show you that you can't deceive those who know better. Sure you fool a few Americans with fanciful lies, until they come to India and see with their own eyes. The movie Slumdog Millionaire actually showed India in a better light than reality. And nobody works 23 hrs, they won't have time for eating/sleeping/peeing/shitting/resting. :)

First off please dont get tangential....so are we discussing Indian Middle class earning less than Chinese slaves, or are we talking about poverty levels in India.....And where did we start to compare middle classes with America??? Please if you're on the defensive at this point...let me know and I will stop responding.....

Friend....where there is a will there is a way....but in your case I see its only the will....Since you're here just to show my country down...I will prove to you how your statement about the Indian Middle class earning $1000 is baseless and outright FLASE.....Lets start shall we...

USD 1000 = Rs 50,000
$1000/Year means on an average an Indian Middle Class Person earns Rs 4166 per month
This also means that this same individual is earning on Rs 138/day.....
Now if the international poverty standard indicates that $2/day is the minimum one needs to be above or on the threshold of Poverty, then that means that the middle class you mention Lives on $2/day....being that $2 = Rs 100.....Lets not get all bent out of shape for Rs 38....any beggar on our streets will throw it your way.....

So let me get this right....either the international community is stupid to be singing praises about the "growing middle class" whose standard of living improves by the day or you're trying to make India look bad through your lies...... Now it is upon you to show me the links to prove where your read about our Middle class earnings....if you cant....swallow your spit and take it in the right spirit....

Now I dont know you personally and wouldnt like to insult you in anyway....but please we werent born yesterday....nor am I from China that I will believe this doodoo.....

Also my friend.....by saying that you're an educated traveller means nothing on this forum....coz the way I see it each one of us here is highly educated has had vast expiriences and probably travelled as much or even more than you......So if thats your argument for proving a point....Come back tomorrow when Im on vacation....

I actually really liked Slumdog Millionaire....Yes it depicts a part of reality...that mind you....exists in China too....but somehow you conviniently ignore in order to show India down...Im proud of that movie which shows hopes for every poor person in India....who despite misfortune....are SO FREAKIN HAPPY!!!!

Thanks for promoting the movie on this forum brother...I encourage everyone to go watch it.....a part of the revenue should go to the slum dwellers...I wish!!!

And I dont want to spread lies in America...I say it how it is....Foreigners love India for its culture/ art/architecture....I dont have to be an Incredible India campaign...But every American friend visiting me has had "the best time of his/her life".....pls come and Ill make sure you expirience the same....

I take my words back about the 23hrs/day....that was gross exhaggeration
Excuse you guys, this has nothing to do with the Indian middle class or how much someone's maid earns annually.

This has to do with a military analysis of the 1962 Sino-Indian War. Stick to the topic or leave.
Excuse you guys, this has nothing to do with the Indian middle class or how much someone's maid earns annually.

This has to do with a military analysis of the 1962 Sino-Indian War. Stick to the topic or leave.

Not a problem sir.....just making sure that facts do not get corrupted...especially in regards to my country....

Thanks and please continue...
Again SIF, stop being paranoid, only a very, very insignificantly few people in India believe in 'Akhand Bharat'. They are a few loony, extreme right wing fringe elements who have no electoral base at all. The average Indian has never heard of the concept. However the concept which, while it may not have any significant following in India, seems to be extremely popular outside India. That is because of the propaganda value to unfriendly entities which seek to portray India as an expansionist nation. Nothing can be further from the truth. You claim to be a Buddhist? India is the land where Buddha was born, attained enlightenment and preached initially. Buddha's teachings are deeply ingrained in the Indian psyche. Concepts of non violence and tolerance stem from that.
I am saying that 1962 war would not have happened if China had not been so belligerant and aggressive. They did to India what they dared not do to Britain. What is even more galling is that they tried to pass it off as a case of 'Indian aggression which the Chinese repelled'.
It is a flat lie that the Chinese were welcome by the locals in Arunachal Pradesh in 1962. The locals have nothing in common with the Chinese. They are of Tibettan extraction and Dalai Lama is their God. One can judge their reaction from that.
So far China has done little to show her friendly-ness towards India which you claim. In all major issues at the international level, India has been opposed except where there is mutual coincidence of interests. So lets cut the hype.
Finally, I never intended any personal attack on you. If you have taken it that way, forget it, it was not meant to be. :cheers:

Lots of false statements.

