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1864-2014 Circassian Genocide Olympics

Mathematics was not invented by Greeks or Europeans for that matter. Babylonians and Egyptians invented math millenniums before Greeks even could count to 10. Greeks didn't invent one pilar of civilization or invented one science. It was all invented by middle eastern civilizations. Any way, I can't keep correcting you. This is getting off topic.

Of course they did , just you don`t like Greeks for known reasons. Modern state as we know it (it`s functions and roles) and accepted globally by every culture ( also adding their attributes , Chinese for example) are product of Greek civilization.

The greatest contributors to civilization form Arab-Islamic science are Ibn Rushd (Averroes or Great Translator) and Ibn Khaldun , which works , ironically are implemented fully by European Christians rather than their fellow Muslims.
Of course they did , just you don`t like Greeks for known reasons. Modern state as we know it (it`s functions and roles) and accepted globally by every culture ( also adding their attributes , Chinese for example) are product of Greek civilization.

The greatest contributors to civilization form Arab-Islamic science are Ibn Rushd (Averroes or Great Translator) and Ibn Khaldun , which works , ironically are implemented fully by European Christians rather than their fellow Muslims.
Instead of bragging and doing demagogy. Just tell me which science and pilar of civilization they invented? The key word is invented, not contributed.

Civilization was invented in Middle East. Whole of Europe was Stone Age hole when civilizations were thriving in Mid East. Greece didn't even exist when these sciences were invented. Haha.

Greeks didn't invent anything. They just copy pasted from their neighbors, it is not a coincidence Greece is very close to Mid East. Philosophy, math, cosmology and all sciences were present when your Greeks entered the wild scene,

It is not hating somebody when you tell the truth. It is just the truth.
Civilization was invented in Middle East. Whole of Europe was Stone Age hole when civilizations were thriving in Mid East. Greece didn't even exist when these sciences were invented. Haha.

Greeks didn't invent anything. They just copy pasted from their neighbors, it is not a coincidence Greece is very close to Mid East. Philosophy, math, cosmology and all sciences were present when your Greeks entered the wild scene,

It is not hating somebody when you tell the truth. It is just the truth.

Nobody denies that civilizations origin lies in Middle east. I certainly didn`t claim otherwise.

You should find yourself what Greeks invented , it maybe surprises you. Maybe it is you who don`t want to accept that people you don`t like gave a lot to humanity.

I also do know that most of Turks do separate this and their conflict with Greeks in rational way , surely Turkey will not stop using combine harvester because it uses Archimedes screw and return to manual labour ;)
Well, in a civilized debate you provide evidence. Posting racist blogs about Turks and plane lies and then expecting us to accept it on face value is just ridiculous.

In a civilized debate people do post sources, and i have, while you have not. Also go back and read my sources, many of them were not Armenian, so now again, disprove that the Armenian Genocide happened or stay quite. Sources where are they?

Where are the bones of Armenians? You try to distract the attention of this thread. The bones of Circassians are found but Russia is running away from its crimes against humanity. It is disgusting.

Do you want me to ship a crate to your home? Google Armenian Genocide and you will see countless pictures and links. Like i said there is far....far more evidence for the Armenian Genocide them there is for the Circassian Genocide yet you deny the one with the most evidence.

I already told you those sources are crap. They are written by a Bulgarian. No sources or anything were used. It is just fairy tale for their nationalistic vision. Bad sources are sources but I don't have to accept them. You don't know history but even more you don't know the differences between a good and bad source.

:lol: Every source i have posted seems to be crap. I guess if it's not a Turkish source then it is crap.

We don't deny anything. You can't deny something that didn't happen, you are just accusing Muslims because you want to distract the attention of this thread which is Russia's crimes against Circassians and Muslims.

Yea, sure you don't.....
Nature of Jesus? Don't tell me you believe that jesus was a 'god' and a 'man' and a 'god-man' together but was separate from holy ghost who was also god..but he was separate from father..who was also god..but god is not three, but god is one.

You see how utterly laughable it sounds? Clearly not from god.

You can have an opinion but don't insult. The Trinity can be proven with infinite dimensions as well as your human form. Let me explain, you have a body, soul, and spirt, these are 3 separate things yet you are one. Muslims look at things in a human perspective which is constrained to our finite minds. Remember you yourself are made up of 3 parts but are one, it makes no sense from a mathematical perspective but it is true unless you deny you have a soul and a spirit? In which case that disproves an afterlife. God can not be comprehended, even the Quran states this and he can not be a unitarian being, if he was he can not be everywhere, see everyone, know everything. A unitarian god is a simple, easy to understand god which is not a god at all but a man made concept which man created to satisfy his finite mind that can not grasp the real god.

Another way to look at it is a 3 dimensional cube and a simple 2 dimensional square. A cube has six different sides but it is one, on the other hand, a square is limited to only one side. If a square emits light it can only shine it in a 2 dimensional manner with one beam, on the other hand, a cube can shine in all directions.

You have to understand that Jesus is seen as a prophet in Islam and Islam even states that he was born of a virgin, he did perform miracle, and he will have a second coming.

On top of all of that he was prophesied hundreds of years before his birth and just as amazing he made predictions which all came true. Now tell me what other prophets were born a virgin birth? What other prophets were prophesied hundreds of years prior to their births? What other prophets had the authority that Jesus had? The answer is none...zero.

It's clear that jesus was far more then just a prophet. His birth was just one of many things that clearly distinguishes him apart from all other real and fake prophets. If Jesus had no earthly father then he clearly had a heavenly father. Now tell me why no other prophet was born a virgin? Or why Jesus was the only one that did not sin? Or why he and no one else will have a second coming? Jesus was 100% man but he 100% god, that is god decided to come to earth and take the form of a man. In his human form he could do nothing, in his spirit he could do anything and he proved this by making true predictions, healing the sick, walking on water, casting out demons, resurrecting ect.

Your prophet jesus said the following:

John 4:16 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Notice he said "no one", this means that Jesus is the only way; you can't get to heaven through Marry, Moses, the pope, Tom Cruise and any prophet. He clearly is different from anyone else.

This next verse is even more interesting:

John 14:7-10 [7] If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." [8] Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us." [9] Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, `Show us the Father'? [10] Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.

Jesus said he is the father. Jesus is who he said he is and he proved it by his miracle birth and miracle powers. Your own prophet said this. Jesus was clear, he is the father.
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@ptldM3 Nice post but i'm afraid you're wasting your time with that guy.I avoided entering into a teological debate with him because i know he's hell bent on insults and nothing good will come of it.If he wanted to get informed he would know that christians didn't just accept the nature of Jesus as an absolute truth but had many councils and teological debates on his nature and role.
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