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188 killed, 436 injured in 28 bomb attacks across Pakistan in Septembe

India is the reason for terrorism in Pakistan in the first place, Pakistan ISI and Military groomed militants and terrorist to use against India. Now Pakistan love affair with terrorism has soured and they are in the receiving end.

Pakistan still considers terrorist attacker on any other county then Pakistan especially the USA and Israel as heroes and martyrs.

Its a little hard to sell rather unintelligent religious bigots that its Martydrdom and Heroic to attack people of other countries that you don't like but not OK to attack people and places in your own country you don't agree with. Bible says you reap what you sow, enjoy the whirlwind Pakistan. It looks like Pakistan love affair with terrorism is coming to an end.

no sir your wrong pakistanies as they are groomed will never give up on waging Holy Jihad against the so called masharkiens or infidels they cant as they are a nation run on hope for devine revenge = Gazwa E hind
It is safe to say that these terrorists are fully focused on destabilizing the region with their acts of terror. Pakistan in particular continues to face the wrath of terrorism. Terrorist organizations like the TTP continue to push their deadly agenda forward. We share a common stance against terrorism, and our nations are committed to restoring peace in the region. The need of the hour is to remain united against those who are working against our peace objectives in the region. We’ve come too far to let these terrorists succeed with their evil mission. We must serve justice to those killed in these acts of terror. We will continue to support the government of Pakistan, and hope to combine our strength against our common enemies in the region.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
What surprises me is that despite being a sufferer of so much terrorism, some Pakistanis still find it in them to call terror attacks in India, a drama.. Really shameful..

My heart goes out to families whose reality of existence changed in matter of seconds by losing a father, mother, brother, son or a sister..

And the frequency is just too unsettling...
That is exactly why they call it a drama. They have been desensitized to bomb blasts, death and mystery .
It is safe to say that these terrorists are fully focused on destabilizing the region with their acts of terror. Pakistan in particular continues to face the wrath of terrorism. Terrorist organizations like the TTP continue to push their deadly agenda forward. We share a common stance against terrorism, and our nations are committed to restoring peace in the region. The need of the hour is to remain united against those who are working against our peace objectives in the region. We’ve come too far to let these terrorists succeed with their evil mission. We must serve justice to those killed in these acts of terror. We will continue to support the government of Pakistan, and hope to combine our strength against our common enemies in the region.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command

Umm, Dear Sir

I regret to inform you that from my limited knowledge of Pakistani mentality (based mostly on my observation of the average Pakistani here on PDF and from my interaction with a few Pakistanis here in Africa), they umm seem to blame your country and your government for all the terrorist woes which they have in their country. Not that I agree with their assumption off course since I have limited or no patience for a nation with a victim mentality :D


It is safe to say that these terrorists are fully focused on destabilizing the region with their acts of terror. Pakistan in particular continues to face the wrath of terrorism. Terrorist organizations like the TTP continue to push their deadly agenda forward. We share a common stance against terrorism, and our nations are committed to restoring peace in the region. The need of the hour is to remain united against those who are working against our peace objectives in the region. We’ve come too far to let these terrorists succeed with their evil mission. We must serve justice to those killed in these acts of terror. We will continue to support the government of Pakistan, and hope to combine our strength against our common enemies in the region.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command

One thing you have to remember many, maybe most of these people even don't really have an ideology, they are mainly criminals and thugs gangs that prefer live by extortion and drugs as well as being feared in the areas where they live. Religion is just their cover and excuse.
I think if it had happened in any other country they would have declared emergency straight on...people of pakistan are only hope for their country
Stupid Indians and their rats causing violence in Pakistan. Fear not, we will return the favor and most likely with interest... *HEADSHOT*
A question to Pakistani: Is there any govt. list of records where details of each blast is recorded for future reference? Is that record is in public domain. Thanks
yet Pakistani Govt finds enough reason to continue peace talk with these murderers???God help Pakistan if the Peace Talk boomerangs and in the meantime,TTP gathers enough force to struck more harder by gathering resources and manpower in this "Peace Time"..remember LTTE's ploy guys??kill these murderers,only then peace can prevail,not by holding so called BS "P(!ss) Talk"..this kind of Peace Talk only recognize these murderers as victors...
It is safe to say that these terrorists are fully focused on destabilizing the region with their acts of terror. Pakistan in particular continues to face the wrath of terrorism. Terrorist organizations like the TTP continue to push their deadly agenda forward. We share a common stance against terrorism, and our nations are committed to restoring peace in the region. The need of the hour is to remain united against those who are working against our peace objectives in the region. We’ve come too far to let these terrorists succeed with their evil mission. We must serve justice to those killed in these acts of terror. We will continue to support the government of Pakistan, and hope to combine our strength against our common enemies in the region.

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command

Great !

Eight lines written and nothing said .

The same stereotyped cliched phrases with no substance in them.

Change your script writer please.

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