There are so many third party documentations/studies available for reading and cross-referencing nowadays, wondering how low would a person’s IQ be to prevent him from doing that?

Just a simple list:

Famous British writer Neville Maxwell;
India’s China War by Neville Maxwell

US Department of State:
Declassified document 1969-1972 (check URL out yourself )

Other individuals, media:
rediff.com: The India-China War, 40 Years On

Mentally, who was belligerent?

With their independence on August 14, 1947, the status of the boundaries of India changed from the pawns for the British to play with their imperial rivals, to become the cell walls of a new national identity. The Indian government followed closely the footsteps of the British colonists. In 1949, India sent troops during an uprising in Sikkim and brought the state as a protectorate. In the same year, India signed a treaty to take over Britain’s rights to guide Bhutan in foreign affairs. In 1950, India increased its control over Nepal and consolidated the "chain of protectorates" in the Himalayan states. Towards Tibet, the new Indian Government followed the British mission in encouraging Tibetan separatism. In its strategic and geopolitical thinking inherited from the British, the Indian Government continued the exclusion of China’s authority from Tibet and attempted to increase the Indian influence. The Tibetans hoped that the transfer of British power to the Indians would give them an opportunity to regain the territory that British took from them a century before. In October 1947, they formally requested India to return their territory from Ladakh to Assam, and including Sikkim. The Indians in return simply asked Tibet to continue the relationship on the basis of the previous British Government.
- Maxwell

Note that, the imperial mentality was widely spread among Indian parliament, not without a psychological reason, event to day, and was not just confined to Nehru who actually was initially friendly towards China. (CIA document)

On the contrary, on the Chinese side
Like Nehru, the Chinese Government recognized that good relations were in its best long-term interests, and the Chinese Ambassador conveyed the concern to the Indian Foreign Secretary: "China will not be so foolish as to antagonize the United States in the east and again to antagonize India in the west."

I believe the ground reality that caused the 1962 conflict is that: as PLA matched into Tibet, Tibetan rebellions flew into India after the failed riot of 1959. Those rioters kept harassing PLA and liberated Tibetan serfs. PLA pursuit them crossing the boarder which was, and is, never clearly defined. Indian army and PLA sometimes fired at each other.

With rhetoric stripped, all sources show that: it doesn’t have to be a commie to conclude that Nehru, being surrounded by a bunch of incompetent but imperialistic Indian politicians, believed China wouldn’t or dared not to retaliate if he kept executing his “forward policy”.

It is a history tragedy.

It is more worrisome today to see that, submerged under massive blind hatred fanned up by decade long unrelenting anti-China propaganda, GoI still refuses to negotiate boarder problem, holding a position that Nehru and his politicians held, in a self-comforting claim that the boarder problem is already solved or has never been existent. :lol:

Let me repeat my conclusion which I voiced numerous times worldwide: it does more damage to India than to China. And that is probably one of many reasons that China was less developed than India in 1950s but now is more developed.

What a pity!
Lots of false statements.

There are so many third party documentations/studies available for reading and cross-referencing nowadays, wondering how low would a person’s IQ be to prevent him from doing that?

Just a simple list:

Famous British writer Neville Maxwell;
India’s China War by Neville Maxwell

US Department of State:
Declassified document 1969-1972 (check URL out yourself )

Other individuals, media:
rediff.com: The India-China War, 40 Years On

Mentally, who was belligerent?

Note that, the imperial mentality was widely spread among Indian parliament, not without a psychological reason, event to day, and was not just confined to Nehru who actually was initially friendly towards China. (CIA document)

On the contrary, on the Chinese side

I believe the ground reality that caused the 1962 conflict is that: as PLA matched into Tibet, Tibetan rebellions flew into India after the failed riot of 1959. Those rioters kept harassing PLA and liberated Tibetan serfs. PLA pursuit them crossing the boarder which was, and is, never clearly defined. Indian army and PLA sometimes fired at each other.

With rhetoric stripped, all sources show that: it doesn’t have to be a commie to conclude that Nehru, being surrounded by a bunch of incompetent but imperialistic Indian politicians, believed China wouldn’t or dared not to retaliate if he kept executing his “forward policy”.

It is a history tragedy.

It is more worrisome today to see that, submerged under massive blind hatred fanned up by decade long unrelenting anti-China propaganda, GoI still refuses to negotiate boarder problem, holding a position that Nehru and his politicians held, in a self-comforting claim that the boarder problem is already solved or has never been existent. :lol:

Let me repeat my conclusion which I voiced numerous times worldwide: it does more damage to India than to China. And that is probably one of many reasons that China was less developed than India in 1950s but now is more developed.

What a pity!

Of course you are right and I am wrong, I admit that. I also admit the following:-
1. China was right in surreptiously occupying Aksaichin. There was nothing imperialistic about this.
2. China was right in forcibly occupying Tibet and driving millions of refugees into an already impoverished India. Again nothing imperialistic about this.
3. China was right in brow beating India about the presence of those very Tibetan refugees it had caused to be driven to India. Nothing wrong about it.
4. China was right about building roads through Tibet to the Indian borders in preparation for the forthcoming war, while their leaders talked of peaceful co-existance with India. Nothing deceitful about it.
5. India was wrong in protesting about Tibet and Aksaichin.
6. India was wrong in assuming that Mr McMohan the British foreign secretary was right when he showed to India the marked map depicting the borders between India and Tibet in Arunachal Pradesh when the British left India. How imperialistic of India.
7. India was wrong in believing that what happened in Aksaichin could be repeated in the East by the Chinese and so the borders needed to be safeguarded by physical presence. How very presumptious of India.
8. India was totally wrong in not giving in to the Chinese demands of territories India believed to be its own. How very arrogant of India.
9. Of course China was right in demanding lands right upto Tejpur on the foot hills deep inside India. Why didn't the foolish Indians just give in? The displaced people could just have jumped into the Bay of Bengal.

Of course you are right. I will just say what I have said before. Every one is entitled to his opinion. To you, the sources you have qouted may be God's words but to me they are not worth the paper they are printed on.
You have also adequately demonstrated your intellectual prowess by calling the Indian prime minister's cabinet "A bunch of incompetent but imperialistic Indian politicians". You also do us the great honour by implying that Indians are morons who are "Submerged under massive blind hatred fanned up by decade long unrelenting anti-China propaganda of GOI". You forget that India is not China and the Indian Government does not indulge in propaganda.
You dont fool anyone with your intellectual pronouncements. We know you for what you are. You have showed your self in your true light, there is no need for me to stoop to your level by questioning your IQ. Just drop the fake selfrighteous air you seem to be sporting.
Honestly, where did you crawl out of?
Lots of false statements.

Mentally, who was belligerent?

Note that, the imperial mentality was widely spread among Indian parliament, not without a psychological reason, event to day, and was not just confined to Nehru who actually was initially friendly towards China. (CIA document)

Notice - no change in national policy on ' fundamentals " ??

It is more worrisome today to see that, submerged under massive blind hatred fanned up by decade long unrelenting anti-China propaganda, GoI still refuses to negotiate boarder problem, holding a position that Nehru and his politicians held, in a self-comforting claim that the boarder problem is already solved or has never been existent. :lol:

Let me repeat my conclusion which I voiced numerous times worldwide: it does more damage to India than to China. And that is probably one of many reasons that China was less developed than India in 1950s but now is more developed.

What a pity!

Thanks for your concern , deeply appreciated. However let Indians decide whats good for them.

As rgds development, if India was a single party country and had no democracy things would have been diff.

But we are happy to muddle along.:what:
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